I’m always evaluating life
There's something strange about the idea of being supervised or watched that changes the way we react. Apparently this is true all the way down to microbiology.

I’m always evaluating life

I’m noticing changes in the universe that have an effect on me  although they may not be fully understood for a while. I’ve changed my morning routine recently. I wake up, and start streaming live. Even though I know nobody is watching, the act of talking to the camera changes the way I think.

I evaluate my life from this perspective. It is quite a revelation and I recommend it. Being watched or at least the concept of being watched.

Of course I am also aware that these perceptions are in a way, pre-approved under the blanket acceptance of a continual meth high. I share my gross hygiene habits openly because it seems ok to do do. When I’m out of drugs, I may realize I was crazy, and shut it all down. I hope not.

I like being real and open. I think.

Oh now I’ve got that to worry about. I know sharing a poverty messy drug using life online may seem odd, but that’s why it’s special.

Or I’m just high. Either way, it’s time to feed the animals.



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