A quick morning memory trip back to my earlier days as a user
Found a day late landscape video blog
A video dialry I don’t remember anything about.

Landscape video blog not found
Wild dreams and sleepy mornings.

Minimal rations Thursday
I woke up a little bit more tired than usual and used the last chunk so I could find various containers to get a little bit of a morning wake up. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I checked my emails and my socials and made a few Snapchat scenes I could use for...

It’s about time to say it’s about time
A rerun of the kind of blog I post every time I’m on my last days of my drug supply.

Camel weather day.
A hot summer night where I distract myself away from negative thoughts by thinking about the negative thoughts of the world instead of just me.

Old person pain
Blog about my new pain. I whine too much

I love remembering wild dreams.
Thoughts about my dream and my morning wake up. Actually thoughts about my dream that was about my morning wake up.

Midweek update
A full blog of comments opinions and a recap of my good day.

I’m doing that every hour wake up thing
I wasn't sure if I'm dealing up every hour or sleeping for only an hour between wake -,ups. I'd it the same thing? Either way it's an interesting way to sleep. It's frustrating but I do seem to hit rem sleep, so I feel like I had 8 individual deep sleeps. For the...

Friday Fun
A short update on my Friday morning. I didn’t say much

Thursday noon report
A daily video blog about my mood and what I’m doing about my mood.

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming
I made a lot of videos today and quite a few yesterday. The best way to avoid getting down and depressed is to keep busy doing more of the same.

I’m streaking
Sunday reflections are mostly positive today.

The first half of the Hump
Optomistic Wednesday morning blog. THe evening recap entry wasn’t so kind.

Wednesday’s posts on Thursday – OOPS
An attempt to talk about the good things that happened yesterday but as soon as I started recording, I forgot it all.

The streak ended as the stock ran out.
Another week without and my blogging process has become less a priority as my life has less change than it did. An excuse.

Post feed report. Decisions
My post chore report where I have to decide what to do next and nap often wins.

Sometimes a kind word is enough…
Sometimes a kind word is enough to boost your mood. On other days a bit of meth helps. Today is Tuesday and I woke up just before 6:00 a.m., went to pee showered my face and returned to bed with the two cats who amuse me. It appeared that I wanted to go back to sleep...

Monday morning with almost no boost
Monday with only a hint of meth.

A Balanced Friday Breakfast
At some moment in almost everyone's life, they might suddenly realize the word Breakfast is actually breaking the fast of not eating since the day before. I knew this of course but for some odd reason, I thought of people all over figuring that out at random times in...

Wednesday BUSY BUSY videos
Daily recap of my well medicated Wednesday on the farm

Heavy Rough Slow Wake-up
Tuesday on fumes.

Monday Meth Morning
My Monday morning recap of dreams, ideas and meth.

Monday an extension of Sunday
It’s Monday and I am running on almost no sleep but spirits are high and spun

New Sunday
Sunday in Dreamland. Status update.

Friday Report: I’m a music producer now
My Friday entry which signifies the last official day of me having any meth on hand. Starting tomorrow it’s scrounging day. Dirty pipes and floor shards.

Thursday PM recap
Part two of Thursdays daily journal and evening recap.

End of a high note, and the cookie is a bonus
Three revelations back to back. I’m a different person each day as I ration the last of my masking medication meth

Watching Meth Documentaries
At midnight tonight, I decided to boof and smoke some meth because I was itchy and restless. I decided to do some research on methamphetamine. As I near the end of this current stash, and consider another break I wanted to revaluate the risks. I'm not really getting...

Opposite World – Sleep is the new high
It's just past noon and I've eaten the last of two delicious Pizza Hut pizzas. It's been so long. I'm feeling a little spun and tired simultaneously and I think it's a new kind of high. The need to sleep fighting against being awake is a bit of a mind fuck. It's not...

11pm. Still counts
Jetpack knows people like continuity. It sends me a message telling me how many days streak I have been posting blogs in hopes that that inspires me to keep it up and of course it does. Today I went in town with Doug and we did a few things at a few stores. Third week...

Saturday, in my bed
Saturday morning live, from the bed of OrangeJeff.

Friday Mood Flipping
Text and video blog for Friday morning. I decided this meth really does suck. Not just probably. It was cheap and contaminated.

Obligation Thursday video blog
My Thursday morning video recapping my mood and the animal chores with a positive mood.

New inhale method
My Wednesday morning report where I changed up my routine yet again and got more fun than usual. I have to unmask.

Sunday Sleep in
Waking up groggy at 7:30 is different. I had some neat dreams but having drug dreams while I have drugs is new. Usually I'd have these types of dreams about two or three weeks after I'd run out. I'm not remembering my dreams as well these mornings but they definitely...

Sunday Recap
My sister didn't do anything for her birthday today and I suppose that's fairly regular for someone over 60. Birthday seem to be less significant but I still feel like they aren't insignificant. I like to do something on my birthday. I also use it to reflect on the...

Friday Recap with a Snapchat filter ON
My daily Friday journal recap of the week, except with a cute masking Snapchat Filter.

Wednesday Morning – a weird feeling
A wednesday blog about nothing.

Breakfast choice
I really miss when I don't have a few pieces of my chocolate bar in the morning. That role used to be a Hershey's kiss addiction but the $1 chocolate bar not satisfies the craving as I wake up. Less fidgeting with those tiny wrappers. Today I realized two things about...

Walk and Talk – Deep thoughts
My recap of a productive weekend. Several creative projects started and finished.

Back to back Fridays
My Friday mood isn’t like other people’s Friday mood. It signals the end of a week where I did not accomplished the things that I had hoped. Friday is often a reflection day where I think about being a loser. Monday on the other hand is the exciting day filled with potential to not be a loser. A vicious cycle.

Thursday is not a rerun.
My morning blog written at 5:30 a.m. after another all nighter that was at least productive.

Update of things I don’t want to acknowledge
Hump day blues and orange. Things that get me down.

Sunday Summary
Not very exciting update on waking up another day and not quitting anything I don’t want to.

Quality rant / opinions on Meth’s Reputation
A good blog video that turns into a 10 minute monologue about the reputation of meth amphetamine and how propaganda shapes opinions and possibly scares away people from trying it.

An Alarming Saturday Morning
Just now I decided I'm going to separate my daily journal update posts from the general drug post category listing. These aren't really about drugs they are about me and a little interest to a lot of people so it makes sense [videopack...

Another Thursday. Already?
Some weeks surprise me. It's already a Thursday? I remember the weekend just happened. A side effect of using meth to speed past the days I suppose.[videopack...

Ahhh.. chocolate returns to start the day.
I don't remember falling asleep last night but it must haven been reasonably quickly. I opened my eyes 10 minutes ago and rolled over to see my orange clock. It wà 5:45am. A bit earlier than I prefer but I've learned not to risk going back for the second sleep at this...

Talking to myself Tuesday
Tuesday. Uh the last one in April, whatever. This with the 30th And I changed my morning routine bit because the cows have no hay and they're hungry and a little angry. When I go down there, I check on the chickens. Yesterday, the cows all surrounded me, and almost...

Do I owe Brittany money?
Another morning arrives without the night in between. Day 3 awake.

Todays Saves
A show-off of all the useless fun I had today including a video is of me playing with Snapchat filters while getting quite spun.

Wednesday Morning Report
My Wednesday report

Bing Bing Bing. Wake up.
I was disturbed from my sleep by the pinging of Facebook messenger, but not from som customer with needs. It was my friend. He seemed to be aware it was 6am here and yet proceeded to bong me 6 more times triggering an emergency response from me. I naturally assumed...

Morning Obligation Blog Post.
A slow start to my day today but after my morning routine, I'm feeling a little bit better about the day and ready to go feed the cows.

It’s a loop again
I do remember from years ago the temptation to blog 15 times a day. Okay five times a day maybe. To just want to talk to myself and tell myself what I'm doing at every moment when I'm smoking and when I'm sleeping and I know those blog entries are not interesting but...

More morning musings on a Monday
I didn't realize I had Snapchat in directors mode so it saved for videos in one. It's handy feature when you know it's turned on.

The Earth Day Daily Obligation Post
When I wake up, and then I super wake up, I talked to the camera about my day. Some days this will be deeper than others.

Snapchat informed me it’s Earth Day
Observing my usage habits.

April 14th thoughts
April 14 morning thought and clouds

Friday Morning Reflection on my use
Daily Diary of meth thoughts, opinions and me.
I tried NOT doing drugs this morning
just trying to get this post online has been blog worthy in itself

Pondering Life and Fridays
The concept of Friday has been bred into us over years as being the beginning of a weekend. The start of our combined relaxation and freedom. Of course when you don't celebrate weekends and your days are all the same Friday's seem less significant and yet in our minds...

Watching my Webcams
These two webcam excerpts were filmed on the same day, with a few meth hits in between.

vivid and fun alien dream
An obligation daily Post that doesn’t really qualify as a good blog. I’m disappointed in myself but I did at least maintain the routine so far.