Orange Shirt Blogs

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I choose porn

I choose porn

Last night I had several ideas for good blog entries and I started off with full intention blogging right after I smoked some weed. It is the next day and clearly none of that happened. I smoked weed. In the past that has inspired me to write, but unfortunately I want...

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Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

It's not like there is any real significance to weekends when you're at home 24/7. I still honour our cultural traditions and not get high till Friday. But I got high not remembering it was Friday. This week went by fast for me because I have important work, and I've...

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Old man behavior

I was going to start this vlog with the game, second life. That was my whole opening line. Second life. It occurred to me that that's the kind of thing old men probably old women at some point start to yell out random words like that. This could even be what some...

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Being Old and Wise (and Grumpy)

It’s October now.

I got distracted on my way to writing this blog because it's 10:35 on the first Saturday of October and it occurs to me that I will probably be up at least another hour and could watch Saturday night live season premiere live for the first time in 2 years at least....

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So I’m supposed tobe honest here, right?

So I’m supposed tobe honest here, right?

I'd like to think I could be honest again, because I think I'm worth a second look. I only feel this is true. When I'm high. I did a huge thing today. I just did it. I got high on a drug that isn't weed. Let me lead into that. I have a story. I'm an interesting...

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COMMUNITY BASED BROADCAST STUDIO#torontodrugs#canadadrugsDreams that actually came true.FROGSTAR.TV is part of the Frogstar family of related sites.KIK chat group website #torontodrugs#canadadrugs Access to this website from Canada only. This page was created to...

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The Important Friday.

The Important Friday.

It turns out we do thank God it's Friday. Old English Frīgedæg ‘day of Frigga’, named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love; translation of late Latin Veneris dies ‘day of Venus’, Frigga being equated with the...

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Pausenblog. A german word I just made up that translates to, blogging during the show. Live on webcam and streaming... not streaming tonight, because I can't figure the best place. I am watching the brand new MURDER MYSTERY, and I absolutly love it.    37:28 The...

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February 2025
