It's not that my life is more exciting when I'm using drugs, it's that I sleep more when I'm not. My life has about the same level of excitement either way but when I am sleeping, I'm less likely to blog. Ironically, I've had some pretty amazing dreams the past week that we're definitely blog...
feeding time

I got the call to action
I’m always happy to be called into service to feed the animals on my days off. I just wish I had advance notice sometimes.

Funny Hen Habits
I keep changing my mind as to whether or not chickens are smart or stupid. I suppose, just like any other animal, they have certain things that they are aware of and good at and other things that they just can't comprehend. I think when it comes to food they probably...

Pig Tails
Since I'm not responsible for putting the pig to bed each night I stay outside from the time of feeding to the time of rest and it's fun. I watch the animals in a new way sitting nearby. I watch the hilarity of the rats peeking out from their hiding spot to see if...

Pig in a wet blanket
As it gets colder, my duties get a little bit more detailed. Not much, but a little bit more. I have to remember now that when the pig comes out to eat, I have to rush back into the coop and remove the blanket from the ground and place it hanging from the wall. Then...

Rooster Reminder
Although I didn't expect to feed the hens today, I gave them some nice food around 4:00 and it was a good assortment of three different types of food. We have several locations we feed them into keep things interesting so I fed them at the northernmost elevated...

Hens are dumb
There are a couple of weaker hens that get extra attention occasionally. If they don't come out because of the weather or whatever reason we sneak into the chicken coop and feed them a private dish. They were out in the bright sunlight today a little before noon when...

Another surprise lunge
Is that how you spell lunge? As I was speeding the hens and the rooster I held my baseball bat to the side while I poured the food from above onto one of the dishes as I was going towards the second dish the rooster came at me surprisingly fast. I didn't have time to...

My (his) defence stick is gone
I'm pretty sure the rooster didn't take it and I walked the grounds looking for it. Last time it was my fault and it was just outside but this time it looks like he's used it and put it down somewhere. I'm going to assume not intentionally and not maliciously but it...

Do Roosters carry rabies?
I know they don't. Probably. It was a brief fantasy about finding a reason to get rid of the rooster and win the war once and forever. Another attack from the front line happened this morning. I also witnessed the rooster being a bit of a bastard. Not doing his...

I can’t believe he still tries to make a run now and then.
I was almost at the steps to the house when I turned my back and the rooster. It's usually a safe spot especially since the food is a long way away. I think you may be mad because I didn't bring out a fifth portion for him which for a while I was doing, It's so hard...

Afternoon Feeding Conflict
I placed the majority portion of food in the elevated area near the door. Because, it had rained earlier, I had to reach to grab the main dish, flip it over and let the water out as everyone came running, eager for their dinner portions. I set my defence stick down...

Today’s Stupid Mistake
I kind of think I was always this way but I can't be sure because of the way my memory works. I make stupid mistakes, I knock things over, and I don't foresee the consequences of things I do before I do them. Today's example was quite unfortunate and I can't get away...

The Monday before I have to pay attention again.
I'm feeling more stressed than I need to be,but that doesn't really help. Then again, my stress has always been pretty mild. Since I go with the flow about everything, worrying about the future is a useless pastime. He starts a job tomorrow that will take him out of...