Orange Shirt Blogs

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Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

It's not like there is any real significance to weekends when you're at home 24/7. I still honour our cultural traditions and not get high till Friday. But I got high not remembering it was Friday. This week went by fast for me because I have important work, and I've...

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It’s October now.

It’s October now.

I got distracted on my way to writing this blog because it's 10:35 on the first Saturday of October and it occurs to me that I will probably be up at least another hour and could watch Saturday night live season premiere live for the first time in 2 years at least....

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So I’m supposed tobe honest here, right?

So I’m supposed tobe honest here, right?

I'd like to think I could be honest again, because I think I'm worth a second look. I only feel this is true. When I'm high. I did a huge thing today. I just did it. I got high on a drug that isn't weed. Let me lead into that. I have a story. I'm an interesting...

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COMMUNITY BASED BROADCAST STUDIO#torontodrugs#canadadrugsDreams that actually came true.FROGSTAR.TV is part of the Frogstar family of related sites.KIK chat group website #torontodrugs#canadadrugs Access to this website from Canada only. This page was created to...

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The Important Friday.

The Important Friday.

It turns out we do thank God it's Friday. Old English Frīgedæg ‘day of Frigga’, named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love; translation of late Latin Veneris dies ‘day of Venus’, Frigga being equated with the...

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The Grab I can’t affford

More private blogs again.

One of the early signs I'm off the wagon is 2am blogs and 4am blogs and 6am blogs and Second Life blogs. It means I'm staying up all night. I must have gotten high. It started with 5 Molly pills. I'd been without the pressed branded pills for about 2 years. The last...

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A bad thing for a good reason.

A bad thing for a good reason.

I'm not sorry. I do not regret today's desision... But of course, I'd say that now, still under the influence of a euphoria I previous denied. I am euphoric and creative and excited. I have been writing all night. My normal behaviour was to take some MDMA and try to...

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I’ve been actively not going to sleep since 2 but just now I felt it. I bumped way too much for a Monday. I should. Ding

I’ve been actively not going to sleep since 2 but just now I felt it. I bumped way too much for a Monday. I should. Ding

They gave me 6 demerit points for using Should in the title. Cartoon version of me. Bam  Movie. 3 friends from high school download Sentiance Pak A. Lore. Egan downloads Sentiance Pak B. Data. The three of you look at each other with smiles, as will those of you...

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The 419 Loop

The 419 Loop

My mind fluctuates between happiness and terror now that I'm blogging in a Universe that I recently shared with people I know. It's always been much scarier sharing with people I know. It's one thing to read about a person's troubles on screen, and form your version...

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Act Two. It’s really worth finding act one.

Act Two. It’s really worth finding act one.

I grab a handful of Hershies kises from my salad bowl. I have admired that Hersheys kisses may be cute and addictive but I admire their shape because I bleieve it is engeniered to allow for a specific maximum per grab. I walk away with a serving size of chocolate. If...

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I actually said these things

I actually said these things

I've been happier than my norm of late, and I can blame the drugs if I choose, but the condition has made me write, blog and share more.  These are some of the things I actually typed to people when I felt cheerful, not high... but was probably high. The setup. Second...

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Rapid Fire ideas

Rapid Fire ideas

I've thought about these ideas at one time or another. Conversation starter cards to have in bars. Social Media specific to a local bar Set Me Up.  A dating service 100% done by a close friend. Second Life is going to be replaced,  and sex might become mainstream....

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I’m going to try and say a lot tonight…

I’m going to try and say a lot tonight…

It's 6:06 on a Sumday. I did not leave the house. I think I showered Friday. I have been getting worse. I have been doing nothing without a little more of the stuff. I have been aware that at some point soon, the positives woud turn to the negatives, but when my...

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You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.

You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.

I really am too tired tonight. I shouldnt be, but the back problem retrned. I wasnt surprised, since the last time the fall season brought me the back problem, it was also ecstast based... orso was my guilt based self diagnosis. This pst week I'd been popping capsules...

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The Orange Jeff Show (Thought Stream Transcript)

The Orange Jeff Show (Thought Stream Transcript)

I don't like to be loud late at night when I'm not alone in the building. When I do the videos, I am loud. I get excited and volume is a full dimension of expression. On the other hand, I personaly hate loud. I fear it. It scares me and I shy away. I have three loud...

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Heard inside Second Life. Avatar Life

Omg 10 seconds later

Sorry. False alarm. Something shiny. Its been a cool idea all along. Ham I have always been the creator of stories as far back as my favourite family support stories I like to be reminded of,  so I thank you. Flash. Every time I see Ham ding swear jar contribution sjc...

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Orange Jeff Sticky

Orange Jeff Sticky

Hello. My name is Jeff. I like Orange. I'm currently quite high. I'd like to tell you my story. I am a 53 year old simgle, never married, great best friend. I am social, and confident in myself in some ways, but only newly. I know I am a great person. I've worked hard...

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The Universe Begins

The Universe Begins

I saw wow. It's the moment of realization the loop isn't real. It is one moment on a journey. I can almost grasp the crucial end point, but once I figured out there is a moment when time began. The moment you realized you'd never notice a change. Once I realized the...

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February 2025
