
The Dosage Myth

The Dosage Myth

One thing I've always been fascinated by is the quantity of medication required to do a specific task. I'm not referring to dosage but more literally to the actual quantity of medication that is included within each pill. Society has been conditioned to think that...

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Thursday Morning Mood

Thursday Morning Mood

I slept well, and woke up refreshed. Almost instantly, I reached for my last piece of chocolate and the meth bong to start my day. I don't have guilt or regrets about this anymore. At this moment in time, I am ok with identifying as a daily meth user... At least to...

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The way life works

The way life works

I've experienced it before. You probably have too. One of those phases of life when you feel the rut more than yesterday. More of the same. The loop of Thursday, although it can be any day. Another day of waking up, doing my chores, feeling like I want to go back to...

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Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Frogstar World C (The Orange Window Universe) The First Draft of tis will be amazingly different than the one I share.  I exp[ect it will be good enough to be praised.   ALL YOU NEED TO CHANGHE YOUR UNIVERSE IS ONE FAN TO SHARE IT WITH All you need is one fan to...

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