Friday report on the state of my brain today. The state is assumed good until I hear otherwise or the universe throws a curve.
Mental health
Too wide a net
Sometimes I think this blog is trying to do too much for me. It is my hobby and the silent friend I talk to when I need an outlet. It doesn't judge me. That might change. One of problems in life is that expectations of success are usually not close to reality. I don't like my dreams and goals....

Always a reason to say No
The plan, as it has been every Friday for a while was to leave the house, replace my bong, buy some transit tickets and some good sleepy shatter to help me sleep. The plan did not happen of course. It's not necessarily even intentional. I just find reasons to say no...

Cheat Day
When people on a diet want a piece of cake they declare a cheat day. There doesn't seem to be any rule except that all rules are out the window. I've been setting very tiny goals for myself each day but today I didn't get much done at all. It's 4:00 p.m. now and I go...

I did the thing. It was anti-climatic
After staring at the emergency mental health hotline for several weeks I paused a movie and made the call. It's not a helpful number but they did give me another number so now I start the loop again. Whenever I say I did a thing I am reminded of a really cool book I...

You don’t suck.
Mental Profile As I was laying in bed tonight I realized this needed to be written. I couldn't go to sleep without waking up and writing down this latest idea of mine. The world has recently adopted the term mental health to include all of those who have some...