I don't blog much anymore. I don't do much. Even when life events happen of any significance, like a gigantic bruise on my leg that is ever expanding after the pig attacked me earlier this week. I'm sleeping poorly most nights because my body has developed a new enhanced allergy to the 2000 bed...
Less blogging as expected
It's not that my life is more exciting when I'm using drugs, it's that I sleep more when I'm not. My life has about the same level of excitement either way but when I am sleeping, I'm less likely to blog. Ironically, I've had some pretty amazing dreams the past week that we're definitely blog...

Tuesday Morning Good Start
Good morning after a big fight doesn’t feel as happy as I would like.

I got the call to action
I’m always happy to be called into service to feed the animals on my days off. I just wish I had advance notice sometimes.

My life as a pig
Everyday my life includes feeding the pig twice a day. Once in the morning, and once around 4:30. I just finished the 4:30 feeding although I have to go back in a little while and close up the chicken coop for the night. I've been in a reflective mood today and...

I have upset the pig
I fed the pig at around 4:30 this afternoon. It's usual bedtime in the winter. I was blogging a little bit outside while the weather is still nice enough to do that, and I was having a little bit of fun. Then I got distracted and went inside without completing the...

Dinner for lunch
I slept in an extra hour before getting up to feed the hens there lunch. The dogs eventually nagged me into waking up and coming out to feed them. Initially I couldn't find the hens. They had hidden themselves somewhere warm on the property and I walked around shaking...

Wakey wakey
I only woke up twice last night and I only had to pee one of those times. Then I woke up about 5:15 a.m. and was going to get up and start my day and then suddenly the 7am alarm went off. I don't actually come out and open the chicken coop and feed the animals till...

The early bird special
It's the first nice day after 4 days of rain so the animals are happy to be outside. I am too. Fall in Ontario It's a season that most people seem to like. At least they post online that it's their favorite season while the colors are still changing and there's lots...

8am wet food
It's not really raining hard this morning. I seem to be lucky so far this year that the rain is either before or after I need to go out and feed the animals. It was barely drizzling or spitting. I don't actually know if it was raining at all or if it was just the wet...

Sunday Subbing In
Starting to get a little chilly to sit outside at a quarter to six. The last feeding of the pig. Even though it's Sunday, the master is out somewhere possibly having a Thanksgiving dinner. I'm on backup duty. [video...

The world, she is a changing
I don't know much about how the real world is changing but here on the farm the rooster and I have almost made up. He hung around me today close and didn't maintain eye contact which I take as a sign of trust. The pig was also out of the coop wondering the backyard it...

No photos please.
I was surprised to find one of the hens dead today. Viciously dead. It was inside the chicken coop which was an odd place to find it. Right in the doorway where the other animal would have to walk past or over it to enter exit. Myself included I wasn't 100% sure what...
Pig Dinner Time

Pig Tails
Since I'm not responsible for putting the pig to bed each night I stay outside from the time of feeding to the time of rest and it's fun. I watch the animals in a new way sitting nearby. I watch the hilarity of the rats peeking out from their hiding spot to see if...

I can’t believe he still tries to make a run now and then.
I was almost at the steps to the house when I turned my back and the rooster. It's usually a safe spot especially since the food is a long way away. I think you may be mad because I didn't bring out a fifth portion for him which for a while I was doing, It's so hard...