The line that some people will never cross is different for everyone but the line that people won’t let me cross without dumping me as a friend often surprises me
Quality rant / opinions on Meth’s Reputation
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | amphetamines, daily, friends, journal, opinion, reputation
A good blog video that turns into a 10 minute monologue about the reputation of meth amphetamine and how propaganda shapes opinions and possibly scares away people from trying it.
YouTube and me.
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts | ADHD, amphetamine, drugs, fame, fear, friends, life, meth, propaganda, reputation, trauma
I knew eventually my worlds were going to collide and people would find out about the drug side of me that has crossed the line for most people. Heroin and meth seem to be the drugs that scare people more than the others. They'll still be friends with you if you smoke...
Blah Queezy
Drug Posts | dehydration, diarrhea, friends, goals, meth, projects, streaming, struggle
I knew that I would get distracted by the fact that I used the word queasy in the title and queasy is a fun word to say and kind of a neat word in general. People are crazy they're not usually having a great day. In fact feeling crazy can be very distracting to your...
In anticipation of a letdown
General Blog Messages | friends
There is a point many of us have experienced in life. You make contact with a new person, and you click. You have a nice chat. One of you eventually ends that first conversation, and then you wait. Was it fun for them? Did you do ok? Did you say anything awkward or...
The Universe Provides
Personal Journey | drugs, friends, new friend, reddit, Tumblr
New friends can be a joy and simultaneously such a stress.
Having fun on the way down
Drug Posts, Personal Journey, Second Life | blog, down, draft, drug, friends, journey, life, personal, posts, read, Second Life, transit, Transit Blog
I'm enjoying life despite the empenfing doom. I'm having fun. Making friends and being me. Awkward and odd in all my glory. I'm saying dumb sjit and apologizing and nobody seems to hate me. They forgive and move on. Ironically these new friends are all from a...
Waiting area.
Drug Posts, Personal Journey | amphetamine, friends, healthcare
It's not actually a waiting room at my doctor's office. It's an open concept area with the nurse reception behind a thick glass. It's one if those designs somebody thought was new and modern but the staff actually hate. Almost every time I need to talk to the...
Daydreaming about a new job
Dream Universe, Drug Posts | friends, healthcare, meth, tina
If I let it, my life may once again have been saved... if I let it. In the final moments, once again the universe provides and my "cram before the exam" way of life pulls out another miracle. I stop to evaluate. I'm still in a state of denial where I believe my...
Friends with Benefits…
General Blog Messages | friends
Because a need a wisdom tooth pulled out.
I need more friends who will do drugs with me.
General Blog Messages | drugs, friends
I’d much rather share and do drugs with somebody… But I’m ok with doing them alone too.
My friends are not stupid
General Blog Messages | friends, stupid
[Written sober] I don't like to lie. With the exception of drug lies, I've never been very good at it. Whenever I've lied in the past, I've usually come clean within a few minutes or days. Lies stay in my head and rattle around guilt obsessions. I used to say I never...
The Smart Friends
General Blog Messages | friends
Have you ever had one of those friends that likes to portray the role of a smart friend? They'll point out inaccuracies and correct you at embarrassing times, and often use big words or obscure words you don't immediately ecognize when a common word would suffice....