Dream Universe

I love that I have elaborate dreams with celebrity guest cats and their own universe of places and rules. I often remember enough of them to post.

Dream Universe

I love that I have elaborate dreams with celebrity guest cats and their own universe of places and rules. I often remember enough of them to post.

Walmart Orange Chocolate

Walmart Orange Chocolate

I woke up today and discovered I had slept on a chocolate bar. Luckily it remained sealed. I remember in the past I have slept on Hershey’s kisses and woke up thinking of poo’d myself

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October Dreams

October Dreams

I love October dream season. The weather changes and my dreams become more vivid and exciting. Here in the mountains 800 m above sea level those October dreams seem to come in August. The last few nights I've had amazing multi-story large cast script type dreams. They stayed away fast if I don't wake up and write them down but even if I get that chance I can hardly touch on the vastness of my...

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The gate I invented instead of sleeping.

The gate I invented instead of sleeping.

It's just past midnight on a mid December Monday. My brain is thinking of the connections that had to have happened previous to tonight that led me to my latest iteration in my mind of the auto closing farm gate. My early days on the farm involved occasionally being a passenger to the car or farm ATV around the property. The passengers only duty is to open and close the various gates before and...

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Scripted Dreams

Scripted Dreams

I almost always dream in a universe seperate from my reality. It has differences from my awake world but it's pretty consistent within itself. Then there my scripted dreams. I'm not always in them.Dreams that are presented more formally as either existing movies or TV shows but with original plot lines and characters.These dreams often come to me if I go to sleep with an unresolved show fresh in...

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I had my phone in a dream… Sort of.

I had my phone in a dream… Sort of.

It's an unusual aspect of my dreams that I don't seem to ever have a working modern cell phone. They are either out of power, or an older phone without contacts or some other obsticle. This evening, while hiking down the side of a hill I happened to see a phone on the ground, identical to my current Samsung S9 plus and by an unbelievable coincidence, equipped with the same battery case I have. I...

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I can imagine doing it, but I can’t do it.

I can imagine doing it, but I can’t do it.

I'm laying in bed at 2:45am thinking about all the stuff I need to do to get serious about my life-long website dream project. I'm getting old and it would be nice to find success for my next chapter. It would be nice to be validated by at least the recognition it was a good idea. Having a genius business plan means nothing if you don't get the help to do all the right things beyond the concept....

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Morning whine with breakfast

Morning whine with breakfast

I'm not sure why, but this morning, one of the dogs wanted my attention. Within minutes of the master leaving for work at 5:30am, I was disturbed from a really cool dream by his bark. It was a night time bark. Muffled just a little, like he was trying to whisper a bark. Then, after about 20 seconds... Another. I remember this. It's his passive aggressive way of distributing your life. A bark...

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A literal quarrel in my head.

A literal quarrel in my head.

I had a nice relaxing orgasm around 8pm and figured I could probably fall asleep tonight. Today was a pretty good day. I accomplished enough of my tasks to be noticable, and feel optimistic about the last half. It's clear the imaginary life I predicted for being a functional addict were exaggerated. I'm not even functional on a good week. The end goals still have an almost infinite number of...

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Off meds madness

Off meds madness

Today is Sunday and I have not taken my brain meds since Thursday morning. Although I've gone up to five days without once over the years, I seem bothered this time more than other days. Sleeping is tough. Dreams go crazy and a bit scary when I fall asleep. Relative humidity is under 20% at night, and my bed has bugs everywhere. I have developed pretty severe allergies to them and they cause...

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Too many dreams

Too many dreams

I'm not sure why I woke up so many times this past night, but it did allow me to have a lot of wonderful dreams. The humidity in my room is down at 25% again and my nose is still whistling and playing tunes when I lay down, so I guess my brain is getting a different kind of air flow these days. Since I started taking Paxil medication al.ost 10 years ago, I don't usually get sick, and my nose has...

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Wakey wakey

Wakey wakey

I only woke up twice last night and I only had to pee one of those times. Then I woke up about 5:15 a.m. and was going to get up and start my day and then suddenly the 7am alarm went off. I don't actually come out and open the chicken coop and feed the animals till about 8:00 a.m. now because it stays dark and it's reasonably cold so I suspect they are quite content to sleep that extra half...

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Going to see {Deleted}

Going to see {Deleted}

I don't think I'd call it a nightmare. It's more of a frustration dream, complete with the sideways elevator. A bunch of my familiar friends went to see a movie in an unknown mall. The theatre had 14 screens and none of us had heard anything about even one of the film titles playing. This is a very real side effect caused by moving away from cable/network television with commercials to Netflix....

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Driving up Eglinton, kind of

Driving up Eglinton, kind of

I woke up from an interesting dream just now. I was playing with a balloon on a wire that lit up and I was playing with it from a distance over this pond that used to exist between my house and my neighbors house and I was playing with it and it lit up really neat ways as I moved it back and forth and I was getting ready to tell my friend about it and show her and see if she could do one too and...

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Alternate Dream Universe

Alternate Dream Universe

I don't know if it's common or unique to me, but the universe that I live in is separate from the universe that I dream in. The universe of my dreams is fairly consistent in the way that it's different. There are a number of places that are regulars for me although they change minor details from time to time I do seem to hang out a lot in a hotel in Vegas, but I never get to go to the Vegas part...

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Meme Cops

Meme Cops

I woke up but didn't open my eyes yet. The dream I was having deserved more time, so I stayed in a not quite awake state to develop it more. It started in our high school library, where we were sitting down to eat lunch, the story is still incredibly detailed in my mind but I fear I'll lose it soon as I regain my daytime consciousness, so I'll just tell the highlights. Phil was wearing an...

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My Sleep Day

My Sleep Day

It's a Friday. I woke up around 4pm for the 10th time.  Some amazingly cool dreams between my naps. If only I could write them down but my mind drifts when I try. Still, I'm flipping between the memories as I watch TV. I remember parts as I see reference triggers in the show. I was in the future in some dreams.  Neat stuff. The details of the dream were oddly scripted and specific. I'm having...

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8am wet food

8am wet food

It's not really raining hard this morning. I seem to be lucky so far this year that the rain is either before or after I need to go out and feed the animals. It was barely drizzling or spitting. I don't actually know if it was raining at all or if it was just the wet trees dripping on me. To my surprise the chickens and the pig both happily came out of their coop to find food. I wasn't fully...

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Emotional restoration

Emotional restoration

I don't know how long it's been since I gave up using drugs, at least temporarily. I think it's been about two no three weeks. That doesn't sound right because it's only October 4th, but I remember sober weekends and I've been eating a lot more food, which means spending a little more money. Ironically I don't mean to say I'm spending money ironically, but I think it's ironic that I'm spending...

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Good Good Morning.

Good Good Morning.

I was woken out of an awesome long story dream by my alarm at 7am. This is an amazing first. I didn't look at what time it was that I was last awake to pee but my first really good long story dream that kept me asleep until the alarm is a new or at least new in the last three years experience. I remember a great deal of the dream although that won't last probably. It was surfaced around being in...

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The extra last day

The extra last day

I knew the last day wouldn't really be the last day. Whenever I say I'm out of math and this is my last day, I know there are at least two or three pipes that have a little bit in them and the stems are still white and can be melted into another cloud or two. Even now I know there are a few extra bits I could use to create a cloud. I will before the days out and probably actually be out. It...

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The in-between time.

The in-between time.

YIKES! I forgot about the gurgle. This is the broken bong I usually use without any water in it, so it's usually stealth quit like a pipe but tonight for reasons I don't remember right now, it gurgled. The gurgle is a social sound that goes through walls. If the house is silent, it can be...

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Fake Monday Morning.

Fake Monday Morning.

It's the Tuesday after labor Day, but for me it pretty much feels like a Monday because I slept through quite a bit yesterday and didn't have feed anybody but myself. This morning, I woke at 6:30 pleased with the amount of sleep I had received the night before. The start of the evening had me on a dream sequence I wasn't particularly happy with and after the first wake up and fall asleep it...

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I do my best to not regret.

I do my best to not regret.

I had some wild dreams last night including what might be what people call a night terror. There was a lot of waking up yelling and screaming except I'm not really sure that wasn't self maintained within the dream. I remember very little Although it's nice to be dreaming rich dreams and remembering them again, when I sleep cycle is not really changed. Although I might make it past the hour mark,...

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Sunday life update

Sunday life update

As of 3:30 this morning, there is a stealth cat loose in my bedroom. It has made falling back to sleep slightly more difficult than usual. Actually, the falling asleep part isn't so hard bit waking up out of my usual sleep cycle routine is the distressing part. The cat makes a slight and time noise about every 20 minutes. I wake to see if is by the door, bit it isn't. Repeat. I can't just leave...

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Summer Falls by the Falls

Summer Falls by the Falls

I had a fall this morning. It was scary shit for a short while because it was a multi-stage fall knocking over various things as I tried to save myself on the way down. I don't remember what started it. Things like happen unexpectedly and you're not concerned about why your falling as much as how and where you're falling. I was not injured at all but it could have been worse. I had mete seconds...

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Beginner Mistake on an important Friday

Beginner Mistake on an important Friday

A lot of this week went right, despite the underlying sicknesses (plural) that I ignore to dangerous abuse levels. Recently I discovered my pill bottle on the floor next to my bed. That's where I start this story . I have no memory of the last time I took them. My ADHD comes with a kind of object perminance. Once the bottle was not in its usual spot, it longer existed for me. My guess is around...

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I wish I could say it’s not my fault

I wish I could say it’s not my fault

Technically of course I can say it's not my fault but that wouldn't be true. It's 3:30 in the morning on Wednesday and I made the conscious decision to get high again. Reason I was teasing that it's not my fault is that I was going to be up anyway and it was driving me crazy. I hate insomnia. This current couple of weeks my constipation and dehydration have been taking a lot of my focus...

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Sickness update

Sickness update

I got some xlax today thanks to a kind donation. I'm not sure how well it will work on this brand of weeks old dehydrated constipation but I just took one at 8pm so we'll see over the next two days. Apparently some of my dreams may have been fever dreams which are bad but it's hard to tell when the room is 93° I'm dehydrated again and peeing frequently because my body doesn't holduch at a time....

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Dream Update

Dream Update

I've been sick, but invisibly sick. I have severe constipation that has gone on much longer than I should have let it. Last week there was a bit of a reprieve and I let a medium shit through the blockade. I chose to ignore it again and now it's probably been x days. Shame permits me to say x rather than the real count. During the past weekend, I decided not to eat. This is aided by the fact that...

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My Nemesis… The Rooster.

My Nemesis… The Rooster.

I forget his name, but I don't remember anything from my past I wanted to kill more. I dream about the ways. Roosters are kind of useless most of the time. This one is all up in your space, and if I'm not careful, he'll make my ankles bleed. I want to kick him like a football and never see him again... But I can't. To be fair., I've never really kicked a ball with much success.

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Thursday Morning

Thursday Morning

My bedroom clock somehow lost almost an hour while I was away. Unusual because it's never really needed adjustment before. Perhaps it slows when the battery weakens. I guess that makes sense. Some things just stop working when the power gets low and others work slower. My body does both. Yesterday was a detox day. No drugs and I didn't get out of bed. Today could easily have been the same but I...

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Monday customer service

Monday customer service

Yes Hello. I'd like to exchange this current life for a new one. I don't like the amount of effort involved. I was mislead about how it would be better. I realize I've only had this new life less than 30 days and I can change my mind and go back to my previous option of no life if I wasn't satisfied. I'm as surprised as anyone. Who would have guessed I would prefer the life I constantly...

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I’m freaking out on the inside

I’m freaking out on the inside

It's only 8am on the morning after the first day back post COVID. So much has restarted for me at once. I don't want to fail, but most of my life experience is actually in failing and running away.I spoke with the boss. I volleyed the idea of coming in later in they day but it was more of a gesture. I need this sleep. I start to remember some dreams like they were real experiences

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Replacement Monday

Replacement Monday

It's a Tuesday here in Toronto but it feels a bit more like a Monday because we had a long weekend holiday Monday. It was supposed to be a rest day so I could start my office job again. I have only worked 4 days before they shut us down to stay at home with COVID. My experience was quite mild because of was vaccinated. That's the story I choose to go along with anyway.I am eager to return to...

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Time to celebrate, by sleeping

Time to celebrate, by sleeping

I can hardly bring myself to blog, which I seem to remember is a common symptom of my depression. Ironically the periods of my life I'd most like to document and remember are those times when I least feel like writing. I suppose smoking a little weed might help, since the majority of my blogs are influenced or at least inspired by my high mind, but I'm not getting high these days. I'm living in...

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What I wrote down before forgetting

What I wrote down before forgetting

Best dream Me and three friends decide to go on a reunion trip and arrive 14 years in the future. A lot has changed. One died of aidds with hidden robbery money his partners never found. One is sci Fi author One is rich off scatboatd mod he stole. One was married and divorced. One invented next big toy craze Hilarity sand good stories ensue as we learn wheat is going on by context clues and...

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Global communities ideas

Global communities ideas

This of course may fade away until I recycle it again as my dream. It combines all my ideas. Helping people with a trust relationship. Encouraging discussion over the validity of ideas or business ideas. Creating communities and providing guidance on interaction. Learning from trusted faces Referrals are the best Manners because it's closed by invite Commissions and sales and services. Stores...

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Wild by my standards

Wild by my standards

It's 6am and even though I asked and she said no, when 8 asked again, I ended up changing her plans and spending the whole night talking. It's what I wanted and I get high enough to believe it's enjoyable. I know interaction with high women who I click with is the most fun I have, and indream of how we could work to be a success. Later in life, I learned that's a weed stoner thing. If nobody...

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Time to celebrate, by sleeping

It should be a No-Brainer

I am sitting outside in Ontario Spring, listening to horny birds chirping like kids on the first day of school. Each catching up with friends about how they spent their winter down south. I'm waiting on my rideshare to Toronto. A $155 fair with a new untested local company trying to complete with Uber, who wanted $250 for the same ride. Both are ruining my budget this month. I'll take a bus...

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Today was a sad day.

Today was a sad day.

I slept in till around 3pm and had some cool dreams. My car hot towed again. I think that's the fifth car I've lost in my dream universe. That's how my day started. The month of February is almost over. I've been off drugs and I'm now waiting for March and money to get high again. I may not have any money left anyway. I fell a little behind on my bills because the electric bill nearly doubled...

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Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

It's not like there is any real significance to weekends when you're at home 24/7. I still honour our cultural traditions and not get high till Friday. But I got high not remembering it was Friday. This week went by fast for me because I have important work, and I've blocked it mentally and put it off till they ask a second time A joke from Coming to America I repearmt frequently, but I'm high...

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I’m out. For real this time.

I’m out. For real this time.

There's always an extended period after the first time I say I'm out. There are three or four pipes that I can scrounge tiny bits of white powder off the sides. There are bits in my baggy. It's amazing how many days you can get just enough of a hit in the morning even though you have declared self out of drugs. Yesterday was to be the last day and on the last day I pretty much go wild and I...

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Checkpoint Failed

Checkpoint Failed

I slept well. I even had some dreams. When I woke up at 630am I had one of those glimpses into my life as a drug user. An evaluation checkpoint where I had to decide; do I restart the loop again now, or wait till later? I can feel the effects of dehydration. I don't have much food for today, and I have tasks and customers waiting on me. Will today be a good day? The things I keep putting off are...

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Regular not black Sunday

Regular not black Sunday

The loneliest place I visit No. December can be a lonely time. It doesn't help that the entire month leading up to December, is Black November. At this point, it's getting to be a little ridiculous. As I understand it, the retail market in United States uses black Friday as it's clearance day. It started as an equivalent to our boxing Day but before Christmas rather than after Christmas where...

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Sunday… Not so fun day

Sunday… Not so fun day

I woke up this morning and stayed up. It's almost noon and instead of sleeping back to back. My dreams over the last week have been vast and elaborate. They somehow got linked to duty and dreaming was a part of a mechanism. I felt ok to be sleeping as a day job. No guilt. That isn't fully true. I had some guilt, but it went away when I'd go back to sleep. Some dreams lasted through episodes ND...

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Replacement Monday

Sunday is prep for Monday.

I woke up this morning and stayed up. It's almost noon and instead of sleeping back to back. My dreams over the last week have been vast and elaborate. They somehow got linked to duty and dreaming was a part of a mechanism. I felt ok to be sleeping as a day job. No guilt. That isn't fully true. I had some guilt, but it went away when I'd go back to sleep. Some dreams lasted through episodes ND...

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Another week without a Thursday

Another week without a Thursday

This isn't the first time I have sincerely been surprised to discover it is Friday. I ever seem to live Thursdays anymore. I really believed today was Thursday. Another entire week has passed and I've done almost nothing but sleep, dream, and write about sleeping and dreaming. It's 8am on this new September week and I'm ready to sleep some more. I survived the night without water, and it was...

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Live Brain Transcript

Live Brain Transcript

0:04 I absolutely hate when one single click. Takes me so far away from what I was doing that sometimes I don't make it back. Period. Tonight was therapy. I shared who I am, with someone seeking approval that I'm just interesting enough to want to see more, period. I have a bad habit of telling opinions, as if they were fact. 0:51 But I always try to correct that if I noticed tonight. I talked...

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2020 birthday 57

2020 birthday 57

Today is my birthday. It's not a happy day I'm kind of sad. My life has changed more in the last year than perhaps previous 56. No, that's not fair. My life can you turn off a lot in the Years 1 to 10 them pure. But, I don't really remember those so let's just agree to say this has not been a good year. Almost 100% of my friendships have been online drug users. Not to say those are not equally...

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Replacement Monday

Occasionally I have stopped so what could I do if I want to, could I do if I was motivated enough. If I had some assistance if I had some support. My current dream. It’s based in reality, it could be. It’s not impossible. None of my dreams are actually difficult to tackle by someone who had the ability to start and complete tasks, but I don’t. I’d love to get in motorhome and tour the country lecturing about some of my philosophies, of which I still hold on to pride.

The idea of stories we tell our own stories and my stop here. I don't feel motivated to expand upon my universal stories just now. It's better to cling to it, with high hopes and optimism. Say it out loud, realize how lame might be.

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Day 2. Stealth Stoner is feeling guilty

Day 2. Stealth Stoner is feeling guilty

Who had three weeks in the pool. A joke I have been using for years and it's never been received well even once. It simply means it was predictable.    OoOo.... My acid dreams make sense. Jane, get me off this crazy thing. When you think you've got it all figured out, it might be horrible. The episode of the q continuum scares me. I don't like reruns.   I can't tell if somebody is...

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Otter Transcribe.

Otter Transcribe.

Transcribed from voice before I learned how to retain pauses as paragraphs. I am evolving into a technology of the past. Period. Let me explain. I am improving the way that I do things by using the technology of the fifth and sixth keys, period. I am dictaphone in my blog. And although I don't have a secretary in the office. I do have a phone, and the Internet has allowed me to translate and...

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2020 birthday 57

Spoken writing is a weird normal

I am evolving into a technology of the past. Let me explain. I am improving the way that I do things by using the technology of the fi 70s. keys, I am using the modern day Dictaphone. I use my voice to type the words. I am voice blogging. maybe I should copyright the slang that will come. first the best blocking and then video blocking was the logging some should this be best logging for speech...

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Chapter 7. Guelph.

Chapter 7. Guelph.

I'm coming up on my third week in the new home. It surprised me how little I've changed, despite a vastly different set and setting. I'm still being stealthy. I'm still living in a single bedroom trying to be quiet late at night as my room mates sleep. My bedroom is listed out with pretty much the same floorplan, computer, bed and TV.  I have limited contact and hide out in my room working...

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2020 birthday 57

Blogging through tears

Its 11am Monday and I wake up as if I've been sleeping for days. It was just Sunday I slept through, mostly. I had the most glorious dreams, enhanced by frequent wake-ups so that I could realize their story a bit before going back to sleep for the next chapter. I was involved in such a great story with a murder and a gang of colourful characters incuding a dog names Joe that Methew Broderick...

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May 5th

May 5th

[widget id="wpwws_widget-2"] Hi, I was pleased that the day old Pizza lasted two days old and was good for breakfast. This is the last of the discount Pizza Hut's they're taking their sales away. I ate a lot of pizza over this. Like you have no idea. I could show you and you still wouldn't be able to comprehend because not all the piles of pizza boxes are showing but there are 50 pizza boxes...

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Things are methed up

Things are methed up

There was a brief time when things looked like they were going to be alright. I was on the prescribed dosage of amphetamine and Paxil and I wasn't depressed. I was confident and doing OK.  Today I am not. I still have some of that newly discovered confidence, and I still have the awareness that I am a smart, respectful and likeable person. It's just the focus issues at heart that keep me from...

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A New Fan

A New Fan

I woke up at 6am and started my Monday right away. I turned on the webcams and started recording footage for what might be used for the making of The Orange Jeff Show. I have a new optimism fueled by a new fan, a new month, a growing need for change and of course, a morning boost of drugs. Monday is a downtown office work day for me. I should be out the door towards the bus stop by 830am but...

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The mental beuracracy of two Jeffs

The mental beuracracy of two Jeffs

Imagine for a moment what it might be like to have a disconnect in your brain that spontaneously allowed for a second awareness. A second consciousness that remains seperate from your normal everyday life. For me, I am starting to figure out that my stoned consciousness doesn't share or retain memories of it's time controlling my brain. My high mind has figured this out and is still in the...

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This year’s December – 2019

This year’s December – 2019

I sat up in bed. I'm not falling asleep for a while I say, but in my head I know probably not tonight, and I really should have a catch up sleep night tonight. I only has about 7 hours last night, and then not since Wednesday. I had a very active weekend filled with ups and downs. December is aklwayts a weird month for me.No family close to me, locationally or emotionally. I have been abusing...

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