Let the world burn. Society is a spectator sport and I’m changing teams. If I can’t beat them, join them. XHail Trump
blowing clouds
Cinco de Mayo
Daily Drug Journal | blowing clouds
I don't really think about Cinco de Mayo much. When I was in Vegas once on This holiday the whole town celebrated because almost all of the workers were from Mexico. Other than that I...
Live Snapchat Playtime
Drug Posts, Filter Fun, Video, Webcam Posts | blowing clouds, filters, fun, meth, snapchat
Watch me as I play with all the new and favourite Snapchat filters before actually filming a video.
Another Thursday. Already?
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, daily, meth, morning routine, video, vlog
Some weeks surprise me. It's already a Thursday? I remember the weekend just happened. A side effect of using meth to speed past the days I suppose.[videopack...
March April Musical Videos
Archives, Drug Posts, Video | AI Generated Content, blowing clouds, compilations, meth, music
A playlist of recent mini meth music movie masterpieces including the great ones created by AI for me with original music, vocals and lyrics.
My morning routine.
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, compilation, meth, meth music video, morning
Morning music video. Clips from the morning edited by OrangeJeff
One hit repeated
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, filters, music video
This music video edited from clips of mine over the past month (March/April 2024) and set to an original tune music, vocals and lyrics by AI with my guidance.
More morning musings on a Monday
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, daily, Monday, morning routine, tired, wake up
I didn't realize I had Snapchat in directors mode so it saved for videos in one. It's handy feature when you know it's turned on.
lost in the Haze
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | AI, blowing clouds, filters, meth, music video
Saturday edition of Music video Lost in the Haze about my sadness that Meth music videos are not a mainstream topic I can openly share. written by AI to my specifications. I...
Webstream with my AI co-host not fit for air
Drug Posts, Video | AI, blowing clouds, meth, pi
I totally forgot I was streaming this as I hit the bong and blew some clouds. OOPS
Alternate clouds on 420
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | 420, blowing clouds, celebration, meth, party, weed
Because you know we don't all smoke weed but celebrating 420 when you're not a weed smoker is no different than celebrating Christmas when you're not a...
Prolific Post Day
Just three videos I didn’t post online. No commentary
The editing bed floor.
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, clips, meth
The official term is usually the editing room floor and it...
Pics of the week – or it didn’t happen
Drug Posts | art, blowing clouds, gallery, meth, photography
A few pictures from this week’s binge. Always looking for some new variety.
Ear twitching good
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, filters, meth, smoke
Quite often when you're looking at someone's video and their exhaling smoke you will notice their eyelids...
End of 2023 Showcase
Archives, Drug Posts, Video | 2023, blowing clouds, december, gallery, meth
A gallery of my favorite creations from November and December 2023.
Thursday Binge
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, music video
Two meth movie memes I made this weeek.
Drugs change me
Drug Posts, Video | AI, blowing clouds, meme, meth
These images were created on my Adroid using an AI App
Active Tuesday
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meme, meth, music
After several days of not sleeping, I had a good sleep last night. I didn't wake up much, and I felt rested In the morning, so of course I just did more. I have to find a routine that works for me, but I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight. I got up and started...
Final again
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth
I am reminded of the days when I used to save documents with file names like final. Final two. This is the real last one. This is the one. The last final. I made a number of videos recently proclaiming the last of my winter meth stash and then I made another one after...
I need a Barber
Daily Smoke. Daily Video
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, filters, meth
John Stewart once said something helpful about doing a daily show. You never have to worry about doing a bad one for long because you replace it tomorrow. This is not a great daily smoke video. One exhale, restyled as different versions of me.
Blah Thursday (Solved)
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, webcam
How to fix a blah mood in 31 seconds
Two for Tuesday.
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, tuesday
I started early, virtually the moment I woke up. Then again at noon at 5pm. If the pattern holds, I’ll do more after 6pm and try to sleep later.
Snake Charming Pipe
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, pipe
As I was recording this video it looked like an Indian snake charmer.
Smoking on Camera
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, stream, webcams
Testing new view with lots of windows active
Drug cultural appropriation
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, music, video
This is the second hand edited video I made this morning before 7am.
The rules of 4:20
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, morning, music
When you wake up at 4:20 you have to respect it, and blow some clouds. Most people associate 4:20 with weed smoking, but I like to think the meth clouds dominate 4:20 AM Â Â
Friday video mix
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, music, video
Another music mix of today’s hits. Made by Filmora video app.
Focus Fuel Webcam Hit
Drug Posts, Orange Jeff Show, Video, Webcam Posts | blowing clouds, meth, webcam
Every day I turn on my webcams and start working on customer support issues, website updates, and my own project at club.frogstar. I stream this on the webcams but I don't usually talk much, so all you see is me working, or taking hits off the bong.
Wednesday Morning
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, compilation, meth, movie, music
I quite like how this mini mix turned out with only a little bit of fiddling.
2am Wednesday
Drug Posts | blowing clouds, insomnia, meth, productive, video
It wasn't a productive day and I had little to do officially, so I mostly tried to get higher, but this medication tops out for me. At a certain point, pretty much after 3 bowls or so, more doesn't help. More and more is wasted except for the purpose of making videos,...
Webcam Hits for December
Drug Posts, Video, Webcam Posts | blowing clouds, meth, webcam
A few times I blew clouds on the webcam in December
December 2022 Recap
Drug Posts, Video | archive, blowing clouds, december, Google Photos, meth, movie
December 2022 was an always high month, so naturally, I made a lot of compilation movies. [lmt-post-modified-info] [gallery type='google' view='photos' album_id='ACG1XVNjw4yZ9eJWL2Q2iu3aHMSgZiGUXa8tNiK5eYw-uYe_Uo85jG-S89hf-qKVdSUdNObILPzQ' count='300' more='More'...
Webcam Archive
Archives, Drug Posts, Video, Webcam Posts | archive, blowing clouds, Google Photos, live stream, meth, webcam
I started streaming myself more starting in November 2022. Many of these files will contain no talking are not always planned entertainment. Most of them are just quiet streams while I work but I am attempting to be more active. The streams will contain drugs being...
Saturday’s Effort
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, music video
I really liked this mini meth music masterpiece. A short and sweet summary of the day
Black Light Clouds
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth
I was always curious as to how black light would affect the white puffy clouds. Today, my black light arrived in the mail.
Entertainment just for me
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meme, meth, music
I really enjoyed doing this, even if it doesn't find an audience.
Saturday blues
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, video
Tonight's theme was blue and purple.
Meth Memes Gallery
Archives, Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, gallery, meme, meth, video
My expanded collection of videos I make after smoking meth.
Cute Cartoony me
Drug Posts, Video, Work Related Posts | blowing clouds, cartoon, meth
There is a new app that will cartoon-ize videos now, and I like the way I look as a meth smoking cartoon character.
Monday Collage
Drug Posts | blowing clouds, collage, meth, photography
I’m bundling in groups instead of posting every time.
Meth QUickie Compilation
There are a lot of last hits
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, video
You're not really out until the dirty pipes are clean.
Today’s Mood (enhanced)
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, video
No digital trickery here. Just happy clouds.
Early afternoon T Time
Drug Posts, Video | addiction, blowing clouds, meth
It used to be 4pm, then 3pm but today it's 2pm, and probably 3 and 4 too. I'm staying up and in a good mood, which is hard because I'm obsessively worrying about all the meth I've been smoking this week. [video...
On again. Off Again.
Drug Posts | blowing clouds, experiment, meth, photography
I have been wanting to try some experiments with strobe lighting. Super fast flashes of light in a dark area. I have memories of it being somewhat fun and disorienting at parties. Somewhere in my social media browsing I recently saw something with strobe lights and...
Bag O’Clouds
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, experiments, meth
my cream soda coloured clouds blown into a bagel bag just because.
Some of my favourites are from 4am
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, meth meme, music, orange
This is one of several mini meth movies I made after 2am when I wasn't falling asleep... So I made this.
Not Friday the 13th
Drug Posts | blowing clouds, meth, morning routine, Orange Jeff, video
I recorded my Friday morning wake up routine three times in a row. Not the best start to the day. It was frustrating but not enough to break my spirit yet. [video...
Cool Spinning Music Video
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meme, meth, video
This is one of the coolest instant videos I've seen from my video tools. I click the template, and add either 10 pieces of media from my phone and a minute later this video was ready to share. [video data-wpid="1691"...
Late start to nothing.
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, excuses, meth, video
During this time when I have a cush job feeding animals four times a day, and keeping the dogs happy, or at least as happy as I can when they are away from there...
Happy Friday
Drug Posts | blowing clouds, meth
Wednesday of this week was my attempted tolerance break. Thursday was my attempt at cutting back slightly. Today is Friday and I really like to convince myself to leave the house so no tolerance break and no cut back. It's party Friday. I'm going to invite the rooster...
Internal Dialogue of my brain
Drug Posts, General Blog Messages | addiction, blog, blowing clouds, brain, draft, drug, general, messages, meth, posts, quitting, read
3am. You seem anxious. We'll, I heard a rumour you were going to not use meth today. Let me make a case against that. (Falls back asleep) 4:00am Ok, so I'm assuming that nonsense about quitting today is behind us. Can you tell me if we'll start right at 5am when he...
Beats and Blowing
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, fun, meth, music video
This was one of the first music videos I made. As the software got better, so did I.
Inhale – Exhale – Repeat
Blowing Orange Clouds
4am Meth Meme
Drug Posts, Orange Jeff Show, Video | blowing clouds, meth, video
When I smoke meth recreationally, I like to create. I try to make interesting videos of me blowing clouds.Â
Colourful Clouds
My Stock Reply
Drug Posts | blowing clouds, ice, jib, meth, Meth, tina
I should keep this stock reply on a function key. Hello new follower. I expect you’ll be wanted ti tell me the virtues of your clean strong meth. Let me explain my position on that. I live in Toronto, which is Canada. Toronto is a huge city, bigger than Chicago. Like...
Addicted to addiction…
Drug Posts | addiction, blowing clouds, ice, jib, meth, tina
The worst part, about being a drug addict, is that you know you’re a drug addict. You know, all your excuses are bullshit. You know, when it’s your addiction talking, not you. You know, you’re hurting those around you. You know, you need help. You know, you’re lost....
Meth Talk – Random Ramblings
Drug Posts | blowing clouds, ice, jib, meth, tina
iamalientweaker: methiah: cblmn: the-gentleman-tweaker: Remember kids… Clean your pipe! It’s too easy and takes minutes, plus the shadow people hate when you do it. Easiest way to get it clean. If you just got finished smoking, get yourself… 3 paper towels Kosher salt...