Live Streamed from my bed on a Sunny Sunday afternoon [widget id="wpwws_widget-19"] [useyourdrive dir="drive" account="103565702162300383126" mode="video" viewrole="administrator|author|contributor|editor|subscriber|guest" downloadrole="all"]May 3rd - Webcam 1 [useyourdrive...
Personal Journey
Tuesday Transit Talk
I didn't blog from my subway ride for a couple of trips because my timing was off and the ride was busy. Toronto transit is great but it's better when you're not riding at the same time as all the other passengers. School rush hour is earlier than business rush hour and retail rush hour. I don't...

Short sleeve Tuesday
Today is the first day I've taken the bus where most people have ditched their spring coats or sweaters. Last time I was one of the only riders in short sleeves. But today only the foreigners and homeless are wearing costs. I can see naked arms everywhere and somehow...

North is Right
I've always been good at directions and navigation with a few notable exceptions. When I was visiting Chicago, I continuously got confused about Eastbound and Westbound highway exits because the lake was in the North, whereas the Toronto lake is in the south More...

Work Monday
Monday was the night of the big switchover on the stressful work contract I've been using to face my mental health and return into life as a productive employable worjer. The weeks preceding have been a strange mixtures of highs and lows emotionally as I continue to...

Rainy Wednesday
Today is a day that will test my new skills. It's a depressing cold, gray Wednesday. It's 10am and I've already experienced a few low points and terrifying moments of failure already. The kind of things that stand up and remind me the good streak I've been riding is...

A real E-Nail Dab bong rip
At first I didn't see the amount of smoke on the exhale that I expected, so of course - I did another one. Another few actually. Still no exhale smoke. I did some nice long rips too. I remember being complimented on how big an inhale I could do back when I...

Shrink Week 1
When I have no Internet, the Microsoft Mail program included with Windows 10 still does the spellcheck, so it's a pretty good editor for blogging. Today I realized it can actually be used to send directly to the Wordpress Blog. I used a Star Trek reference to my...

No Internet Blogging
When the Internet is down, the email editor seems to be the best way to blog. It still works like an editor with spellcheck and copy and paste. It seems almost everything else won't even load without the Internet. I have the Wordpress app on Windows and I thought it...

As my pump gently beats.
... but mother, I don't like beets. My father had only one rule about food, no two. No beets Clean your plate. It was a thing. Something to remember because only having one thingf you won't eat, is a strong way to say you'll eat anything. Neat dad memory to start off...

Weekend Update
It's been a while since I've written and all of a sudden I decided now was a good time. I sat at my desk staring at my screen knowing I have several tasks to do. Not really too many for an average worker, but tasks with a deadline and priority are always a bit...

My mothers day on the wagon.
We had a dinner buffet at Bob's Country Buffet. I think. I'm not actually 100% sure what came after Bob's country, but I sure do rememnber tha a name like that is real siomple, and availbale to anyone. The people you see here, or at least I saw today, on one of their...

My TO DO List solution – sharing.
A few years ago when I was deciding on all the life changes for the second part of my life, after having found myself living alone for the first time ever, one of my favourite discoveries was how much the simple act of sharing a TO-DO list changed everything. Each...

The Monday Distracted Report
I woke up with a gasp today. As far as I remember, I woke up with a gasp about 40 times since 3am, when I finally fell asleep. There are so many things to write about this morning and I suspect I'll only remember to touch on a few. I'll try not to read into the many...

Ami is the Anti-Me
My click or clash theory has -- Wow. I'm at a loss for words. I've retyped the opening line of this post several times and I stop, delete and try again. It's such an unusual thing for me, to be so uncomfortable with another person in a way I am finsing it hard to...

Working to please
The psychiatrists are often made fun of, because they too often seem to blame the mother or father. I grew up with a mental illness condition before even the term mental illness was coined, and long before people knew A.D.D wasn't just a kid being irritating on...

The hard way wasnt hard
4 am on a Saturday, the regular crowd pouring in. Yes. I finally fit it in its slot. It's been out of sync. I do not pull that rope and ring that loud bell every time a puzzle piece fits. It just means the next sign will appear like a Pez. If my life were a tv movie,...

The Orange Jeff Chronicles.
I have been working to combine the written portion and the video portion of my daily - oh yeah, I guess it kind of is a routine. I'm still getting used to how much I am surprised each day as I materialize suddenly. Itmight be any time of the day or night, Just did the...

Unsent Letter to S.
Today was a bit of a rough day on my brain. One of my very best friends is in distress, and not only can't I do anything to help... I may have done things to hinder. This pretty much my life's worst scenario. I live to make people smile, and am wounded when I cause...

Life Changes
I'm losing my morning person abilities. The winter and spring of 2017... I'm not waking up energized and dtsrting my work day anymore. I've even lost my proide in being a morning person. I hate it. I have not gained the late person powers. I still want to go to bed...

The TV I watch 2016
We're a few months into the 2016 seson, and a few shows have already been cancelled. It's time to list the shows I still watch weekly. In no particular order The Daily Show with Trevor noah Full Frontal with Samantha Bee @Midnight (occasional) TMZ (occasional)...

The Emergency Room
There are a few places in life people need to wait. Some lines you can avoid, or do without. Some lines you can schedule and return at less busy times. It's hard to avoid the waiting room at a hospital. I suppose the rich can pay for better treatment in some cases,...

Fame Adjacent
I have a very social relationship with many of my clients, having served them often for over 20 years now. One client of mine that I consider a friend, has a 19 year old son with amazing talent, and has recently started down the path of a singing career.As is the...

SNL Layers
I just finished watching this week's 2014 Christmas edition of Saturday Night Live. It's odd to feel cheated that hardly any celebrities showed up this year. The only cameos were three former SNL Characters - so far anyway. The demographically perfect boy band One...

The Artist Thirds
I go to a lot of places where artists show their work. Not so much official art galleries, but smaller marketplaces and shows. Festivals and public displays where artists rent small booths and try to sell their paintings or jewelry or other hand made work. I enjoy...

Your next new phone.
Apple does a few things really well, but one of the biggest impacts on the cell phone world, is the way they've managed to make getting the newest iPhone an obligation of your status. Of course, not every iPhone user lines up to be first, and many don't even bother...

My Mother
Today is October 27th. A day some sons would remember, if it was the day their mother died, but I'll probably forget in time. I don't remember the date that my father died. I didn't really mourn their deaths. It's different situation when you say goodbye to family...

The Gift of No Gifts
One of the issues I've had as an obsessive mind that overthinks every scenario of life, is regarding the idea of receiving gifts. I have very few memories of receiving gifts, where I enjoyed the process. That is one serious imaginary memory deficit. I'm not saying I...

The ABCS of Me
One of the popular things that happens on Facebook from time to time, is your friends start posting lists and forwarding them. They also try to force you to do the same. I have a policy to not do anything on Facebook that a status post dared me or even asked me to...

Theatre Jitters 2014/09/29
I was recently reminded of why I gave up acting. I was never an acting star or anything you'd have heard about, but I did participate in every school drama that was available to me in my youth. Starting in grade 5, through to the end of my high school career, I was...

I've always liked my writing style. It's sort of like the way I talk. It is something I do that I'm proud of, and there are not so many things in my life like that. However, I also don't seem to be able to do anything serious with it. I made a pledge to write a blog...

+1 Pleasure Points
A new idea is exciting. It actually feels good. +1 Pleasure points. As I was thinking new thoughts the other day, I was able to actually feel the good feeling and sensation that comes with a new idea. Learning something new - at any age is good, and figuring it out on...

Adult Nap Time
For many of you, the last time you took a daytime nap may have been in kindergarten, when nap time was enforced. That's too bad. Once we hit grade 1, we are encouraged to make it through the day in one continuous state of awake. In fact, napping at school is not...

When I first started my project in January of 2014, it was a great motivator of creativity and energy at a time in my life when I needed it. Through the process of making 100 consecutive 10 second videis everyday, with follow up YouTube videos, I found a...

Fake Monday
Fro some reason, we North Americans tend to like our long weekends to favour Monday, rather than Fridays. Somehow it seems like a longer holiday when we get an extra day AFTER Sunday, rather than taking Friday off and going back to work on a Monday. I suppose some...

Society Evolves
The Internet has become a form of education we never expected. For the first time, we are globally seeing more and more real people. Reality TV started it, but the Internet is King, where every human can broadcast themselves or their neighbours, and we can see, for...

I’m Sundaying
Sunday is a special day in our culture. It used to be the official day or rest for society, based I supposed on Christianity - but really meant as a day off for everyone... until it wasn't, and we got greedy. Now almost everything is open on Sunday, although some...

I don’t want to be famous. I just want a few fans.
In my previous writings, I have stated this many times. I don't want to be famous. I just want a few fans. Fans are usually great, but being famous can be a terror. On Monday of this week, I started a new goal to write a blog of some sort every day, and the truth is -...

Most of us are Criminals.
Life is full of rules. Some we don't really care about breaking, and some we do. We've made the idea of breaking rules so socially acceptable that there is a famous line; "Rules are meant to be broken" which in itself, is an absurd statement. Some people define...

Monday. Fresh Start Day. No More Coasting.
Some people hate Mondays. Ok... many people hate Mondays. There is even a great song about it that I happen to love. People do however seem to like January 1st, whether it falls on a Monday or not. Everyone starts talking about the new year as a fresh start, and many...

Hitler Died a Happy Man
I dream a lot, as most people do, but I like to think my dreams are different than many people's and I tend to remember my dreams pretty well. In the spring, my dreams can be even more elaborate, and very dialogue intensive. It's 5:31 as I write this post, and I just...

Orange Origin
Orange This color's name derives from the Sanskrit word for the fruit naranga. (Yes, the color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around). This transformed into the Arabic and Persian naranj, and by the time of Old French to pomme d'orenge. It was...

GIVE IT 100 This site inspired me to make a 10 second video every day on a project. I chose to document my struggle to find a bit more money in 2014. It's been fun.

My first commercial

It’s Pie Time!
My family have always been game players, although I was almost always a loser. We played card games, board games, and a few sports. I never really was good at any of them. When I moved out, much of the world was discovering video games, but I never got very good at...

Cheap Android “test” Tablet
I recently bought a cheap 7" tablet from a foreign "free shipping" web site and it's horrid. Really really bad. In fact, I can't even browse the web or watch any video at all. However, I don't consider it a waste because I have learned from it that I really do want...

My “hook”.
Sometimes I think about my stories, and how I'll be remembered in the future. Life is long, but other people's lives are infinite. As my friends grow older and have kids, it makes me wonder what their life will be like. Their future. I remember back to my childhood,...

Shows I Watch: Spring 2013 Edition
While checking out some older BLOG entries today I found a list of the shows I watch from 2011, and decide to do a new one. Person of Interest Rules of engagement Big Bang Theory How I Met your mother The Soup Jimmy Kimmel Live (Opening only, usually) Daily Show...

Sometimes I’m sad when I check my DRAW SOMETHING, and people just guessed the drawings and did their own. Some of the stuff I did was funny, or cute and should have yielded a comment. Come on! You have to comment on that!

The Gift of a Story
I’ve been told a lot of great ideas come to people when they visit the bathroom. As a rule, I don’t spend as much time in the bathroom as some people I know. I don’t have reading material, and I don’t sit around for very long after doing my business. However, I do...

It has been a long time family tradition of mine to say RABBIT as the first words on the morning of the first day of every month. As a kid, we used to try to have it be the first thing, but more importantly, we said it to each other in the family before the other...

Elevator Dreams
I casually mentioned my sideways elevator dreams in a Facebook status message this morning, and two of my friends mentioned they'd had similar dreams. In my dream, I am often frustrated, because I get into the wrong elevator, and this one travels goes between...

I tried Green Olvies
I ate green olives today, probably for the first time ever. I say probably, because the event was so un-memorable, it is conceivable, I have done it before, and just forgot. The taste had a slight familiar feel to it, almost as if I thought was green olives ‘should’ ...

The Universe in a blink
It’s amazing how fast the brain is. A whole universe can be imagined in a thought. You look at your watch, and almost no time had passed at all. I arrived for my appointment at the Artful Dodger early, and sat outside in the sun on a bench next to a tree, just...

Apartment Rental Scam
I'm looking for a new place to live this spring, so I decided to check Craig’s List. A friend had told me there are a lot of scam artists there, so I thought I’d have some fun and go in search of the fake ads. Deals too good to be true. I sent a few emails off to...

Quebec: Point form notes about things I noticed.
Went to Quebec this past week. Things I noticed: No pirate pay phones. All the pay phones were Bell, like Ontario used to be. Later, in one district of old Montreal, they were all TELUS payphones. No hot dog street vendors. Not one, anywhere I could see, and we...

New Weeks Resolution
I like Monday. I think of it as a mini-new week, and I start fresh with resolutions. Recently I blogged here about no longer reading books, or more accurately, ebooks on my phone at lunch. Instead, I have been reading Facebook and playing Jewel games. At that...

Being alone in a crowd
Long time readers of mine will know I much prefer being in a partnership or relationship to being alone. I've often said I fell co dependant without the co when alone, and the happiness of others gives me purpose. Having said that, I will also admit that being alone,...

The Smartphone taught me to read.
I had a smartphone before you did. Long before. It took me a lot of mental memory just now, but I figured out this is actually my sixth smartphone, and third format change. My first, a black and white Kyocera was my entry into the hand held world of computing and my...

Pizza Hut lunch. The End.
I was called in to work today when my plans ahead of time had been to stay in and catch up on old work I was behind on. Yesterday had also been a day when there was a big difference between what I expected and what actually happened. When I fall behind, I tend to get...

Life might be insanity.
There is a famous saying I have often quoted as used in other writings, "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results." Today, it occurred to me that life itself, is a series of loops, and if we don't learn and grow...

The first one that breaks the piñata gets less than everyone else. I just saw a commercial where they implied that training in life is good, and they used an example of a girl who twirled herself at home for hours so she could handle the blindfolded twirl at her...

The Bigger the Crowd
The Toronto Riots of 2010 The bigger the crowd, the more people show up for it. A quote I heard comedian Gallagher speak as part of a larger routine, that I have never forgotten, and occasionally use in general conversation. People do love a crowd, and it builds,...

Unzip Etiquette
I was surprised today to notice a man unzipping his fly as he walked into the public restroom. He didn't wait till he was at the urinal. He did it as he entered. I wondered if Emily Post has a rule about that.