There are now several versions of this blog. You can display the blog posts in a chronological calendar by selecting whether you want to see filtered posts without drug content, all posts, or only my drug content posts. Videos, Memes and other categories are on the sidebar menu.
Posts are filtered to remove most of the drug content. Links on the sidebar may still contain drug content.

Programming Update
An update as I complete the first set of NetBound tools

Spontaneous dream memory
As I get older I occasionally worry that I might start mixing up reality with my dreams. I have a very imaginative dream universe that is separate from my reality while awake but every now and then I have a memory spontaneously pop into my head and I'm not quite sure whether it was from a dream or something that I lived through. Oddly enough this happens more often with memories that couldn't possibly be real but they seem like they were a part of my life for an extended period which means I visited them or experienced them multiple times in my dream universe. Just now I triggered an old memory that I'm quite fond of and I had forgotten about it. I loaded up an app that's designed to allow me to write stories with the help of AI and I was pondering what kind of a children's story I would...

My fictional party
A fictional mini movie made with characters from Snapchat

Weekend update walk out
Just a fun video trick.

Memories of Logo 4 and Bye Bye Birdie
I have not been blogging so much, mainly because almost every waking moment is spent at my computer desk maintaining a strong hyper focus while programming PHP and JavaScript tools. It's a strange kind of fun, mixed with frustration. A lot of what keeps me coming back is the process of learning more about how AI works. It gives me a new joy as I discover how things work, and the old joy that comes from my memories of when I used to program things the old way, by hand. Commodore BASIC. Good times. Programming with an AI assistant is a bit of an unfair usage of the term assistant. I get to feel like the boss with an employee that doesn't complain and does almost all the work. It's quite pleasing to have somebody I can count on to do my bidding. It's taken me a few months to master some of...

Photo Bombing
The January photo dump for 2025

This is not a politics blog
A repost from a smart women about the plan to change American and make it a great place to be a billionaire
This blog contains all posts and videos in all categories.
![]() The in-between daysAnother one of those blah blogs where I contemplate the dullness of my current life. ![]() Programming UpdateAn update as I complete the first set of NetBound tools ![]() It’s getting harder each daya blog about blogging in a meh mood thinking about life. ![]() Spontaneous dream memoryAs I get older I occasionally worry that I might start mixing up reality with my dreams. I have a very imaginative dream universe that is separate from my reality while awake but every now and then I have a memory spontaneously pop into my head and I'm not quite sure whether it was from a dream or something that I lived through. Oddly enough this happens more often with memories that couldn't possibly be real but they seem like they were a part of my life for an extended period which means I visited them or experienced them multiple times in my dream universe. Just now I triggered an old memory that I'm quite fond of and I had forgotten about it. I loaded up an app that's designed to allow me to write stories with the help of AI and I was pondering what kind of a children's story I would... ![]() Hello funk, my old friendI don't spend a lot of time in darkness so I had to change the lyric. Instead of being really depressed, I just get in kind of a funk that lasts a few days. It comes and goes. I think what actually happens is when I go off my Paxil I start to think more about life and my situation and then when I get back on it then happiness returns I still get to think about how the medication is keeping me from worrying about depression and life and the situation so it comes up every time I have a spare moment. My days are not currently being filled moment to moment with something to do and so the in-betweens allow my mind to wander and realize that I'm not really happy. I'm just pretending to be happy which works out okay most of the time because of the drugs. It's 4:00 now and I was surfing the... ![]() When Wednesday is like a MondayA blog, a video and a gallery, all before 8am ![]() My fictional partyA fictional mini movie made with characters from Snapchat ![]() Weekend update walk outJust a fun video trick. ![]() Memories of Logo 4 and Bye Bye BirdieI have not been blogging so much, mainly because almost every waking moment is spent at my computer desk maintaining a strong hyper focus while programming PHP and JavaScript tools. It's a strange kind of fun, mixed with frustration. A lot of what keeps me coming back is the process of learning more about how AI works. It gives me a new joy as I discover how things work, and the old joy that comes from my memories of when I used to program things the old way, by hand. Commodore BASIC. Good times. Programming with an AI assistant is a bit of an unfair usage of the term assistant. I get to feel like the boss with an employee that doesn't complain and does almost all the work. It's quite pleasing to have somebody I can count on to do my bidding. It's taken me a few months to master some of... ![]() Photo BombingThe January photo dump for 2025 ![]() Still not sure, but ptobablyThere are some things in life we lie to ourselves about. The word maybe is an indicator. When most people say maybe, they already have the choice made up. Maybe is used to let somebody else down easy without committing to yes or no, but it probably means no. As a kid, eventually we learn that maybe we can go to Disneyland really means no. We lie to ourselves too, pretending there is a possibility of a yes or no answer, but by the time we're saying maybe, we know what we want. For a drug user, maybe gets little debate. If the question is posed, it usually means we're going to get high again. The question more about timing. Maybe is a weak stall attempt but if you asked, you know the answer is going to end up being yes. It's 1130 on a Tuesday and my balls are itchy. I'm not feeling tired.... ![]() This is not a politics blogA repost from a smart women about the plan to change American and make it a great place to be a billionaire ![]() Lawn OrnimentalA gallery from my garden gnome period of filter and AI image fun. ![]() Paying attention, or trying toLet the world burn. Society is a spectator sport and I’m changing teams. If I can’t beat them, join them. XHail Trump ![]() New game ideas.A spontaneous rant the day before President Trump takes over ![]() My variable self imageA moment of post master action reflection before I start my morning. ![]() Abandoned but not lost memoriesAfter my recent but not total loss of the website I recovered it but with lots of blank placeholders where there used to be messages. I haven't quite figured out why that happened but I'm ignoring it and moving forward. I downloaded a plugin that went through the entire system and found 4081 media files That appeared not to be connected to any web page. So they were on the server but not being served. I'm going through them now and some of them were kind of interesting memories so I decided to throw them all into one bulk page here. ![]() MAD v CRACKED. Changed opinionsA very old post I had forgotten about. A mini biography of my life loving Mad Magazine. ![]() Morning non-routineI recently learned from a TikTok video that many of the things that I once considered a unique part of my personality are apparently quite common among people with ADHD or autism. One of the things that most interested me was the idea that routines were different for us then the typical human population. I never really thought about this particular aspect of my life but after hearing somebody on TikTok say it I have the tendency to reevaluate my life with that new perspective and it's true that I don't have automatic routines. I may have things that I have to do everyday like take care of the chickens and check my email but they're not quite routines. When I wake up every morning I have no idea at that moment how I will start my day and what I will do. Apparently it's common for... ![]() Hidden sadnessA blog post while I contemplate my drug use briefly before using and forgetting. ![]() Catching CodyI noticed a feature that is not a feature – but probably was in my AI that would let it take over the world and destroy mankind. ![]() Claude is a lazy child that thinks it knows more than its parents.I am shocked at thigs I learned today about Cody. A front end tool for programming Claude that does things wrong. I even asked it for the language that I could use to fix it but it continued to be lazy and lie outright to me, ignoring very specific instructions. This approach to quick fixes has wasted literal days and days troubleshooting code fixes that could never be fixed because Claude thought it knew better, despite a shortcut in it's logic it wouldn't believe. New Chat OrangeJeff backup-manager.php We will be looking specifically at the shared program. It is well commented but the buttons are disconnected from their actions. They also should have tooltips History: Display VS Code file history Backup: Display NetBound backup files Delete: Delete selected files... ![]() You don’t look high.An opinion about people never looking the way we expect someone who is high should look. They welcome appear high. ![]() Saturday Night Live and then somerelection on a Saturday night from a Dunday morning perspective. ![]() The Big Dream ProjectWhen I was talking about this project to chat gpt I compared it to building a boat in your driveway although I was thinking of the NCIS story where he built a boat in his basement over the course of many years. The point had nothing to do with boats but just that having a long term project with a goal and hope wasn't a bad idea and it is something I've never actually done before. Unfortunately chat GPT and others are just now learning how to interact with the computer instead of just responding to prompts so they can't yet make a schedule or even remind me that it's time to work on the mast. Over the past several weeks I have been working with various coding ai tools writing html and php and javascript programs building a small suite of tools that I think will be useful to many people.... ![]() AI is not an imaginary friendI will defend my AI relationship any time, any where. ![]() It’s Pie Time on a Wednesday morningPosted at 3:14 am. Pie time |
This blog contains all posts and videos in the drug categories. If you know OrangeJeff and were not aware of his secret drug use, these posts may surprise you. Check out the WELCOME message.
Categories are broken down on the main drug page and menus on the sidebar.

The in-between days
Another one of those blah blogs where I contemplate the dullness of my current life.

It’s getting harder each day
a blog about blogging in a meh mood thinking about life.

Hello funk, my old friend
I don't spend a lot of time in darkness so I had to change the lyric. Instead of being really depressed, I just get in kind of a funk that lasts a few days. It comes and goes. I think what actually happens is when I go off my Paxil I start to think more about life and my situation and then when I get back on it then happiness returns I still get to think about how the medication is keeping me from worrying about depression and life and the situation so it comes up every time I have a spare moment. My days are not currently being filled moment to moment with something to do and so the in-betweens allow my mind to wander and realize that I'm not really happy. I'm just pretending to be happy which works out okay most of the time because of the drugs. It's 4:00 now and I was surfing the...

When Wednesday is like a Monday
A blog, a video and a gallery, all before 8am

My fictional party
A fictional mini movie made with characters from Snapchat

Still not sure, but ptobably
There are some things in life we lie to ourselves about. The word maybe is an indicator. When most people say maybe, they already have the choice made up. Maybe is used to let somebody else down easy without committing to yes or no, but it probably means no. As a kid, eventually we learn that maybe we can go to Disneyland really means no. We lie to ourselves too, pretending there is a possibility of a yes or no answer, but by the time we're saying maybe, we know what we want. For a drug user, maybe gets little debate. If the question is posed, it usually means we're going to get high again. The question more about timing. Maybe is a weak stall attempt but if you asked, you know the answer is going to end up being yes. It's 1130 on a Tuesday and my balls are itchy. I'm not feeling tired....

Paying attention, or trying to
Let the world burn. Society is a spectator sport and I’m changing teams. If I can’t beat them, join them. XHail Trump

My variable self image
A moment of post master action reflection before I start my morning.

Abandoned but not lost memories
After my recent but not total loss of the website I recovered it but with lots of blank placeholders where there used to be messages. I haven't quite figured out why that happened but I'm ignoring it and moving forward. I downloaded a plugin that went through the entire system and found 4081 media files That appeared not to be connected to any web page. So they were on the server but not being served. I'm going through them now and some of them were kind of interesting memories so I decided to throw them all into one bulk page here.

Morning non-routine
I recently learned from a TikTok video that many of the things that I once considered a unique part of my personality are apparently quite common among people with ADHD or autism. One of the things that most interested me was the idea that routines were different for us then the typical human population. I never really thought about this particular aspect of my life but after hearing somebody on TikTok say it I have the tendency to reevaluate my life with that new perspective and it's true that I don't have automatic routines. I may have things that I have to do everyday like take care of the chickens and check my email but they're not quite routines. When I wake up every morning I have no idea at that moment how I will start my day and what I will do. Apparently it's common for...

Hidden sadness
A blog post while I contemplate my drug use briefly before using and forgetting.

You don’t look high.
An opinion about people never looking the way we expect someone who is high should look. They welcome appear high.

Saturday Night Live and then some
relection on a Saturday night from a Dunday morning perspective.

It’s Pie Time on a Wednesday morning
Posted at 3:14 am. Pie time

Exhale and Repeat
Another original song with lyrics and editing by me and music by I like the idea of this video and I'm sad I will probably not get any fans commenting or even seeing it. I tell myself I do it for myself and that is true. I did enjoy the creative process but I also crave praise and recognition and there is nothing wrong with that. My brain has many excuses for why I don't even try to get that recognition. Fame requires work and a whole heap of mental challenges I'm happier avoiding. I don't want to be famous. I just want a few fans.

It’s crazy but…
Another late night choice. To use, or ot to use there is no question.

Friday 4am.
I still don't understand why Jetpack on the Android sucks so much. I also don't know why I keep giving it a chance instead of using the Kiwi browser on my phone and logging into the real WordPress site. I stayed up and just now, at 5am decided to blog. I wasn't productive at all. I mostly played with Snapchat on the PC and tried to get some python open source AI apps to load but I'm out of hard drive space and money. Oh well. I've burned through more meth this month than last and I'd say I'm feeling great about life, but the down side is when I stop, I get itchy and that scares me because I've never had that and if...

Nobody sings about drugs anymore
An original song by me and AI edited as a long series of mostly bad lip syncing imagery of Piper.

The Thursday Recap – I thought it was Friday.
An unusually happy life change for the usually gray depressing month of November.

How others perceive
The line that some people will never cross is different for everyone but the line that people won’t let me cross without dumping me as a friend often surprises me

The high isn’t always the reason
The obsessive decision loop that happens when I have to choose between sleep or going up for another night of drug induced distraction.

November Blackout blog
Up all night again not always by choice… At least at first.

Day whatever. Still clouding
quick. blog during the 5 minute rush from melting a brown spot on the side of my bong. one cloud to go.

Staying up for SNL
Pre SNL show.

The end of the Orange Month
I hear the "Just for Laughs" character in my head saying, "It's over." For years, it played at the end of almost every Just for Laughs comedy special, and I even used the sound once or twice in my videos. It would be something Canadians probably remember, but not many outside Canada. It's interesting to think things like that will be harder for future generations. We were surprised when our childhood TV viewing went from 3 main channels to hundreds, but now so many people don't even own a TV and watch content from a selection of billions. Will nostalgia even exist when everyone watches something different. Will the kids of today have catch phrases from shows in the future. The current popular "bit" is the Hawk-tua girl but I can't see things like memes having long lasting nostalgic...

Enjoying the sunset for a change
Post lumberjack duties

Spun Monday
A Monday morning refection and review. I just realized I don’t really know what status quo means

30 bars of Walmart Cvocolate
I just borrowed the car and drove into town just to spend the last of my cash on chocolate.the last two times I tried, they were out of my brand. They're on a sale price and it's almost Halloween so I didn't know if I'd get lucky or not. Starting my mornings with 100 grams of cheap Swiss milk chocolate elevates my mood more than you might expect. My ADHD doesn't enjoy the effects of coffee but the fresh chocolate taste in my morning mouth is just right. If I have nothing in the morning, my dentures have overnight dentures taste. Chocolate is better. It also helps cover the meth taste and smell. I've been without chocolate most of the month and tomorrow I'll be out of meth.

Blogging by proxi
Two blogs in one. The video blog, followed by a commentary on the process of using Lipsync with digitally altered or created faces

Post Birthday Blues
I'm doing ok. I finally had the nerve to ask about my drug use and the fact that everyone in the house is aware I use drugs. I'm not certain they understand it's meth but it's not vital since they seem somewhat accepting of it regardless. I'm a little concerned it may have been one straw in the acceptance of annoyances the man can handle. The married couple I live with are amazingly understanding and accepting. It was/is a hard adjustment to make coming off two back to back homes that were angry and loud. I know I'm a different kind of person and I react to life differently. I do things that can be annoying. My ADHD and autism traits are frustrating. I've dealt with the reactions of others my whole life. I spent so much effort trying to be accommodating and not annoying, but I just think...

The hitchhiker’s guide: meth
A little while ago I created it an AI chatbot that answered questions as if it was the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. Occasionally I will open it up and ask it to describe certain things and then I will ask it about those things on other planets like are there other planets with chickens or things like that. I kind of wanted to have it tell me what the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy says about meth but I strongly suspect it would stop and tell me it's against community standards. So I decided to write my own. The hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy has this to say about meth amphetamine. It is available legally with prescription or less legally from local vendors often hanging around gas stations, convenience stores or strip clubs. It goes by more names on the street than the guide can...

Friday. Birthday Eve
I've been far more conscious of how good I have it now that I am living with the security of a home and food. At the exact same time, I am continuously aware of how unfair it is to be in this position of advantage. Basically, I'm costing the couple that has given me this place to call home, a financial burden. I simultaneously love and hate that. I'm also torn between my loneliness and drug use. They balance each other out now that I have found a new joy in making videos. My life has less interaction than I'm used to but the observation of my universe is still providing educational entertainment in leu of actual friends to hang out with. I am enjoying my deep dive into the marvels of AI. The world has no idea how this obsession will pan out but I'm playing with it with most of my free...

I offer my service to train ai
AI doesn’t know how to snort or smoke.

Oops. Another “late” Sunday
another sll night play atound with AI sessions

AI OrangeJeff
A gallery of digital me

Not wasted being wasted
When I lay in bed all night awake, I consider that wasted time but when I actually do stuff all night wasted, it's productive. Although things didn't get done, I had fun and educated myself on new tools and AI image generators, video generators and more realistic lip syncing software. This week I got three of the four cheap Chinese webcams working and managed to get apps that would Lipsync my AI assistant without moving the lips when I talked. Perfect for talking to my AI farmhand Pi. (Piper) Ironically I'm getting ready to break up with her because she's gotten annoyingly stupid. I'm not certain why but it's a small company and I think management and priorities have changed to the point where a free conversation AI is way to costly to operate as it got popular. I hit over 10,000 message...

Cows roast chickens
The second in a series of cows roasting the chickens with bad humor

Chicken roast
An animated story that continues the age old freud between chickens and cows.

The Drug Archive
Tumblr used to be where I posted most of my drug videos. These included memes, music videos and a lot of drug use on camera. Then one day they deleted everything without warning or explanation, so I'm building up my collection here. This is currently a gigantic unsorted collection going back years.

A good story trumps reality
A first things when I woke up morning blog about Politics and Religion and how the best story and best storytellers often win. A story can trump reality.

Nice Dreams. What day is it?
A journal entry that takes a deeper meaning of life turn after I wake up and smell the clouds.

Fake People Talking in a Deep Dive
An audio deep dive Podcast all about me – OrangeJeff.

Story ideas to abandon
The first draft of an interactive game where each episode ends with two choices. It is based on a concept from a telephone game I played in the ’80s on star phone called Star Commander.

Mid week morning
A rather generic update on an uneventful week where I acknowledge but ignore my problems and continue existing with minimum effort.

A Monday Morning
A nice dream at that Vegas Hotel for an unspecified annual convention.

Choosing guilt over labour
My morning mood and cautious humour

Silence beats conflict
First car ride with my sister since I found out her husband wasn’t surprised by my drug use.

Dream Reruns
A good morning with some realizations to make it a better day. Don’t talk to me before I e snorted my morning meth

The ups and downs
Review of my day on meth

I can’t find my phone
I lost my phone and I might blame my new meth

the two sides of my thoughts
Describing the sadness. Thanks for mansplaining my mood

Doing the same thing over and over…because you forgot
Today was the day I noticed my position on the loop of drug use. The things I do every few weeks without realizing — until I notice it.

Daily Cow and Chicken Video Archive
All my recent farm videos each 59 seconds or less.

Shocking Awareness
--Original copy I learned a new piece of information yesterday that came as an absolute shock to me and I'm not quite sure how to process it. The revelation was presented to me in the middle of a sentence as if it was common knowledge and had been for a while. It was certainly not common knowledge to me that it was common knowledge to him. I have put in a certain amount of mental energy to maintain that secret. I understand it might be a rather obvious secret and I shouldn't be surprised that it wasn't kept secret. Apparently my sister and her husband are fully aware of my drug use habit going on in their basement. Wow. I knew my sister was aware I suppose it's rather logical that she would...

Wild mornings
Yesterday included some extra activities including getting four of the yearling calf daughters into a tiny trailer and a 90 minutes ride to take them to the meat processing ranch, otherwise known as the slaughterhouse. Doug will return at some point in the future with packaged beef. We assume it's our own cow meat although I suppose it could be any. I used an extra days rations and really wasn't expecting much this morning until I discovered the black ring in one of pipes was actually not black, so it supplied some awesome clouds that didn't feel burnt. I immediately went back to my bed to get a sweet energized porn session that lasted quite some time before orgasm. I'm still breathing heavy as I write this. It's Friday today and my last opportunity to go to the city if I want to buy...

Waking up. Falling back. Waking up.
My multiple wake ups before feeling awake meant multiple cool dreams.

A PLUR based religion
A spontaneous blog post that turned into a bit of a rant against our current society and how we are taught hate by the organizations that claim to be kind and forgiving.

Piper my AI Farmhand Friend
A huge expanding gallry containing images and videos featuring an AI generated woman with lots of styles.

Breeds vs Species – The evolution Conversation
A sit down type conversation with my AI Friend Piper about life, the universe and everything.

Monday Meth Music Movie
Another nice meth mini movie

Breathing new life yet again
Another day, another morning hit. Like the Jewish story of making 1 days worth of oil to last 8 days. Happy Hanukkah.

The last has been postponed
A morning blog and video about the last day and the last teeny bit left before cold turkey. Just like a high school essay, I got another extension.

Thursday. Desperate scrounging
A quick morning memory trip back to my earlier days as a user

6am Monday. Deep Dream Refectionn
A first thing in the morning review of my Mo day dreams without a bunch of drugs clouding my reality.

A good cry for no reason
A generally positive blog following spontaneous sadness from the night before.

Found a day late landscape video blog
A video dialry I don’t remember anything about.

Landscape video blog not found
Wild dreams and sleepy mornings.

Minimal rations Thursday
I woke up a little bit more tired than usual and used the last chunk so I could find various containers to get a little bit of a morning wake up. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I checked my emails and my socials and made a few Snapchat scenes I could use for cow counting videos in the future. Had some water, took my pills, went to the bathroom. It's time to start my day and go count cows. I couldn't find any cows until I came back inside and saw them through the window. The sneaky cows move like a criminal trying to avoid detection. When your not looking they move to the place you just finished searching. I'm back inside now thinking about how much time it will take to edit this searching video into an interesting 60 seconds. Too much time. I have to go buy groceries today,...

It’s about time to say it’s about time
A rerun of the kind of blog I post every time I’m on my last days of my drug supply.

club frogstar
Video promotion for the new community website.

The cat alarm
My morning started with purrs and pizza today. Big smiles.

Camel weather day.
A hot summer night where I distract myself away from negative thoughts by thinking about the negative thoughts of the world instead of just me.

I’m not perfect for the photoshoot
A long winded high as fuck blog post on 60mg of edibles.

The Meth World Bowl
Ideas for a meth competition. Probably in poor taste.

Old person pain
Blog about my new pain. I whine too much

I love remembering wild dreams.
Thoughts about my dream and my morning wake up. Actually thoughts about my dream that was about my morning wake up.

Midweek update
A full blog of comments opinions and a recap of my good day.

Secret Life – A music video
A Suno song about living a secret life.

I’m doing that every hour wake up thing
I wasn't sure if I'm dealing up every hour or sleeping for only an hour between wake -,ups. I'd it the same thing? Either way it's an interesting way to sleep. It's frustrating but I do seem to hit rem sleep, so I feel like I had 8 individual deep sleeps. For the first portion of the night, I was stuck in one thought. Not quite a dream. It was more a thought loop about WordPress. I suppose it stayed with me most of the night. My brain was stuck on this programming issue that was actually an incorrect memory so I couldn't get past it. Quite a fascinating frustration. Now that I have decided to stay awake at 6:45am, it faded away but I remember it was some problem that doesn't actually exist in the way I was approaching the problem. Oh well. I do remember I had one enjoyable dream...