A general morning blog update.
Wednesday is on schedule
Daily Drug Journal | mental block, morning routine, procrastination, wednesday
Wednesday wide awake and ready to not do stuff again
The first half of the Hump
Daily Drug Journal | daily, recap, video, vlog, wednesday
Optomistic Wednesday morning blog. THe evening recap entry wasn’t so kind.
Wednesday Ginger Cloud. New Stash
Drug Posts | filters, meth, wednesday
A single cloud with the Snapchat ginger filter.
Wednesday Morning Report
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | daily, meth, morning routine, wednesday
My Wednesday report
My days
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | chores, cows, depression, feeding, naps, wednesday
I've started thinking about my day. A routine of minimal activity between naps. I wake up either slightly before 7:30am or with the alarm at 7:37am. I prefer to wake naturally if I can because I remember my dreams better when they are not interrupted but I have...
Day Three. Things I’ve done wrong.
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | animals, feeding, mistakes, wednesday
I started back at my responsibilities of daytime animal feeder. It's an easy task, and yet I've made several errors in the three days since he went back to work. It worried me that I might actually be getting old soon and my ADHD distractions combined with drug use,...
Last post for a crappy Wednesday
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages, Personal Journey | blog, wednesday
I'm posting this blog standing outside the chicken coop but 5:30 p.m. and it's still light enough to see. That's a good sign. Everything else about today didn't work out so well. Standing outside chicken coop because the pig woke up and he wants fat even though that...
Wednesday Video Update
Drug Posts, Video | drug, life, meth, posts, update, video, wednesday
When a snapchat follower asked me what was new, I replied with this video.
The Mid Week Slump-Day
Drug Posts, Personal Journey | blogging, focus, invoices, procrastination, wednesday
I had a good Monday. I had a good Tuesday. When I say good, it should be understood that I mean I have managed to keep happy and active and accomplishing things that are not important or money making, all the while ignoring everything bad. May 1st kind of came up...
Tomorrow is March 1st
Dream Universe, Drug Posts | Live Brain Transcript, march, tomorrow, wednesday
It's 2:14 on a Wednesday. Afternoon. I just kinda woke up a short while ago, which I'm trying not to make the new standard but as my daily usage of the illegal awake drug continues, all sorts of changes are happeneing in my life. I complained about living alone, and...