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Live Brain Transcript

Commuter Internet

Commuter Internet

I have a 10gb data plan on my phone. Now that I am actually leaving my home more than once a month, it was time to upgrade. I will be traveling alone for two hours each morning and returning each evening. I can look out the window some days but it was clear I'd be...

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Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

It's not like there is any real significance to weekends when you're at home 24/7. I still honour our cultural traditions and not get high till Friday. But I got high not remembering it was Friday. This week went by fast for me because I have important work, and I've...

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Back to work. It's the Tuesday after labour day. I started work early but it didn't last too long as I have little actual work, and I'm still fighting my home based depression. I put a desktop computer on a pop up table at the end of my bed. I don't have to get up to...

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An important Monday

An important Monday

It's been a bad week, and I know it was the wrong choice to remain in my bedroom, silently avoiding the confrontation that must happen today. Predicting outcomes with worry and stress is never a good plan, but when your landlord could kick you out with anger and no...

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A Good Monday

A Good Monday

I had intentions to make this a good Monday and followed through. Not the best of days, but a somewhat productive day. I started early, having learned the key to success is not falling back in bed for a second sleep. The sun wakes me around 730. I don't know why I am...

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Monday sunrise

Monday sunrise

Loud bright thunderstorms I stayed up. I hope the heat breaks.   I'm a little afraid, to be honest. I'm living in a trigger sensitive situation where a volatile person may lose control of his temper this morning. AT ME   I currently hear the sound of a...

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Things I’d like to be different

Occasionally I have stopped so what could I do if I want to, could I do if I was motivated enough. If I had some assistance if I had some support. My current dream. It’s based in reality, it could be. It’s not impossible. None of my dreams are actually difficult to tackle by someone who had the ability to start and complete tasks, but I don’t. I’d love to get in motorhome and tour the country lecturing about some of my philosophies, of which I still hold on to pride.

The idea of stories we tell our own stories and my stop here. I don't feel motivated to expand upon my universal stories just now. It's better to cling to it, with high hopes and optimism. Say it out loud, realize how lame might be.

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A bad thing for a good reason.

A bad thing for a good reason.

I'm not sorry. I do not regret today's desision... But of course, I'd say that now, still under the influence of a euphoria I previous denied. I am euphoric and creative and excited. I have been writing all night. My normal behaviour was to take some MDMA and try to...

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Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Frogstar World C (The Orange Window Universe) The First Draft of tis will be amazingly different than the one I share.  I exp[ect it will be good enough to be praised.   ALL YOU NEED TO CHANGHE YOUR UNIVERSE IS ONE FAN TO SHARE IT WITH All you need is one fan to...

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If you believe that the story is the only prize. The story is all. The storyeller are the winners. If you believe in the story, then there is little difference between good and bad. If you understand the power of creating your own stories, then any situation no longer...

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