Orange Shirt Blogs

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Personal Journey

Personal Journey

Short sleeve Tuesday

Short sleeve Tuesday

Today is the first day I've taken the bus where most people have ditched their spring coats or sweaters. Last time I was one of the only riders in short sleeves. But today only the foreigners and homeless are wearing costs. I can see naked arms everywhere and somehow...

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North is Right

North is Right

I've always been good at directions and navigation with a few notable exceptions. When I was visiting Chicago, I continuously got confused about Eastbound and Westbound highway exits because the lake was in the North, whereas the Toronto lake is in the south More...

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Work Monday

Work Monday

Monday was the night of the big switchover on the stressful work contract I've been using to face my mental health and return into life as a productive employable worjer. The weeks preceding have been a strange mixtures of highs and lows emotionally as I continue to...

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Rainy Wednesday

Rainy Wednesday

Today is a day that will test my new skills. It's a depressing cold, gray Wednesday. It's 10am and I've already experienced a few low points and terrifying moments of failure already. The kind of things that stand up and remind me the good streak I've been riding is...

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Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Frogstar World C (The Orange Window Universe) The First Draft of tis will be amazingly different than the one I share.  I exp[ect it will be good enough to be praised.   ALL YOU NEED TO CHANGHE YOUR UNIVERSE IS ONE FAN TO SHARE IT WITH All you need is one fan to...

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Short sleeve Tuesday

No Internet Blogging

When the Internet is down, the email editor seems to be the best way to blog. It still works like an editor with spellcheck and copy and paste. It seems almost everything else won't even load without the Internet. I have the Wordpress app on Windows and I thought it...

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I remember thye origin stories of the weirdest things

I remember thye origin stories of the weirdest things

I remember visually where I was standing when I first heard the CBC Radio announcer describing this piece of music he was about to play. It wasn't so much music like a song, but a tone. Somebody had invented, or discovered this tone that sounded like it was rising...

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It has been a long time family tradition of mine to say RABBIT as the first words on the morning of the first day of every month.  As a kid, we used to try to have it be the first thing, but more importantly, we said it to each other in the family before the other...

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February 2025
