6:23 am I had another night of deep sleep and awesome dreams. For the first time since I've moved out West, my dreams were not on the farm. I was back in Toronto downtown with friends Mazda and an old Comspec employee that has never been in my dreams before. We were close once but he transferred...
A lot of forgetting this weekend.
Drug Posts, Personal Journey | Coke, ecstasy, life, meth, molly, party
I decided it was time to blog about my wild weekend since they don't happen very often. The landlord had invited his son over and we sat in the kitchen the three of us and got super high on weed and lines of coke. Lots of lines of coke.. I didn't sleep Friday but I did sleep in Saturday and then...
My life as a raver
Archives, Drug Posts | acid, ecstasy, rave
Back in the 90s, I used to be a raver. When I'm trying to appear cooler than I am, I tell...
Nudge Nudge, say no more
Commentary & Opinion, Drug Posts | dubstep, ecstasy, lsd, short, The Loop
People always ask me what being high is like. What's acid like? Wat's ecstasy like? Its hard and almost useless, I kind of adopted the retort question, Ok, can you tell me what blue is? Its a cop out, but its almost common now so its neat to see how a standardization...
You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.
Drug Posts, Second Life | acid, brain, crystal, don’t, drug, ecstasy, ice, life, Live, Live Brain Transcript, lsd, MDMA, meth, posts, Second Life, Stop, tina, transcript
I really am too tired tonight. I shouldnt be, but the back problem retrned. I wasnt surprised, since the last time the fall season brought me the back problem, it was also ecstast based... orso was my guilt based self diagnosis. This pst week I'd been popping capsules...
General Blog Messages | acid, dealer, drugs, ecstasy, lsd, MDMA, meth, molly
I wish I had the nerve to be a drug dealer. I have great access, and could make enough money to solve my problems… but I’m terrified of getting caught… so I don’t. I don’t know how dealers are not afraid every day.
General Blog Messages | avatar, ecstasy, MDMA, molly, Second Life
Had the most incredible time with this beauty on molly hugging and making out for four hours high as fuck in my alternate universe.
General Blog Messages | ecstasy
I always wanted this as a T shirt to wear around, asking to buy a vowel.  I finally made the picture… and shit, I spelled ECSTASY wrong.  Stoner Move