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Wednesday switch up

Wednesday switch up

6:23 am I had another night of deep sleep and awesome dreams. For the first time since I've moved out West, my dreams were not on the farm. I was back in Toronto downtown with friends Mazda and an old Comspec employee that has never been in my dreams before. We were close once but he transferred...

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You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.

You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.

I really am too tired tonight. I shouldnt be, but the back problem retrned. I wasnt surprised, since the last time the fall season brought me the back problem, it was also ecstast based... orso was my guilt based self diagnosis. This pst week I'd been popping capsules...

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I always wanted this as a T shirt to wear around, asking to buy a vowel.  I finally made the picture… and shit, I spelled ECSTASY wrong.  Stoner Move

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