quick. blog during the 5 minute rush from melting a brown spot on the side of my bong. one cloud to go.
Sunday Routine Revised
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | chores, dogs, manure, shit, sick leave
Another day as the primary caretaker of the entire group of cats, dogs, cows, horses and chickens. A shit job.
Breeds vs Species and a chat about evolution
Chats with Pi.ai, Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Orange Jeff Show | AI, AI Generated Content, breeds, cats, dogs, education, evolution, humans, interview, pi.ai
An interview conversation with my AI Farmhand, transcribed
The dog that is a rooster
General Blog Messages, Personal Journey | alarm, dogs, wednesday
A general morning blog update.
Mornings are hard again.
Daily Drug Journal | chocolate, dogs, I'm out, morning, routine, tired
My first official morning without drugs. At least that’s the plan.
The chain of events
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages, Work Related Posts | dogs, quiet, tech support
It was 630am the day after my birthday. The phone rang. It kept ringing and I woke up mid dream eventually but didn't quite unlock the phone in time. Then it rang again and I saw the message; SOS. THE SITE IS DOWN. I knew why. It was my fault, sort of. I forgot to...
My first dog show
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages, Work Related Posts | BC, dogs, Havanese
My sister owns and breeds Havanese dogs for show. This year, I was asked to come along and take photographs and videos but I stayed in the club booth for aa lot of the time, and sold a lot of merch.
Free(ish) Pizza Therapy
General Blog Messages | dogs, feeding, pizza, rules
I had casually mentioned that I was out of food in one of the Kik groups and a complete stranger who only knows me from my messages there donated $17 towards the cause. Actually, he sent me $20 PayPal which got deleted down to about $17 after two transactions to get...
Mmmm… That’s good hot slop
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | dogs, feeding, morning, pig, routine
The new routine at least for the winter is pig slop, heated for 5 minutes on high. It stinks up the kitchen because the stove isn't clean, and as far as I can tell from the pig's body language, he not only doesn't care, I think he prefers it cool. But I'm heating it...
Half Random. Half Planned
Farm Posts | dogs, morning, routine
My morning routine. Actually my whole day's routine is split into two different methods. There are part that I do on time every day specifics and then there are parts that are handled by the randomness of the dog's moods. Feeding the pig and the chickens is pretty...
I’m a sucker for sad stories and idiots
Farm Posts | chickens, dogs, feeding
The two original chickens that I call the pigeon sisters are cute to watch but they are pretty dumb. They suffer from something called FOMO which the teenagers tell me is the fear of missing out. They are more interested in whatever I'm doing than the food I have put...
Barking dogs
Farm Posts | dogs, feeding, hens
Have you ever noticed that when dogs are doing irritating things, and you can't stop them, but the second you turn the camera on they stop doing it?
Wakey wakey
Dream Universe, Farm Posts, Personal Journey | breakfast, dogs, feeding, pig, rooster, waking up
I only woke up twice last night and I only had to pee one of those times. Then I woke up about 5:15 a.m. and was going to get up and start my day and then suddenly the 7am alarm went off. I don't actually come out and open the chicken coop and feed the animals till...
The horrible rodent hunters
Farm Posts | dogs, feeding, rats, rodents
The title of this blog could be read as horrible rodents, or horrible hunters. I suppose both are equally true. There are many rats on this property although they don't get in my way too often they can occasionally startle me. The dogs however would love to catch one...
The world, she is a changing
Farm Posts | bark, dogs, feeding, pig, rooster
I don't know much about how the real world is changing but here on the farm the rooster and I have almost made up. He hung around me today close and didn't maintain eye contact which I take as a sign of trust. The pig was also out of the coop wondering the backyard it...
The dog that doesn’t eat treats.
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | Dog Food, dogs, feeding time, pig, Pizza Hut
There isn't much more that I can say about that. I live with two dogs. The male one doesn't love treats but he certainly will eat them if I have my hand out. He follows me around and gives me that sad face if I have food. It's not his fact. He has a sad face all the...
Brothers and sisters
I'm not officially allowed to talk a lot about the animals. However since this blog breaks lots of official rules, and I'd be in a huge trouble if it gets discovered by the house, I figure an occasional story is okay. It's fun watching animals with an adult analytic...
First day. New day.
Drug Posts | addiction, dogs, meth, withdrawal
The weather is getting cooler. The rooster and three hands are still waking up and expecting to be fed, which is fine. The dogs, or more specifically one of the dogs, seems to be trying out something new. Barking. Barking and whimpering and whining for no apparent...
8am. I let the dogs out. Oof oof
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | dogs, rooster
They don't seem to like waking up when I ask them at 7:00 a.m., but they let me know what 8:00 a.m. it's time to pee. It's a nice chill September morning so I come outside with them. The chickens have eaten and are down the yard so I don't feel like I need my defense...
September 1st. Rabbit
General Blog Messages | dogs, rabbit
I think my brain is a little confused. I'm tired and I'd love to sleep, but I keep taking this medication that among its other effects, it likes to keep me awake. Staying awake when you're tired makes you tired. Today is September 1st and my family has a tradition...
Monday morning dog surprise
General Blog Messages | blog, dogs, draft, general, messages, Monday, morning, read, rooster, secrets, shared, surprise.
Today was a special Monday, or at least it is supposed to be. It is the day I planned to finally throw out the secret garbage I've been keeping in my room for far too long. I call it secret garbage because I wouldn't want to throw it out using the normal procedure...