My latest music video and first music public release into the mainstream market.
Take Off Tuesday
General Blog Messages, The Struggle | blah, day off, Lazy
It's after 9:00 PM and I just made up the name take off Tuesday, because that's what happened today. I didn't do anything on my computer at all, and that's a little bit concerning, because there was a message that needed to be tended to quickly. It's the kind of message that comes from a long time...
David Attenborough Explains the Urban Sloth
Fiction, Orange Jeff Show, Video | Lazy, parody, sloth
I am more like a sloth than a cheeta.
Read moreNot doing things isn’t right for everyone, but doing things an easier way should be the norm.
The lazy farmer
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages, Life | chores, cows, efficiency, farm, Lazy
I used the common term lazy even though I understand that I'm not really lazy. Do I though? It's clear that I expend energy trying to save energy. I put a lot of effort into not putting a lot of effort into things. I go out of my way to try and lesson number of steps...
Comparing Better
British Columbia, Personal Journey | ADHD, Lazy
There is no denying that living in a bedroom that is almost 100° f is a bed that is infested with bed bugs that eat away at you each night by the hundreds in a house owned by an unpredictable control freak with lots of issues is not a healthy environment. My current...
Saturday Half Day
General Blog Messages, Personal Journey | feeding, Lazy, tasks
 My work life is pretty light these days. I only have a few customers left in my web business and my weekday job taking care of animals is only about a half hours worth of work split into three simple feeding tasks at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even so, I don't...
Sloth Summary
Club Frogstar, Work Related Posts | day off, Lazy, web design
I got in two naps today because my body told me I needed them, and more. My motivation on the new club website project has hit a bump, because it's go so many...
I forgot about holidays
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | animals, Lazy, work
No more feeding the fishes, pigs or chickens for a while. I guess this i
My office chair is my bed
And that's a bad thing. The difference between laying down and sitting up is simply the position of my feet. My butt stays in approximately the same location for both and so it's really easy to slip back into the slumber position. Add to this the fact that I don't...
Slow Start
Personal Journey, Work Related Posts | Lazy, morning, social media
I don't want to start work. It's less fun than doing nothing.
Pause & Blog | Doctor Who, Lazy, Second Life, TV
Doctor Who in the alternate universe.