As I get older I occasionally worry that I might start mixing up reality with my dreams. I have a very imaginative dream universe that is separate from my reality while awake but every now and then I have a memory spontaneously pop into my head and I'm not quite sure whether it was from a dream or...

Wednesday at the Circle K
I have not seen this. It was generated as a blog from a captioned recording of a rant I made to the universe while tripping quite heavily on quality ketemine.

First Ketamine in over a decade
I talked to the camera when really high and had Chat CPT turn my rant into a blog post. Not proof read.

Fixing my brain.
So here's an interesting twist that I didn't really expect but it's the second time it's happened now. Recently I had a small binge where I well I'll just say it where I ingested ketamine for a trip instead of just my usual...

I took out the garbage – in a dream
I forgot to wake up before I remembered to take out the garbage to the curb this morning.

Non-Sexual Frustrations
I scroll through Tumblr or Reddit and the posts about drugs are always intermixed with drugs containing sex. Most frequently, lots of nudity and hard active sex. I want to be a part of that world, but I'm terrified, so I just ignore it. I don't even try. I stay...

Too many dreams
I'm not sure why I woke up so many times this past night, but it did allow me to have a lot of wonderful dreams. The humidity in my room is down at 25% again and my nose is still whistling and playing tunes when I lay down, so I guess my brain is getting a different...

The Monday Distracted Report
I woke up with a gasp today. As far as I remember, I woke up with a gasp about 40 times since 3am, when I finally fell asleep. There are so many things to write about this morning and I suspect I'll only remember to touch on a few. I'll try not to read into the many...

Elevator Dreams
I casually mentioned my sideways elevator dreams in a Facebook status message this morning, and two of my friends mentioned they'd had similar dreams. In my dream, I am often frustrated, because I get into the wrong elevator, and this one travels goes between...