Let the world burn. Society is a spectator sport and I’m changing teams. If I can’t beat them, join them. XHail Trump
Personal Journey
These posts are more personal in nature. I discuss my ongoing goal to be happy and the various steps forward or backwards along the way. Although this isn’t specifically about my drug life, they are a part of my journey so they are mentioned in many posts.
The Big Dream Project
When I was talking about this project to chat gpt I compared it to building a boat in your driveway although I was thinking of the NCIS story where he built a boat in his basement over the course of many years. The point had nothing to do with boats but just that having a long term project with a goal and hope wasn't a bad idea and it is something I've never actually done before. Unfortunately...

Post Birthday Blues
I'm doing ok. I finally had the nerve to ask about my drug use and the fact that everyone in the house is aware I use drugs. I'm not certain they understand it's meth but it's not vital since they seem somewhat accepting of it regardless. I'm a little concerned it may have been one straw in the acceptance of annoyances the man can handle. The married couple I live with are amazingly...

Keeping busy
A happier life update than im used to. keeping busy is the key when living in a lonely environment

Friday. Birthday Eve
I've been far more conscious of how good I have it now that I am living with the security of a home and food. At the exact same time, I am continuously aware of how unfair it is to be in this position of advantage. Basically, I'm costing the couple that has given me this place to call home, a financial burden. I simultaneously love and hate that. I'm also torn between my loneliness and drug use....

Thanks were given
I was in a good mood today and I hardly ever worried about my place and future today. It is Thanksgiving and I remembered that everyone has shit and baggage and existing without bothering people too much is acceptable if you are trying. I'm trying. I'm acceptable for now. It's a masked depression but it will suffice.

Infectious Depression
A spontaneous sadness overtook me after declining an offer for Saturday adventures on a Thursday. They try. I fail.

Sessions with a bad AI Therapist
A session with my AI therapist Pi.ai where I talk about my life in the moment

Fake People Talking in a Deep Dive
An audio deep dive Podcast all about me – OrangeJeff.

Old person pain
Blog about my new pain. I whine too much

My own cult
A blog post that just came to me as I was sitting on the toilet this morning thinking about life the universe and everything.

Building Anxiety
It will be my one year anniversary of the day I ran away. I have created a scenario in my head filled with doom. the day some straw is the last. The day it's too much and yell at me. Or a disappointment conversation. I could be evicted restricted or other reaction because I don't want to break first now. 7am. Noticably high for the speech about my new task. An in hall conversation that I should...
Read moreI don’t know how I will solve it yet but I will. It’s what I do. Staying close to the ground that others may call rock bottom. Scrounging for solutions.

2am choice
alternate titles for this blog. Keeping busy to avoid thinking I gave up keeping track of sleep My Sleep App asked me about my plug I had 20 tabs open on Lipsync puppets. Time to switch obsessions. I'm not high. I think I used this morning before 8... Oh yeah. I just remembered the decent line I snorted at 3 that made me pleasant the rest of the day. This will be my fourth ounce without a real...

Wednesday’s posts on Thursday – OOPS
An attempt to talk about the good things that happened yesterday but as soon as I started recording, I forgot it all.

Living a perfect life isn’t normal. Who knew
A 6 minute ramble about my life.

503 Bitcoin error
Was my site hacked or just being copied?

Empty House. I clean-ish up
As I typed this blog I started to realize all sorts of new things about myself, most of which were not all happy cloud thoughts. It is deeply self reflecting.

This Phase.
Just now I remembered something. I've been here before, and by here I mean this phase of being a daily user. I remember it's happened similarly before. I'm not sure when, or how often I have repeated this part of the drug user loop. I felt good and more confident and I started reflecting on...

My to-do list is a wish list
Recently I'm discovering more about how my unconscious brain is holding me back because of fear. I'm so afraid of failing and disappointing and someone yelling at me that I don't even try. I don't even want to disappoint myself and I have come to believe that I will if I complete projects. When I start them they're exciting but if I finish them they are open to be judged and I will be...

The Blog’s I don’t write
One of the main frustrations I go through when ruminating over my life is how many amazing ideas and blogs and personal journey stories that go through my head when I'm laying in bed or when I'm resting between work tasks, knowing that I will never really write them down or record them to video. I got diagnosed a while back with avoidance personality disorder because it's easy for me to not...

Comparing Better
There is no denying that living in a bedroom that is almost 100° f is a bed that is infested with bed bugs that eat away at you each night by the hundreds in a house owned by an unpredictable control freak with lots of issues is not a healthy environment. My current home is not by any comparison a bad living environment. But I'm still me, and that's where my problems start. I'm the problem. It's...

Trying hard to not feel bad
As one chapter ends, a new life begins. Living out of a knapsack at age 60

The Wednesday Overwhelming
I didn't get much done today, and I really needed to. its Wednesday and I had tentatively planned to visit Toronto one last time before moving thousands of kilometres away to the next chapter in my life story. I decided to make this chapter a fresh break in a new province and move without taking things with me. Without taking my chest of memories and my toys and gadgets and computers. The last...

Friday Night Lockout
I'm not sure whether things like this are intentional or not, and I'm not sure how to react or what to do because I like to not be a bother and rock the boat. This is especially true right now because he's decided to be angry with me this month. Little things will certainly poke the bear and set off another rage fest. I didn't think he was still baracading the back door, but I guess I was wrong....

8:23pm came with a side of sadness.
I've been doing ok with life. I know I'm doing poorly and only getting a few tasks done per day. By around 3pm I nap or just stare at the ceiling. Later in the afternoon, I start TV and get a few shows in before sleep. More accurately, before I lay still awaiting sleep. Since Sunday I've been taking a nighttime Benadryl for allergic relief against the bed bugs, but it also makes me drowsy enough...

Don’t stall till Friday… Don’t stall till Friday
I have to chant this over and over. Don't stall till Friday. Today, at 8:31 a.m., I called the power company and pleaded with them to give me an extra week. Today was the last day before we got our disconnect notice and I still don't have any idea how I'll come up with the 1100 dollars needed to keep the electricity on but it won't be disconnected today. Sadly they'll be calling my landlord and...

I’ll do it right after a quick nap
My social media feeds these days are all filled with people talking about their ADHD symptoms. It's trending to be autistic apparently which makes it all the more difficult for people who have known about this for years. Now when I complain about ADHD symptoms, people tend to think I'm jumping on a bandwagon or making excuses. Today is a holiday Monday and tomorrow my electricity may be...

Oops. 4pm was too late.
I procrastinate for all kinds of reasons. Different diagnoses come up with different reasons or justifications. ADHD explains it away and avoidance disorder explains it away. Sometimes it's just my overall fear of letting people down and being yelled at. Today I procrastinated for multiple reasons including financial reasons. I have delayed calling the power company and asking for an extension....

I have some emotions. Sadness Mostly.
I don't think about depression the same way anymore. I think about life more with sadness and frustration than I think about depression but I think it's all the same. I can't imagine what I'd be like if I wasn't taking my paxil daily. It allows me to be happy in the moments, masking the true disabling depression in such a way that allows me to continue . I can smile, laugh and joke around at the...
Read moreIt is a hell I have accepted and adapted to but something really should change because enjoying life is hard from here.

A lot of forgetting this weekend.
I decided it was time to blog about my wild weekend since they don't happen very often. The landlord had invited his son over and we sat in the kitchen the three of us and got super high on weed and lines of coke. Lots of lines of coke.. I didn't sleep Friday but I did sleep in Saturday and then Sunday I took two of the Tesla Molly pills that I absolutely love. They are my favorite drug I just...

I’m Chicken
I wish I had the nerve and the talent to properly express myself on websites and figure out how to meet people and mingle. I am a 59-year-old male with excellent communication skills. I'm a nice guy but I am asexual and have never really experienced passion or horniness or sex. I'm awkward. I react differently than people expect to just above every social situation and have a fear of asking for...

Another secret attempt at sharing
I'm almost 60 and about to stop using meth again. It puts my mind in a reflective mood reevaluating who I am, and what things I missed that might still be possible. It's part of a recurring trick my brain starts playing in an attempt to justify buying more drugs. I try to convince myself there are tasks I would be doing if I had the focus high. In this case, it's about some of the social...