Today my sister came close to yelling at me, but didn't. Still the feel of spontaneous anger caused by me took her by surprise. I guess in the 5 months of being here, shed witnessed very few failures and taking care of making sure the dogs get fed and watered is vital to her reputation as Canada's...

My pair o’ docs
There is a weird thing that goes on inside my brain when someone close to me does their own tech support instead of asking for my help. Generally speaking it's a disaster if I hear about it. People do their own tech support all the time and I don't hear about it but...

Twitter Stream Fail.
This is not an embed. Thats false features. It's a link. I could have done better. First 30 seconds are blank screen. OrangeJeff Webcam Stream— Orangejeff420 (@orangejeff420) June 9, 2022

Horizontal mirrors are the worst.
It's hard to quit when you still home some laying around on a mirror. I watch myself snort another line. At noon. Well, no sleep again tonight. Maybe Wednesday will be the new Monday. I knew to expect a bad week. A week of sadness. I knew it was a bad idea overall to...

part 2 of 6 million
blah. I don't wantto vent and share all the ways I am failing. How could that help with anything. Let that phone ring. Tomorrow Jeff will either answer or ignore it more. The load of crap I throw ove the wall of tomorrow must be getting huge. Its like an Ontario...

I actually said these things
I've been happier than my norm of late, and I can blame the drugs if I choose, but the condition has made me write, blog and share more. These are some of the things I actually typed to people when I felt cheerful, not high... but was probably high. The setup. Second...