Chores chores chores
Mid week morning
Daily Drug Journal | bad drugs, boredom, motivation, routine, wall of tomorrow
A rather generic update on an uneventful week where I acknowledge but ignore my problems and continue existing with minimum effort.
Pretending to sleep.
Daily Drug Journal | insomnia, meth, morning, routine
A clean Wake-up and meth refresh, ignoring how tired I should be – for now
Mornings are hard again.
Daily Drug Journal | chocolate, dogs, I'm out, morning, routine, tired
My first official morning without drugs. At least that’s the plan.
Monday afternoon – but what year?
Daily Drug Journal | I'm out, Monday, routine
Monday afternoon feels like the morning.
Boof timing
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts | boofing, I'm out, loop, meth, routine
A post about the pros and cons of boofing.
Miley not Britney
Daily Drug Journal, Video | addiction, making videos, obsession, routine
A video that does not apologize for making more videos because I can’t stop. It’s the most fun I have all day.
Thursday blues
Daily Drug Journal, General Blog Messages, Video | daily, journal, routine
Not really worthy of the 3 minutes. Blah.
My morning routine – animated.
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | filters, morning, routine
This is an animated recreation of what I do in the morning. It’s not complete but it does show a couple of steps that happen every day
Morning Obligation Blog Post.
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | blogging, daily, routine
A slow start to my day today but after my morning routine, I'm feeling a little bit better about the day and ready to go feed the cows.
The start bark.
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages, The Daily Connect | bark, morning, routine, thursday, wake
It's 6:08am and I made a very quiet snap as I closed my bedside wYet bottle after my morning pill. Coincidence or not, it triggered the chain reaction that would begin the morning routine. A light rustling of the metal cage one floor directly above my head. There was...
Watching my Webcams
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | ADHD, confidence, daily, meth, routine, video blog, webcams
These two webcam excerpts were filmed on the same day, with a few meth hits in between.
Inspiration from routine.
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts | happy, inspiration, morning, routine, snort
In recent days I have made some inspiring quotes to other people, in messages and comments. Today, as I woke up at 6am from a kickass awesome dream ready to start my day, it suddenly occurred to me that I have inspired myself as well. Sometimes, curly sans serif text...
I remember Sunday Nights
Drug Posts, The Struggle | addiction, ADHD, meth, routine
I don’t consider it a relapse because it was never my intention to quit. I do see the irony of trying to keep my usage a secret while maintaing a public blog.
Life loops. Chores
Farm Posts | chores, cows, farm life, routine
I have always seen life as a series of loops. Things that happen over and over that old people see more clearly than young people. The way of the world in a constant repetition starting with day after day, week after week, year after year but also the loops of society...
Mmmm… That’s good hot slop
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | dogs, feeding, morning, pig, routine
The new routine at least for the winter is pig slop, heated for 5 minutes on high. It stinks up the kitchen because the stove isn't clean, and as far as I can tell from the pig's body language, he not only doesn't care, I think he prefers it cool. But I'm heating it...
Half Random. Half Planned
Farm Posts | dogs, morning, routine
My morning routine. Actually my whole day's routine is split into two different methods. There are part that I do on time every day specifics and then there are parts that are handled by the randomness of the dog's moods. Feeding the pig and the chickens is pretty...
Daily Obligation Post
Orange Jeff Show, Personal Journey, The Daily Connect, Webcam Posts | daily, morning, routine, webcam
Daily affirmations are not for me… I do like the idea of a daily routine however
Great way to start a day
General Blog Messages, Video | blog, good day, routine, thursday
The first of a few messages posted today. Hybrid vlogging where I type, talk and record.
A new Monday. Begin.
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages, Personal Journey | january, routine, sleep, work
It turned out today was not the start of my new year. Maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday Edition
Drug Posts | blog, daily, meth, routine
A rare video blog instead of typing.