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Wild mornings

Wild mornings

Yesterday included some extra activities including getting four of the yearling calf daughters into a tiny trailer and a 90 minutes ride to take them to the meat processing ranch, otherwise known as the slaughterhouse. Doug will return at some point in the future with...

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Half Random. Half Planned

Half Random. Half Planned

My morning routine. Actually my whole day's routine is split into two different methods. There are part that I do on time every day specifics and then there are parts that are handled by the randomness of the dog's moods. Feeding the pig and the chickens is pretty...

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Morning Rush

There’s a certain freedom in knowing that you’re going to do things today. And by that I mean you’re going to get high as soon as you wake up. There’s no doubt or debate. It just happens.Of course in this case, I didn’t really go to sleep so I didn’t wake up but it’s still the morning and I still got a rush.

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Always an adversary

Always an adversary

I think we all need a nemesis or at least somebody that challenges us with opposing ideas for us to consider and learn from. Sometimes it's a Rooster, bit he and I have reached a point of acceptance for the most part. This week, the evil villain in battle with me is...

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