Second Life is a simulation of our universe except better
Second Life
The Conversation Room
You see an online virtual mall filled with flashy storefronts and top notch animated advertisements everywhere. You walk down the pathway in awe at how many options there are to spend money on a seperate universe. You see a new store is opening up where the old bookstore used to be. The...

I foolishly thought all bus stops were equal on the Queen West line, so I missed the earlier one, but Google maps says I should still arrive before 10 I'm on it now, and it is cool and bright and I found a seat although I'm conscious about still being a bit smelly....

Day T-1
Today is Sunday. My practice day to see that I can wake up and get things done. I won't say I'm failing already, but it certainly wasn't a totally slow start. It's 10:30 and I feel like I will tackle my to-do list today out in the sun and feel better about it. I am...

The Next Episode
In the past. I have always talked about each new move as a Chapter in my life story. I learn so many new things when I'm living in the house with other people. Now I think it might be time to modernize my terminology since so much about how we share our story is now...

Wild by my standards
It's 6am and even though I asked and she said no, when 8 asked again, I ended up changing her plans and spending the whole night talking. It's what I wanted and I get high enough to believe it's enjoyable. I know interaction with high women who I click with is the...

I almost cried when my doctor called.
I'm near tears right now, but managing. I had high hopes for a call from my doctor. I had plans of what to say. 45 seconds later, we were saying goodbye and I said nothing. I hate that. I hate myself right now. I accomplished nothing. I didn't get anything I was going...

Oh yeah… It’s Friday already
It's not like there is any real significance to weekends when you're at home 24/7. I still honour our cultural traditions and not get high till Friday. But I got high not remembering it was Friday. This week went by fast for me because I have important work, and I've...

The morning mental debate
Over the years I have created a number of different tricks to start my day better. I know what I need to do to wake up and start being productive. As soon as I realize I'm up, I turn on all the lights to full brightness and stand up and stretch. The key is to not go...

Let me scooch right by
This is a blog that's going to start off talking about the loud noises going on right now at 8:00 p.m. on Monday. The decision to make this blog about that topic was decided upon spontaneously as I was writing the subject title of this blog. The title of this blog...

The virtual life future.
One of my unfinished projects was to write a fiction. A short story or a novel if I felt up to it. In my mind it made a good TV series and I could be a millionaire if I only told someone about it. I have two chapters and I might be inspired to write more now and then...

Flip Flopping isn’t a bad thing.
I have do much to share but let's see what gets retained long enough for the blog. I flip flop a lot. Often several times a minute as I internally debate decisions. If I stall long enough somebody else will make it. My phyciatrist has a standard procedure of always...

Old man behavior
I was going to start this vlog with the game, second life. That was my whole opening line. Second life. It occurred to me that that's the kind of thing old men probably old women at some point start to yell out random words like that. This could even be what some...

Experiments in Blogging.
My plan is to be recording by audio, and there's this important to all that. Okay. Water, oops, live brain transcript, Canadian Thanksgiving October 11 2021 Coming up day drinks water. So the story so far. I just got high. And it's, it was at 420, in the afternoon on...

You don’t suck.
Mental Profile As I was laying in bed tonight I realized this needed to be written. I couldn't go to sleep without waking up and writing down this latest idea of mine. The world has recently adopted the term mental health to include all of those who have some...

It’s October now.
I got distracted on my way to writing this blog because it's 10:35 on the first Saturday of October and it occurs to me that I will probably be up at least another hour and could watch Saturday night live season premiere live for the first time in 2 years at least....

Starting at 5pm
It's Wednesday of the week back work week and as of 5pm, I've done nothing. I had a glorious uninterrupted restorative sleep last night during a thunderstorm. I woke up at 730 and then went back untill about 1045. Since then I've just sat around playing on my phone...

Live Brain Transcript
I'm giving this one a second try. At the very least, you know, isn't quite as distracting. But I'm very easily distracted. I mean, something took me away from pizza. Not right don't go on camera when they're eating pizza. doesn't seem right for the day Really is...

I could be President.
They have a saying that anyone could be president and some people laugh that off. But the truth is, anyone probably can become president. If managed by smart people. All you need to do is be some people's favorite. And they'll bulk that in and buy everything you're...

Live Brain Transcript
0:04 I absolutely hate when one single click. Takes me so far away from what I was doing that sometimes I don't make it back. Period. Tonight was therapy. I shared who I am, with someone seeking approval that I'm just interesting enough to want to see more, period. I...

High Tea on Tuesday
Have u mentioned the rock bottom practice of burning the brown spots off my collection of pipes. I don't clean, I conserve. I deckareto my usual tea party friends I was out and would be for a while. Zeppelin. I can hear my heartbeat kind of like a hirserace. I reach...

The mental beuracracy of two Jeffs
Imagine for a moment what it might be like to have a disconnect in your brain that spontaneously allowed for a second awareness. A second consciousness that remains seperate from your normal everyday life. For me, I am starting to figure out that my stoned...

Make me a thousandaire
Idea. I would like to make $2000 a monh and not much more. I want to create a site to win the market. A site that is not on;y free, but BETTER than all those crap sites that don'y actually have real people or elegable. Site Idea: social network Craigslist JUST...

Protected: Second Halloween Overdo in a row
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Protected: Stoner Business Pitch in a Blog
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Dead Vera won some money
Disclaimer. As of November 14th when I wrote this, Vera Macdonald was alone and thriving on Facebook. The Vera I refer to in this blog is a fake Romanian Vera Macdonald, trying to get me to pay for my winnings. Conversation Information Vera Macdonald WED 4:52 AM...

I see it now. I’m already in the pit
Previously I had found the polar opinions about meth usage on Tumblr an interesting mix. Many of the people were declaring their love for the drug, posting pictures and memes of their enjoyment and love others were posting negative imagery, often declaring they...

The Friday Grab
Although I enjoy the drug chat rooms, they are probably bad for me. They keep me active and wanting to be high more, to belong and avoid any suspicion that I project on them. I'm not typical so I feel I might be feared as an under over. I say stupid things sometimes....

Having fun on the way down
I'm enjoying life despite the empenfing doom. I'm having fun. Making friends and being me. Awkward and odd in all my glory. I'm saying dumb sjit and apologizing and nobody seems to hate me. They forgive and move on. Ironically these new friends are all from a...

The Grab I can’t affford
Sometimes I amaze myself with what I'm willing to do to appease others. In this case, it's as much appeasing myself I suppose. I'm mici g up emotions in my head. This week I happened to acquire $100 in cash. This is money that rightfully should be dedicated to paying...

So I’m supposed tobe honest here, right?
I'd like to think I could be honest again, because I think I'm worth a second look. I only feel this is true. When I'm high. I did a huge thing today. I just did it. I got high on a drug that isn't weed. Let me lead into that. I have a story. I'm an interesting...

COMMUNITY BASED BROADCAST STUDIO#torontodrugs#canadadrugsDreams that actually came true.FROGSTAR.TV is part of the Frogstar family of related sites.KIK chat group website #torontodrugs#canadadrugs Access to this website from Canada only. This page was created to...

The Important Friday.
It turns out we do thank God it's Friday. Old English Frīgedæg ‘day of Frigga’, named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love; translation of late Latin Veneris dies ‘day of Venus’, Frigga being equated with the...

Protected: Monday Highlights.
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Surprise. We had to wake you 230 years too early.
About 10 years ago, I signed the card that came with my driver's licence, allowing my organs to be donated when I die. I couldn't see any good reason not to because no matter what the after life turns out to be, I'm certain it won't be filled with the few hundred...

Free Million Dollar Ideas I am already thinking I might not share this, but 15 seconds ago, I was pumped. I was going to give away some of my million dollar ideas, and I use that number to show how old I am. Any good idea is worth more than millions...

Pausenblog. A german word I just made up that translates to, blogging during the show. Live on webcam and streaming... not streaming tonight, because I can't figure the best place. I am watching the brand new MURDER MYSTERY, and I absolutly love it. 37:28 The...

Fake Monday blog
I've been blogging on my bus and subway rides as a good way to work out my feelings and mindset in between therapy. It's helpful, and I recommend it, even if you don't really tell anybody about the blogs. They can still be therapeutic. It's the new socially...

The Caretaker
Chapter one. Once upon a time. In a small town just north of Thunder Bay there was an old fairy tale that has been told for generations about the story of the town's clocktower. It stood at the base of the main street and was older than photography so nobody really...

Subway Blogging. I did a thing.
It's a Friday before what is now called memorial day weekend, although I remember when it was Victoria Day and many people in Canada call it may 2-4 weekend presumably because one year it fell on the 24th and a beer company ran commercials. We Canadians love our beer...

Blogged Live from the alternate Universe
I have blogged a lot in the past, and sometime as the chatcater Orange Jeff, but more recently, while a big high, I decided it might be novel to have Orange Jeff blog from within this Universe. I am literally typing this as ... Oh now I've ruined it all. I'm streaming...

More private blogs again.
One of the early signs I'm off the wagon is 2am blogs and 4am blogs and 6am blogs and Second Life blogs. It means I'm staying up all night. I must have gotten high. It started with 5 Molly pills. I'd been without the pressed branded pills for about 2 years. The last...

The Chat Session Origin Story
Watch how the conversation unfolded and tell me you want to invest. The world needs community in a world where we're not interacting like we used to. Community is key to happiness. Sadness shared is halfed. Happiness shared is doubled. We have the opportunity to...

I’ve been actively not going to sleep since 2 but just now I felt it. I bumped way too much for a Monday. I should. Ding
They gave me 6 demerit points for using Should in the title. Cartoon version of me. Bam Movie. 3 friends from high school download Sentiance Pak A. Lore. Egan downloads Sentiance Pak B. Data. The three of you look at each other with smiles, as will those of you...

My Drug Dealer Might be Placebo
There is a movie, Formula 44. I am about to spoil it for you, which is a shame because it's really worth watching. However, if you're an intelegent person, you probably figured it out from the title of this blog. Good for you. Sorry I spoiled it. In the movie, a new...

Aweome Trick.
I have been on the other sie of the door wondering; are you up? She makes a noise outside my door. I am startled, and involentarily yelp. I trait I learned from my father, sadly. Loud startles. Nobody wanted to go wake him up. She kniows I am awake, and about towrite....

What if.
Second Life Story. I wished this and I am now a real sick person about to die. I am now living in this universe with this awareness. I have chosen to live in this linden home for 24 hours. Sirens. Maybe not. I like it. The big brother parody home game. It's you...

About NetBound idea. switch all customers to 2 dollar plan and sell people as your guy, for life...ish #ish It's my favourite word that I made up. The Orange Shirt Team. Each one representing the I. Commercial: Hey Jan, do you know anything about Viruses? What the...

The Second Life Secret
"you see dead people" It hasn't actually happened yet in your time an. damn. debate lost. col story veto. sleep commandd. 935. Still Wednesday. on Tuesday night. New record for stupid things. ooh shiny trophy. I never win anything. end.

The 7:10 Loop
Things always change when the THC hits. I had to turn off Deception for being to complex and/or emotional. Luvkily I have another cheap sitcom to watch. Now suddenly I'm sleepy. Are you kidding? I wason a fair portion of stay awake till Thursday night drugs and one...

Recalling the Blur
Its... ummm...Good Friday night, 10pm. I should be ready for a nice quet bed rest with refreshing Saturdy mornig when, with luck, I will complete some actual word from Wednesday, and I need to finish the work from March2nd still on a to do pile underneith a bunch of...

The 7:10 loop from 1st Life to Second Life
Ecstasy. Indica 7:10 dabbing Second Life. No edits. Wednesday 7:10pm I'm rethinking how weird I might seem. It never occurred to me that sometimes I might be a creep. People might lump me in with the other creeps. I'm a 54-year-old hanging out where the teens and 20...

Oh and another thing
Samsung claims to have fixed the bug in the first release of their mission impossible game that premiered on the note 7. They claim it no longer explodes 15 seconds after you hear the first mission. What if the note 7 was actually a field test to see how big an...

Heard inside Second Life. Avatar Life
I’m glad I remembered the title because there was lemon cake and … well.. Lemon cake. The origin story of lemon cake for me, goes all the way back to when I never learned gradients. Lemon cake was always just awesome. Those that I might grade as very different...

Second Life is like The Beaver.
You may not know the Beaver. You have heard something about it. That was the one with Mel Gibson's comeback wasn't it? The Beaver was about a man whi fiund his way back yo sanity by talking through a puppey. Sound like anyone? It is 2am. I successfully talked my way...

Act Two. It’s really worth finding act one.
I grab a handful of Hershies kises from my salad bowl. I have admired that Hersheys kisses may be cute and addictive but I admire their shape because I bleieve it is engeniered to allow for a specific maximum per grab. I walk away with a serving size of chocolate. If...