Orange Shirt Blogs

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Charlie’s Message

Charlie’s Message

[Written in 2003 and just found recently] E: Tell me again Uncle Charly.  I am just not getting it.   No, of course you’re not, and there-in lies the problem on so many levels.  You’re not getting it.  I’m not sure if you will ever understand it.  And that’s scary.   But that’s it.  I...

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Eric the half a bee.

Eric the half a bee.

As I was falling asleep with my mouth slightly open because if the congestion when I heard a bee. I can't be sure that it was Abby, but it was certainly louder than an average fly. It might have been an above-average fly. I've seen some really big flies over the past few years. Not science fiction...

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I like the idea if Sunday, even if it isn't actually Sunday. I often post on my Facebook wall that "I am Sundaying"  as an expression of laziness. Perhaps laziness isn't the right word. When done right,  a Sunday isn't about being lazy so much as just setting aside a...

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The new leader.

The new leader.

This is pretty big news. I called it. A sneaky takeover is approaching. It doesn't happen often in the real world that a race for the leader sees the winner fall from first to third place, but it might happen this year. Microsoft was first out of the gate with an open...

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The scripted election of 2016

The scripted election of 2016

I'm a Canadian with a television, which means I have to pay attention to the politics of the USA. It's always a crazy show, but the year of 2016 is the craziest in my lifetime, if not in history.  There are so many conspiracy theories floating around, mostly because...

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Speaking your Chats

People of the Yard Sale

I found myself at a charity yard sale this weekend with time to spare. Usually I don't pay too much attention to weekend sales in yards and driveways. They've never held much interest for me although I do know, for many people, they're a weekend highlight. I can...

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You are not your farts

You are not your farts

As is often the case, I read something, and it inspirers a thought stream in another direction. This morning, I was linked on Facebook to the following article, in reference to a discussion they'd been having online about sharing your life experiences with depression...

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Welcome New Followers

Welcome New Followers

Thanks to my new YouTube Channel, and a web site called Give it 100, I have a few new people checking out my web site. This is where I ramble in text about stuff, but you may also want to see my other sites.

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Cute vs Gorgeous.

Cute vs Gorgeous.

A lot of talk goes into how life is different fir the beautiful people. As someone not in that group I can only speculate as to the truth of those claims. I will however, admit to treating beautiful people, more specifically beautiful women, differently. However this...

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GO64. Commodore 64 Newsletter


There are a lot of people on this earth. I know that seems like an obvious statement to make, but every now and then, I am hit with an example that makes me stop and actually say it aloud. Somehow, saying things out loud seems to make them more real. There are a lot...

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USA vs Canada

USA vs Canada

I’m a Canadian, and watch mostly Canadian TV channels. This has changed since I was a kid, when the Buffalo New York channels were a major part of my day. Today, almost everything I want to watch is available on a TV channel with Canadian commercials. With the...

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Belief vs Truth

Belief vs Truth

Weather you believe in something or not, doesn’t affect whether not it is true. Things can exist, regardless of whether or not you believe they do. You could not believe in God, but still pray to one when in need. My belief isn’t the answer. My belief is personal, and...

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Cheap Android “test” Tablet

Accessorize for a smile

T Shirts are great if they fulfill three uses. Provide a smile Reflect your style or opinion without words Starts a conversation. The best T shirts start conversations. They come with a story, or they create a story. A good T Shirt allow you to break the ice with a...

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I figured something out this weekend. Age isn’t about getting old. It’s more about the past getting farther away. It’s about the gap between how old you are, and how old the people around you are. If you are 16 but your friends are 12, then you are old. This weekend,...

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The Gift of No Gifts

Moder Day Zombies

Sometimes life is more fun when you notice it on purpose. It’s always odd how the universe tends to show you what you’re looking for. Have you ever noticed you see more of your brand of car on the road after you start looking? When I am alone, outdoors in the sunlight...

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GO64. Commodore 64 Newsletter

I read it somewhere

During a commercial break, I pause the playback and return to the keyboard. I started rethinking about something I mentioned in passing in a previous blog entry. I used an old saying fragment; "I read somewhere" before stating some supportive fact.  It's...

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Canadian Star System

Canadian Star System

Canadians have less of a celebrity star system, but we're getting there.   I can't explain it, but people seem to enjoy watching actors they know.  With some exceptions, we seem to get over stereotyping, and want to see people we've seen in new roles on new shows or...

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Cheap Android “test” Tablet

Bankrupt AT&T

Could apple bankrupt AT&T ? If people have a choice, I am led to believe that a lot of people, perhaps almost every iphone owner in the USA would rather have an iPhone on a better network than AT&T.  Many non AT&T users might switch and become iPhone users...

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Evolution Ramble

Evolution Ramble

I would personally find it quite humorous if the future of our civilization allowed for the theory of evolution to continue, as it once did.  Society has intentionally slowed evolution, by mixing races, and coupling for life, which reduced births and population...

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Facebook Friend Flaw

Facebook Friend Flaw

Something scared me just now.  A logic flaw in facebook nobody is thinking about. Recently, an old friend of mine appeared on facebook without a profile pic. I friended here and several of my friends followed suit and added her too. Today I thought, If this wasn't my...

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Funny Ideas

Funny Ideas

I think it'd be hilarious if we discover bones and fossils expand.  Science was thinking wrong. We know the humans in the history we know have expanded from 4 foot beings to 6 foot beings in only a few hundred years. What if in 10,000 years or more, they just keep...

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February 2025
