
The itch

The itch

I can't fully explain it but it seems consistent enough that I am suspicious it may be drug related. It could just as easily be in my head that it is and so the symptoms line up. All day I can work and walk and lay in bed just fine. When I try to go to sleep my legs start to feel itchy. Below the...

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Mid day report

Mid day report

Animals fed. I'm still sleeping in hour long increments bit I feel rested more. I want to sleep again. My body is sore. I briefly reached a point that is common among drug users the day they quit or shortly after. You'd look around and without that high, you see the...

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Health Update

Health Update

I have not felt right for a week or so. I thought it was various things but as I sit here on the toilet logging I realized. I've been peeing more than usual but not unloading and solid. It's gotten to the point where it's effecting my thought clarity and focus. I...

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Health Fork

Health Fork

choice i could take an antihitimine to clear my nasil. it makes me sleepy, stoooooop that could also be what kills me. my watch has my heartbeats. very fast. limbs tingle and twitch. its gonna suck im that kid in the grocery store you dont undrstand.  ding thats what...

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