It's a Friday before what is now called memorial day weekend, although I remember when it was Victoria Day and many people in Canada call it may 2-4 weekend presumably because one year it fell on the 24th and a beer company ran commercials. We Canadians love our beer in 24 can cases. At least I...
My Mother
Today is October 27th. A day some sons would remember, if it was the day their mother died, but I'll probably forget in time. I don't remember the date that my father died. I didn't really mourn their deaths. It's different situation when you say goodbye to family members who don't remember who...

The Gift of No Gifts
One of the issues I've had as an obsessive mind that overthinks every scenario of life, is regarding the idea of receiving gifts. I have very few memories of receiving gifts, where I enjoyed the process. That is one serious imaginary memory deficit. I'm not saying I...

The ABCS of Me
One of the popular things that happens on Facebook from time to time, is your friends start posting lists and forwarding them. They also try to force you to do the same. I have a policy to not do anything on Facebook that a status post dared me or even asked me to...

I've always liked my writing style. It's sort of like the way I talk. It is something I do that I'm proud of, and there are not so many things in my life like that. However, I also don't seem to be able to do anything serious with it. I made a pledge to write a blog...

+1 Pleasure Points
A new idea is exciting. It actually feels good. +1 Pleasure points. As I was thinking new thoughts the other day, I was able to actually feel the good feeling and sensation that comes with a new idea. Learning something new - at any age is good, and figuring it out on...

Adult Nap Time
For many of you, the last time you took a daytime nap may have been in kindergarten, when nap time was enforced. That's too bad. Once we hit grade 1, we are encouraged to make it through the day in one continuous state of awake. In fact, napping at school is not...

When I first started my project in January of 2014, it was a great motivator of creativity and energy at a time in my life when I needed it. Through the process of making 100 consecutive 10 second videis everyday, with follow up YouTube videos, I found a...

Fake Monday
Fro some reason, we North Americans tend to like our long weekends to favour Monday, rather than Fridays. Somehow it seems like a longer holiday when we get an extra day AFTER Sunday, rather than taking Friday off and going back to work on a Monday. I suppose some...

Society Evolves
The Internet has become a form of education we never expected. For the first time, we are globally seeing more and more real people. Reality TV started it, but the Internet is King, where every human can broadcast themselves or their neighbours, and we can see, for...

I’m Sundaying
Sunday is a special day in our culture. It used to be the official day or rest for society, based I supposed on Christianity - but really meant as a day off for everyone... until it wasn't, and we got greedy. Now almost everything is open on Sunday, although some...

I don’t want to be famous. I just want a few fans.
In my previous writings, I have stated this many times. I don't want to be famous. I just want a few fans. Fans are usually great, but being famous can be a terror. On Monday of this week, I started a new goal to write a blog of some sort every day, and the truth is -...

Most of us are Criminals.
Life is full of rules. Some we don't really care about breaking, and some we do. We've made the idea of breaking rules so socially acceptable that there is a famous line; "Rules are meant to be broken" which in itself, is an absurd statement. Some people define...

Monday. Fresh Start Day. No More Coasting.
Some people hate Mondays. Ok... many people hate Mondays. There is even a great song about it that I happen to love. People do however seem to like January 1st, whether it falls on a Monday or not. Everyone starts talking about the new year as a fresh start, and many...