via Web Captioner
Webcam Posts | Highlights, ifttt, lava lamp, Orange Shirt Blogs, Vanilla, webcam
My bedroom/office living area has several webcams which I am trying to leave on more often. If they are active, you should also be able to turn on my Lava Lamps
How I became a Sidekick
Dream Universe, Fiction | superhero, Vanilla
My name is Richard, and this isn't really my story, but it's such a great story, it needs to be told and since I'm the only other person on Earth that know it, the task falls to me. In a way, I feel a bit like Dr Watson, who wrote all the adventures of his best friend...
Are you doing this for me, or yourself?
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages | Live Brain Transcript, ramble, Vanilla
I'm torn between two topics to write about tonight. The four women in my life. One, currently living with me while she comes to grips with her new reality and admits she needs help. Like decison making for you kind of sick help. However, as of today, I am her...