An attempt to talk about the good things that happened yesterday but as soon as I started recording, I forgot it all.
New Sunday
Sunday in Dreamland. Status update.

Friday Report: I’m a music producer now
My Friday entry which signifies the last official day of me having any meth on hand. Starting tomorrow it’s scrounging day. Dirty pipes and floor shards.

Thursday PM recap
Part two of Thursdays daily journal and evening recap.

Thursday Journal doubling as a test
This blog is dual purpose. I made my traditional journal entry talking about Wednesday and my mood in the morning and describing my routine briefly knowing that it was a fairly dull posting. Nothing new was revealed and when I make posts like this I have mixed...

End of a high note, and the cookie is a bonus
Three revelations back to back. I’m a different person each day as I ration the last of my masking medication meth

Opposite World – Sleep is the new high
It's just past noon and I've eaten the last of two delicious Pizza Hut pizzas. It's been so long. I'm feeling a little spun and tired simultaneously and I think it's a new kind of high. The need to sleep fighting against being awake is a bit of a mind fuck. It's not...

Saturday, in my bed
Saturday morning live, from the bed of OrangeJeff.

Oh yeah. It’s a holiday
This blog post is 50% video and 50% text and explains my holiday Monday morning getting ready to feed the animals and then recapping afterwards.

Friday Recap with a Snapchat filter ON
My daily Friday journal recap of the week, except with a cute masking Snapchat Filter.

Thursday is not a rerun.
My morning blog written at 5:30 a.m. after another all nighter that was at least productive.

Quality rant / opinions on Meth’s Reputation
A good blog video that turns into a 10 minute monologue about the reputation of meth amphetamine and how propaganda shapes opinions and possibly scares away people from trying it.

April 14th thoughts
April 14 morning thought and clouds

Blogging about not blogging.
Another blah day when I feel less likely to get much done… until…

Best Friday night in a long time.
One of the things that I seek out but don't really seek out is friendship. I want it and might even go as far as to say crave it but I don't really do much to actually find it. This should come as no surprise since I do very little to do or complete any goal. I'd go...