Orange Shirt Blogs
Farm Posts

Farm blogs and videos from the time I lived in Niagara Falls and my current farm in the interior of British Columbia. I also blog (almost) daily to YouTube with farm videos and commentary.

Farm Posts

Farm blogs and videos from the time I lived in Niagara Falls and my current farm in the interior of British Columbia. I also blog (almost) daily to YouTube with farm videos and commentary.

Friday. Birthday Eve

Friday. Birthday Eve

I've been far more conscious of how good I have it now that I am living with the security of a home and food. At the exact same time, I am continuously aware of how unfair it is to be in this position of advantage. Basically, I'm costing the couple that has given me this place to call home, a financial burden. I simultaneously love and hate that. I'm also torn between my loneliness and drug use....

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It’s all new here on the farm, just enough to keep each repeating day a little different. 

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My memory amazes me now and then

My memory amazes me now and then

It's interesting when my memory is accurate up until a point and then something which seems obvious that should have happened didn't. In today's example while walking back from my morning cow feed and count I happen to notice a carton of eggs on the side of the path. It was open and about four or five of the eggs were broken The remaining ones were scattered about on one side of the fence. I...

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The start bark.

The start bark.

It's 6:08am and I made a very quiet snap as I closed my bedside wYet bottle after my morning pill. Coincidence or not, it triggered the chain reaction that would begin the morning routine. A light rustling of the metal cage one floor directly above my head. There was no stopping it now. The first bark. Then a second. In the distance, the chain of events jumped to include the first bark from the...

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AI Wrote me some awesome songs

AI Wrote me some awesome songs

I can't believe how amazing these three free songs are. I just told the SUNO program to write me a song about the frustration of picking them up. It gave me two country versions and two blues version. [video width="512" height="768"...

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Monday Update. awake

Monday Update. awake

Most of the filming I do these days for my blog is recorded during the walk down to the barn where I do my chores. Sometimes I get creative when I'm not eating the cows.

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March 5th 2024

March 5th 2024

Today my sister came close to yelling at me, but didn't. Still the feel of spontaneous anger caused by me took her by surprise. I guess in the 5 months of being here, shed witnessed very few failures and taking care of making sure the dogs get fed and watered is vital to her reputation as Canada's leading breader of the highest quality show dogs. I was given a new chore to add to my regular...

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Oh yeah. I should probably find something to eat other than a cookie and a few to buy brownies and a chocolate bar.

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1st Morning

1st Morning

I woke up 4 minutes before the alarm was to go off and unlike every other day for the past month and a half, I stayed in bed and did not stand up and go take drugs. I said hey to my Google assistant and started the day with the lights on and the radio playing. I checked my mail and a couple of messages and went out for my morning duties without any boost. It's snowing and the ground is all fresh...

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Sneaking in new responsibilities

Sneaking in new responsibilities

Doug was away for a tiny Christmas present vacation combined with delivery of steaks and puppies to the coast so not much changed in my morning duties but we added a few extras including feeding the dogs in the morning and making sure they have water and now restocking the wood pile with fresh wood and kindling. I suppose now officially I have shown I can do that and will probably be asked to in...

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The lazy farmer

The lazy farmer

I used the common term lazy even though I understand that I'm not really lazy. Do I though? It's clear that I expend energy trying to save energy. I put a lot of effort into not putting a lot of effort into things. I go out of my way to try and lesson number of steps involved in everything in my life. It's Monday and I'm in a contemplating mood as I feed the cows this morning I have lessened the...

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The Rooster Attack

We have two Roosters, although I’m not certain why. One s pretty and one is mean and ugly. It doesn’t like me. This video shows him keeping an eye on me, and attacking me at the end.

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My eyes stay dark.

My eyes stay dark.

For the last few years, I have been sleeping with a hat. It covers my eyes when I sleep so it is essentially dark in my head, even if the room or sunlight is bright in the room. I am able to wake, but not evaluate the darkness. It allows me to drop back to sleep faster, but has the side effects that I can think about sleep without looking at the clock. Instead of waking because it's bright, I...

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Vegan cows

I was surprised to learn that I posted this and somebody else was shocked that I would call cows vegan. I didn’t stick around to ask why

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Smiles in January

Smiles in January

During November and December, I am often down. They are depressing months for me, not only because of the Christmas season and the gift giving rituals, but also the music and the fake happiness that surrounds the season. in January, I look forward to new. It's Monday and I can. get excited about the possibility of this year being better than the last. So far it's been going pretty well. It's...

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The gate I invented instead of sleeping.

The gate I invented instead of sleeping.

It's just past midnight on a mid December Monday. My brain is thinking of the connections that had to have happened previous to tonight that led me to my latest iteration in my mind of the auto closing farm gate. My early days on the farm involved occasionally being a passenger to the car or farm ATV around the property. The passengers only duty is to open and close the various gates before and...

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My days

My days

I've started thinking about my day. A routine of minimal activity between naps. I wake up either slightly before 7:30am or with the alarm at 7:37am. I prefer to wake naturally if I can because I remember my dreams better when they are not interrupted but I have normalized alarm mornings. I used to hate the alarm waking me up. I get up and turn on the lights at 12% brightness, all white. This is...

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My morning walk with punch lines

My morning walk with punch lines

I've been thinking about what I can talk about during my morning walk because the actual chore doesn't change much and isn't interesting but I do like the idea of making sure films regularly so I have to ease myself into actual content instead of just me breathing heavy in the snow as I walk up the hill.[video data-wpid="154"...

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Big Ben

Big Ben

Ben looks like a great Pyrenees dog. He's huge and white and has the dew claws. Apparently he's not officially a great Pyrenees but he's close. The second dog I ever owned was a great Pyrenees and he was quite dumb and unfortunately chaste moving cars so he didn't last very long in my childhood but I always loved him best because as a kid great big fluffy dogs are fun.As an adult great big...

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The chain of events

The chain of events

It was 630am the day after my birthday. The phone rang. It kept ringing and I woke up mid dream eventually but didn't quite unlock the phone in time. Then it rang again and I saw the message; SOS. THE SITE IS DOWN. I knew why. It was my fault, sort of. I forgot to finish a task yesterday. The second part of a two step process to download and delete two backup files which were huge and violated...

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Life loops. Chores

Life loops. Chores

I have always seen life as a series of loops. Things that happen over and over that old people see more clearly than young people. The way of the world in a constant repetition starting with day after day, week after week, year after year but also the loops of society the way things work. I hate loops because after the first one, they're no longer as interesting. I don't like my life in...

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My first dog show

My first dog show

My sister owns and breeds Havanese dogs for show. This year, I was asked to come along and take photographs and videos but I stayed in the club booth for aa lot of the time, and sold a lot of merch.

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Blah blah blah Tuesday

Blah blah blah Tuesday

I don't really feel like doing anything today. Even this blog was a chore. I almost just typed blah and saved it at that. Today is one of those days where I take mental stock of my situation and blah is the best I can come up with. It's better in most ways than it was before my move, but in many ways it's unchanged. Sure, I'm not suffering in a 100° F bedroom all alone. This bedroom is an ideal...

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I’m wounded and sore

I’m wounded and sore

I got beaten up earlier this evening. Knocked down into a pile of shit. My knee hurts and I was bleeding on my shin and ass. I'm still sore and have not slept because I'm sore in my usual sleep positions. I would say; you should see the other guy but I hardly got a swing in. He took me totally by surprise when I wasn't looking. I thought I did nothing but who knows. Maybe I did something to set...

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Today was a good day

Today was a good day

Today was a good day. I didn't sleep during the day and I got a lot of stuff done including some backlog work with a customer I actually avoided for over 2 weeks. I made up and he didn't seem too upset. It's not really a lie to say it was a health reason I was unavailable for the last three weeks for him. The world is accepting mental health as a real thing these days. I didn't have to elaborate...

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Less blogging as expected

Less blogging as expected

It's not that my life is more exciting when I'm using drugs, it's that I sleep more when I'm not. My life has about the same level of excitement either way but when I am sleeping, I'm less likely to blog. Ironically, I've had some pretty amazing dreams the past week that we're definitely blog worthy but I don't stay up long enough to actually get up and start writing. Today I'm trying to break...

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Beautiful Ontario Spring Afternoon

Beautiful Ontario Spring Afternoon

I don't know what the temperature is, but I'm happy to sit outside in my backyard chair and watch the dogs jump around and play with each other in the sunlight just before the evening starts. It's early February and more often than not this week would still be snow covered and cold but today there is sunlight and It's the kind of day that Ontario calls spring. My breath still creates a slight...

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Super Pig. Super Powers

Super Pig. Super Powers

They say that pigs are supposed to be one of the most intelligent animals in the animal kingdom. I haven't seen an example of that with my pig. Oops I mean the pig that I take care of during the week, but to be fair there's not a lot of intelligence that's needed to sleep and eat and poop and repeat. This pig doesn't really have the opportunity to shine. Its life is rather dull and there isn't...

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Breakfast separation due to a fence

Mmmm… That’s good hot slop

The new routine at least for the winter is pig slop, heated for 5 minutes on high. It stinks up the kitchen because the stove isn't clean, and as far as I can tell from the pig's body language, he not only doesn't care, I think he prefers it cool. But I'm heating it up again today. A Friday special and I'm a little bit early to the kitchen anyway. The dogs have been in a mood. They usually get...

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Half Random. Half Planned

Half Random. Half Planned

My morning routine. Actually my whole day's routine is split into two different methods. There are part that I do on time every day specifics and then there are parts that are handled by the randomness of the dog's moods. Feeding the pig and the chickens is pretty much on a scheduled routine and berries extremely little between days. Tending to the dogs however it's unpredictable and...

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AI Wrote me some awesome songs

4pm early bird special

I managed to squeeze in an hour nap between 2:00 and 3:00. I'm always a tiny bit concerned that once I'm asleep after a longer binge like this I won't wake up for anything for a while. I'll ignore alarms and ringing and all sorts of things but it's not always the case. More often, I sleep in shorter segments like I did today. 1 hour at a time waking up regularly and then eventually crashing for...

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Day Three. Things I’ve done wrong.

Day Three. Things I’ve done wrong.

I started back at my responsibilities of daytime animal feeder. It's an easy task, and yet I've made several errors in the three days since he went back to work. It worried me that I might actually be getting old soon and my ADHD distractions combined with drug use, depression and everything else. I make mistakes. It sucks. I do things without thinking, and consequences range from mild to harsh....

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Last post for a crappy Wednesday

Last post for a crappy Wednesday

I'm posting this blog standing outside the chicken coop but 5:30 p.m. and it's still light enough to see. That's a good sign. Everything else about today didn't work out so well. Standing outside chicken coop because the pig woke up and he wants fat even though that was an hour ago he seems to think it's morning. He's grumpy in the morning. I'm grumpy too because I'm having to blog on an...

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My life as a pig

My life as a pig

Everyday my life includes feeding the pig twice a day. Once in the morning, and once around 4:30. I just finished the 4:30 feeding although I have to go back in a little while and close up the chicken coop for the night. I've been in a reflective mood today and feeding the pig in the winter time made me a little bit sad because I personify human emotions to the animals I take care of.The life of...

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My memory amazes me now and then

I have upset the pig

I fed the pig at around 4:30 this afternoon. It's usual bedtime in the winter. I was blogging a little bit outside while the weather is still nice enough to do that, and I was having a little bit of fun. Then I got distracted and went inside without completing the process of the evening feed.I even joked about how it was a pretty easy job when I got back to my room. Even easy jobs can be done...

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Dinner for lunch

Dinner for lunch

I slept in an extra hour before getting up to feed the hens there lunch. The dogs eventually nagged me into waking up and coming out to feed them. Initially I couldn't find the hens. They had hidden themselves somewhere warm on the property and I walked around shaking their food which usually does the trick cause them to come running but they wouldn't. As I laid out their food and one of the...

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Still nice enough

Still nice enough

It's still nice enough to sit outside a little bit officially feeding the animals. Canadian t-shirt weather. Today it looks like I'm feeding the official hens, and several bold unofficial friends. I'll let the pig stay inside this morning instead of making his way outside as I often do in the winter months. He seems content to wake up, eat and then return to his near hibernation slumber. The...

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Happy to see me

Happy to see me

It may be cyber Monday to much of the world but to the pigs in the hens it's just another day and they're hungry. It's 7:30 a.m. and one of the chickens it already worked its way out of the chicken coop to greet me at the door The others were happy to see me as I opened up the chicken coop with food in hand and fresh water.It's nice to be wanted.

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The Hens Taste Buds.

The Hens Taste Buds.

I'm not exactly sure what changed or if it was just my observation that has become more acute. I suspect the real reason I'm only noticing this food choice now, is because it has become cold enough for the rats to hibernate. When I feed the chickens, there are two different types of food that I mixed together for them each time. One type is the palate style grain and the other type is a preset...

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Living in a fishbowl (tank)

Living in a fishbowl (tank)

I used to hate the idea of an owning fish because they had such a dull life I always felt sad for them. People would say they don't care or they don't know or they have short memories but I never really believed that.I think it's kind of funny that people are so concerned about whales and dolphins in captivity and yet everyday people buy fish and fish tanks without guilt.But since I have a fish...

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February 2025
