When people ask me to something, I find they are never impressed with my long list of the other things I've accomplished while avoiding their request. Did you pick up bread yesterday? No but I did find that Surplus outlet we couldn't find last month and I bought a Kayak. It's 140pm and I've done a...
Life really is like chess. I suck at chess. It’s not a game for my instant gratification lifestyle. I don’t think moves ahead. I have enough trouble with NOW.
I've written many times of how I ignore or avoid things that are important in favor of doing other things that are less important. Important tasks for customers often get put aside until they complain and even then longer. It's one of my most frustrating traits and...
I am experiencing a mental block that's trying to prevent me from continuing work on my new website project. I've had enough time to overthink and predict future failures so my excitement and enthusiasm in the creation of the project has dipped a little. This is not a...
I had very specific plans to do something when I woke up this morning. I had worked them out while I was asleep...kind of. I'm not sure about that limbo of almost asleep where my dreams may or may not be dreams. They might just be thoughts. In any case, I had a task....
Every once in a while people shock me and do something I've been trying to do for a long time. In the spring, before the summer heat began, we moved an old weird ass air conditioner into my room. I couldn't get the jammed old wooden window open, so I just gave up on...
When people on a diet want a piece of cake they declare a cheat day. There doesn't seem to be any rule except that all rules are out the window. I've been setting very tiny goals for myself each day but today I didn't get much done at all. It's 4:00 p.m. now and I go...
I had a good Monday. I had a good Tuesday. When I say good, it should be understood that I mean I have managed to keep happy and active and accomplishing things that are not important or money making, all the while ignoring everything bad. May 1st kind of came up...
I had a recnt Religious fight. Not really a fight. A comment attacked, and then they ran away. Too bad. THe Bible was probably less about lessons and more about communal analogies. I did a really nice video tonight 10pm. If I watched it I could...