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In anticipation of a letdown

In anticipation of a letdown

There is a point many of us have experienced in life. You make contact with a new person, and you click. You have a nice chat. One of you eventually ends that first conversation, and then you wait. Was it fun for them? Did you do ok? Did you say anything awkward or...

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My friends are not stupid

My friends are not stupid

[Written sober] I don't like to lie. With the exception of drug lies, I've never been very good at it. Whenever I've lied in the past, I've usually come clean within a few minutes or days. Lies stay in my head and rattle around guilt obsessions. I used to say I never...

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The Smart Friends

The Smart Friends

Have you ever had one of those friends that likes to portray the role of a smart friend? They'll point out inaccuracies and correct you at embarrassing times, and often use big words or obscure words you don't immediately ecognize when a common word would suffice....

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