Let the world burn. Society is a spectator sport and I’m changing teams. If I can’t beat them, join them. XHail Trump
Abandoned but not lost memories
After my recent but not total loss of the website I recovered it but with lots of blank placeholders where there used to be messages. I haven't quite figured out why that happened but I'm ignoring it and moving forward. I downloaded a plugin that went through the entire system and found 4081 media...

Hidden sadness
A blog post while I contemplate my drug use briefly before using and forgetting.

You don’t look high.
An opinion about people never looking the way we expect someone who is high should look. They welcome appear high.

Exhale and Repeat
Another original song with lyrics and editing by me and music by sumo.ai I like the idea of this video and I'm sad I will probably not get any fans commenting or...

It’s crazy but…
Another late night choice. To use, or ot to use there is no question.

Nobody sings about drugs anymore
An original song by me and AI edited as a long series of mostly bad lip syncing imagery of Piper.

The Thursday Recap – I thought it was Friday.
An unusually happy life change for the usually gray depressing month of November.

November Blackout blog
Up all night again not always by choice… At least at first.

Staying up for SNL
Pre SNL show.

Spun Monday
A Monday morning refection and review. I just realized I don’t really know what status quo means

The hitchhiker’s guide: meth
A little while ago I created it an AI chatbot that answered questions as if it was the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. Occasionally I will open it up and ask it to describe certain things and then I will ask it about those things on other planets like are there...

I offer my service to train ai
AI doesn’t know how to snort or smoke.

Oops. Another “late” Sunday
another sll night play atound with AI sessions

The ups and downs
Review of my day on meth

I can’t find my phone
I lost my phone and I might blame my new meth

Shocking Awareness
--Original copy I learned a new piece of information yesterday that came as an absolute shock to me and I'm not quite sure how to process it. The revelation was presented...

Wild mornings
Yesterday included some extra activities including getting four of the yearling calf daughters into a tiny trailer and a 90 minutes ride to take them to the meat processing ranch, otherwise known as the slaughterhouse. Doug will return at some point in the future with...

Breathing new life yet again
Another day, another morning hit. Like the Jewish story of making 1 days worth of oil to last 8 days. Happy Hanukkah.

6am Monday. Deep Dream Refectionn
A first thing in the morning review of my Mo day dreams without a bunch of drugs clouding my reality.

A good cry for no reason
A generally positive blog following spontaneous sadness from the night before.

The cat alarm
My morning started with purrs and pizza today. Big smiles.

The Meth World Bowl
Ideas for a meth competition. Probably in poor taste.

I’m doing that every hour wake up thing
I wasn't sure if I'm dealing up every hour or sleeping for only an hour between wake -,ups. I'd it the same thing? Either way it's an interesting way to sleep. It's frustrating but I do seem to hit rem sleep, so I feel like I had 8 individual deep sleeps. For the...

Weekend music video
A meth music mini movie set to original song and lyrics by me and Suno AI.

Pretending to sleep.
A clean Wake-up and meth refresh, ignoring how tired I should be – for now

Thursday noon report
A daily video blog about my mood and what I’m doing about my mood.

Not everyone will get this. Always True
I can’t decide whether this is a deep philosophy post or a silly thought post. It did serve the purpose of inspiring me to wake up more and start my day.

An adult look at my adult coping mechanism.
I found this blog I’d written a while ago but I don’t think it made it here.

The streak ended as the stock ran out.
Another week without and my blogging process has become less a priority as my life has less change than it did. An excuse.

Talking to myself about Thursday
A mini mental debate about usage and the video blog for today.

Sometimes a kind word is enough…
Sometimes a kind word is enough to boost your mood. On other days a bit of meth helps. Today is Tuesday and I woke up just before 6:00 a.m., went to pee showered my face and returned to bed with the two cats who amuse me. It appeared that I wanted to go back to sleep...

Boof timing
A post about the pros and cons of boofing.

I wish it was easier to describe a dream
A poor description of a great dream makes me ponder life and life choices.

230am for no good reason and one bad one
A 3am blog about blogging at 3am #spun

Wednesday Ginger Cloud. New Stash
A single cloud with the Snapchat ginger filter.

Wednesday BUSY BUSY videos
Daily recap of my well medicated Wednesday on the farm

Heavy Rough Slow Wake-up
Tuesday on fumes.

Monday an extension of Sunday
It’s Monday and I am running on almost no sleep but spirits are high and spun

New Sunday
Sunday in Dreamland. Status update.

Friday Report: I’m a music producer now
My Friday entry which signifies the last official day of me having any meth on hand. Starting tomorrow it’s scrounging day. Dirty pipes and floor shards.

Thursday PM recap
Part two of Thursdays daily journal and evening recap.

End of a high note, and the cookie is a bonus
Three revelations back to back. I’m a different person each day as I ration the last of my masking medication meth

Watching Meth Documentaries
At midnight tonight, I decided to boof and smoke some meth because I was itchy and restless. I decided to do some research on methamphetamine. As I near the end of this current stash, and consider another break I wanted to revaluate the risks. I'm not really getting...

11pm. Still counts
Jetpack knows people like continuity. It sends me a message telling me how many days streak I have been posting blogs in hopes that that inspires me to keep it up and of course it does. Today I went in town with Doug and we did a few things at a few stores. Third week...

There are not bugs under my skin
I gave in to the temptation. Stop the itch with a cloud

When it happens at midnight, you can’t say no
The meme says it all. When the intrusive thoughts are nagging, I comply.

Sunday Meth Mashup Premier
Monday premier of my newest music video with a song I’ve already used once, but I like it.

Saturday, in my bed
Saturday morning live, from the bed of OrangeJeff.

Friday Mood Flipping
Text and video blog for Friday morning. I decided this meth really does suck. Not just probably. It was cheap and contaminated.

Let the good times roll
Just a single photo stripped from a Snapchat filter video that I liked more than most tonight.

New inhale method
My Wednesday morning report where I changed up my routine yet again and got more fun than usual. I have to unmask.

# The Discovery and Use of Amphetamines: From WWII to Modern ADHD Treatment
The discovery of amphetamines dates back to the late 19th century when chemist Lazăr Edeleanu synthesized amphetamine in 1887. However, it wasn't until the 1920s and 1930s that their stimulating properties were recognized. The pivotal moment came in 1929 when American...

Surprise. It’s 7am already
Another all nighter resulted in yet another obsessive session making another mini meth music masterpiece. Original lyrics and music by Suno.com

Friday Recap with a Snapchat filter ON
My daily Friday journal recap of the week, except with a cute masking Snapchat Filter.

Walk and Talk – Deep thoughts
My recap of a productive weekend. Several creative projects started and finished.

Monday Mini Meth Movie Masterpiece
My Sunday night movie premier was a day late and not quite as good as sosme, but I still like it.

Back to back Fridays
My Friday mood isn’t like other people’s Friday mood. It signals the end of a week where I did not accomplished the things that I had hoped. Friday is often a reflection day where I think about being a loser. Monday on the other hand is the exciting day filled with potential to not be a loser. A vicious cycle.

Wednesday Improves because I say so.
Wednesday morning returns to what I refer to as “my normal” these days.

Tuesday Morning Blog Video Extra
Continuing extra to the text blog. Moody Tuesday.

Can I make boofing watchable?
Stayed up all night on a Sunday and this is what I have to show for it

April 2024 Fun Dump
My archive dump of all the pictures, memes and videos I created in April of 2024 that made me smile.

An Alarming Saturday Morning
Just now I decided I'm going to separate my daily journal update posts from the general drug post category listing. These aren't really about drugs they are about me and a little interest to a lot of people so it makes sense [videopack...

Friday first post
Today was a good day, starting with an ok morning and drugs.

Live Snapchat Playtime
Watch me as I play with all the new and favourite Snapchat filters before actually filming a video.

Another Thursday. Already?
Some weeks surprise me. It's already a Thursday? I remember the weekend just happened. A side effect of using meth to speed past the days I suppose.[videopack...

Ahhh.. chocolate returns to start the day.
I don't remember falling asleep last night but it must haven been reasonably quickly. I opened my eyes 10 minutes ago and rolled over to see my orange clock. It wà 5:45am. A bit earlier than I prefer but I've learned not to risk going back for the second sleep at this...

Sunday Night Mini Meth Musical Movie
Original music, lyrics and vocals generated by an AI song tool with the guidance and editing by OrangeJeff late on Sunday night when I should have been sleeping.

Superman’s Secret is out
Somebody finally figured out what the fortress of solitude is good for. It’s a meth lab

March April Musical Videos
A playlist of recent mini meth music movie masterpieces including the great ones created by AI for me with original music, vocals and lyrics.

My morning routine.
Morning music video. Clips from the morning edited by OrangeJeff