Slow internet delays tonight’s cow count video. Nobody but me noticed.
Big idea. Multiple drafts.
Club Frogstar, General Blog Messages, Orange Jeff Show, The Daily Connect | AI Generated Content, blog, idea, stand up, tiktok
An idea came to me, and I spent a day experimenting. I wonder whether I’ll care tomorrow.
That one dream I dislike
Club Frogstar, Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Orange Jeff Show, Personal Journey, The Daily Connect | comedy, dreams, Genius, Highlights, idea, inspiration, morning, story, tiktok
This blog entry takes a turn and becomes two separate posts in one. A dream universe revelation that inspired a whole new concept that could change my life again, but probably won’t.
ADHD movie nag
Commentary & Opinion, Filter Fun, General Blog Messages, Orange Jeff Show, Video | ADHD, AI Generated Content, tiktok, video
A cute little informational video for people who have ADHD and have been using the term object permanence incorrectly
I am your Orange
Club Frogstar, Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Video | orange, tiktok
Three different people shared this TikTok post with me last week. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Beau Blackmore...
Times Up. I missed it.
General Blog Messages, Personal Journey | comedy, failure, goals, life, tiktok
I've always known I'm funny. Saying it out loud however, is hard. I don't tell jokes so being funny on demand never works. The world has a lot of people who seem to be funnier than me and it's distressing. TikTok and other social media platforms are turning people...
Social Media Shared
General Blog Messages | tiktok
Posts on this page are taken from my Facebook and TikTok accounts and may contain duplicates of stuff I posted here too.
The running of the hens
Farm Posts | feeding, hens, tiktok
One of these days hopefully before the winter comes I will remember to bring my tripod down and set it up so that I can catch I have to pre-planned this precisely, because the the run of the hens. It has become one of the highlights of my otherwise doll weekdays. I 1...