I did a lot of videos a lot of photography and a lot of fun stuff today. Some of it is even productive. This message exchange was from another sex hookup bott, but I didn't know it at first because it had a lot of cool posts. Somebody else's pictures I figured out later. They're from Snapchat...
Not allowed to talk about it
General Blog Messages | blog, feeding time, general, messages, pests, talk
I'm not supposed to use the word rats out loud in the backyard or in my blog. We don't talk about it. But I do see them. And one just ran by my feet just now which is the closest interaction I've had. At least they don't go for my ankles like ferrets do. I hate ferrets.

I tried something new today
General Blog Messages | blog, food, general, messages, shared, something, today
Technically, I'm trying it right now. I bought some Walmart house brand fruit filled Apple cinnamon doesn't have a name beyond that made with real fruit wow ingredients apple and 40 other things. [video...

War stories
General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding, general, messages, read, rooster, shared, stories
Since I don't have children, it follows that I don't have grandchildren so I won't sit around when I'm old telling my war stories to anyone who will listen. That's what blogs are for. No one has to listen, and in fact no one is really reading this continuing saga but...

Internal Dialogue of my brain
Drug Posts, General Blog Messages | addiction, blog, blowing clouds, brain, draft, drug, general, messages, meth, posts, quitting, read
3am. You seem anxious. We'll, I heard a rumour you were going to not use meth today. Let me make a case against that. (Falls back asleep) 4:00am Ok, so I'm assuming that nonsense about quitting today is behind us. Can you tell me if we'll start right at 5am when he...

I guess the war is over.
General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding time, general, guess, messages, over, read, rooster, shared
I'm not saying that the rooster trusts me now or that we have any kind of relationship but it does seem as though he's less confrontational now. He's finally figured out I'm the one that's feeding him and the battle isn't worth it. I think it's been 3 days where...

The pig’s meal
General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding time, general, messages, read, the pig
The pig eats quite well. This stew is not for the humans of the house. It is put together in a huge pot that lasts about a week as I scoop out a portion each night and it gets combined with four handfuls of official pig grain for a delicious tasty meal every night....

Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast, lunch
General Blog Messages | blog, breakfast, general, lunch, messages, shared
This was an experiment of the new feature called story post that I don’t think I’ll be using again

It shat on my hat.
General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding time, general, hat., messages, read, rooster, shared
I was in my room the other day making videos as I am want to do and I realized I couldn't find my orange hat. In Canada we call them toques and I'm not sure I know how to spell it. In the states like thank you call them beanies but essentially they're just winter hats...

Summer Falls by the Falls
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding time, general, messages, read, rooster, shared
I had a fall this morning. It was scary shit for a short while because it was a multi-stage fall knocking over various things as I tried to save myself on the way down. I don't remember what started it. Things like happen unexpectedly and you're not concerned about...

Am I boring you with my evil rooster stories?
General Blog Messages | bad voice to text, blog, draft, evil, feeding time, general, Google Voice Keyboard, messages, read, rooster, shared, stories, with.
Warning. This blog was voice transcribed from the bathroom after feeding but I don't have my teeth in so I noticed a lot of errors. I should probably go and edit it manually but I'm pretty sure I won't. Not much has changed over the past while. The rooster still tries...

Monday morning dog surprise
General Blog Messages | blog, dogs, draft, general, messages, Monday, morning, read, rooster, secrets, shared, surprise.
Today was a special Monday, or at least it is supposed to be. It is the day I planned to finally throw out the secret garbage I've been keeping in my room for far too long. I call it secret garbage because I wouldn't want to throw it out using the normal procedure...

More chicken shit to deal with.
General Blog Messages | blog, chicken, draft, feeding time, general, messages, more, read, rooster, shared, shit, with.
So the rooster has figured out this none shall pass power that he has When he standing where I need to be and I can't get by. We waited out As I inch and inch. Gaining ground until such time as I can squeeze past while maintaining eye contact at all times. He tries to...

General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding time, general, messages, read, rooster, shared
Today's adventures with the rooster involve them hanging out by the door. I don't like this. They want to be fed earlier and I'm already feeding them an hour earlier than I was last week. Unfortunately today I just discovered that my defense of stick and both the...

Experiments in Crossposting
General Blog Messages | blog, crossposting, draft, experiments, general, messages, not, read, Wordpress
Recently I started blogging a lot more about life and my simple day job feeding the backyard farm animals. Not mentioning my meth habit. I've always been a little internally proud of my writing style even if half the time I lose interest in the middle and quit early....

Rooster Friday
General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding time, friday, general, messages, not, read, rooster, shared
Not much to report him the human versus rooster wars today. Ever since our epic battle he seems to understand that I need to get to the food area to feed them and today he let me walk by him back towards the house. He still feels a little uneasy eating if I'm in view...

SmackDown Day
General Blog Messages | blog, draft, feeding time, general, messages, not, read, rooster, shared
Today's Rooster adventures were a little different. Due to some sleep issues I'm working out, I slept in and didn't get downstairs till 745 instead of my usual 720/730ish I used to start even earlier but decided the neighborhood probably benefitted from the extra 30...

Best laid plans vs Chicken logic
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages | best, blog, chicken, commentary, draft, feeding time, general, logic, messages, opinion, Orangejeff420, plans, read, rooster, shared
When I can out the door for the afternoon feed, the weak chickens that linger in different circles are always first to detect me, and the waddle towards me. Over the past couple of days I've tried to death feed them their own portion before the rooster and his harem...

Mojo and Me
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages | blog, commentary, draft, feeding time, general, messages, opinion, Orangejeff420, read, rooster, shared
I learned the name of the rooster's mojo but I prefer calling it the rooster anyway because calling it by its name implies some form of relationship. I suppose in a way we do have an adversarial relationship he wants to attack me and I want to avoid being attacked. He...

Am I the same person
General Blog Messages, Personal Journey, Second Life | blog, brain, change, draft, general, journey, life, Live, Live Brain Transcript, messages, personal, read, same, Second Life, transcript
People say drugs change you. Your whole personality changes because of addiction. I understand that statement, and a self evaluation is hard, but I can certainly think about a few ways I've changed. I can imagine my close friends might notice even more changes. I had...

I do pretty good at not regretting
Drug Posts, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, draft, drug, general, good, life, messages, meth, posts, read, Second Life
I have formed my belief that I live very much in the now. I am paying attention to my surroundings and being self aware. When I do something .. anything really, the thought has been vetted. I have thought up the consequences in so many ways. I understand now how...

A bad thing for a good reason.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Orange Jeff Show, Pause & Blog, Personal Journey, Second Life, Work Related Posts | blog, brain, Business Idea, church, community, draft, general, Genius, good, income, jeff, journey, life, Live, Live Brain Transcript, messages, orange, Orangejeff420, pause, personal, read, Second Life, show, thing, transcript, vanilla, work
I'm not sorry. I do not regret today's desision... But of course, I'd say that now, still under the influence of a euphoria I previous denied. I am euphoric and creative and excited. I have been writing all night. My normal behaviour was to take some MDMA and try to...

37 seconds in. Pausenblog. A made up word that has a feel to it
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, pausenblog, Second Life, seconds, that
37 seconds later, I drifted to qyesy, saw a zeppelin and smiled. The story I want to share is huge, but I don't mind takinmg 54 myuears to tell it. ding memory: Always play a sport with somebody who plays better than you Jeff, or you can't learn an improve. ding....

The 419 Loop
Drug Posts, General Blog Messages, Personal Journey, Second Life | blog, brain, draft, drug, general, journey, life, Live, Live Brain Transcript, loop, messages, Mom, My Universe, personal, posts, read, Second Life, The Loop, transcript
My mind fluctuates between happiness and terror now that I'm blogging in a Universe that I recently shared with people I know. It's always been much scarier sharing with people I know. It's one thing to read about a person's troubles on screen, and form your version...

Look, an idea out of my left back pocket.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | back, blog, general, idea, left, life, look, messages, pocket, Second Life
yres? [00:53] Frogstar42 Loup: I have a new idea. [00:54] Frogstar42 Loup: Big Brother Home Game. I'll wear an anckle bracelet and le live streaming on the Internet 24/8 simulcast with ME, the real Jeff. [00:54] Frogstar42 Loup: I have 4 webcams on me 24/7. [00:54]...

The new daily.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, daily, general, life, messages, Second Life
I am a loyal man, for the simople reason I adapt to my now, and prefer never to change. I want to date. I can pretty much decide if I'm compatile with somebody in a very short time. When I clcik instead of clash #clickorclash I'm gentle and caring and absolutly no...

The nose whistler whistler.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, nose, Second Life, whistler
rediet has treat me like im five, which i chuckle at and enjoy, but a treat me like im old is a slightly different humour... because were probably more self aware ifn what we lost than our baby self was self aware of how amazing it was to figure out how everything...

We’ll catch the next one
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, catch, general, life, messages, next, Second Life
I opened the blogging portion just now, knowing full well that I'd already forgotten the thought that was important enought to write.... because it could be 20 years before I have gained enough fame to have a fan find these, review them and then start a business and...

Look, an idea out of my left back pocket.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | back, blog, general, idea, left, life, look, messages, pocket, Second Life
yres? [00:53] Frogstar42 Loup: I have a new idea. [00:54] Frogstar42 Loup: Big Brother Home Game. I'll wear an anckle bracelet and le live streaming on the Internet 24/8 simulcast with ME, the real Jeff. [00:54] Frogstar42 Loup: I have 4 webcams on me 24/7. [00:54]...

And he was chanting; “Oh why did I think about not forgetting?” Fuck, are you kiddinge me?
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, fuck, general, life, messages, Second Life, think
Its so weird I can almost forget the awesome orgasm I... did I? If I don't confirm anything my shrodingers cum puddle is not in my orange cum wrag... and it is. We'll find out after these ... wtf? Oh, the tablet isn't pluggged in and it had video on pause. It's gonna...

Thi is my life now, until this is.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, NOW, Second Life, this, until
I laugh as I start to write. The piece is to start as a cometary that I am not only enjoying the improved perception of progress, from my bed... The King's home row and my computer...one symbolic row to my right. I leave this chess board. ding. Realization connection...

business idea.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, business, general, idea, life, messages, Second Life
an internet show hosted by richard christie and i ding hosted by me with guest anchor guest bing. word origin connetion. a lightbulb turned on and I saw e the thought apper in my universe biz. A show hosted by Orange Jeff who starts the show every day at 7 ding. THere...

What do you want m to tell you. This one didn’t have a title.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, didn’t, general, have, life, messages, Second Life, tell, this, title, want, what, you
Talking to myself in text to another person who isn't there to listen but will come in and catch up every so often. In the Second Life universe, one can carry on several different storylines and be chatting with multiple partners, clients, dealers and lovers all at...

ACt Two. It’s really worth finding act one.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, finding, general, it’s, life, messages, one., really, Second Life, two., worth
I grab a handful of Hershies kises from my salad bowl. I have admired that Hersheys kisses may be cute and addictive but I admire their shape because I bleieve it is engeniered to allow for a specific maximum per grab. I walk away with a serving size of chocolate. If...

I actually said these things
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | actually, blog, general, life, messages, said, Second Life, these, things
I've been happier than my norm of late, and I can blame the drugs if I choose, but the condition has made me write, blog and share more. These are some of the things I actually typed to people when I felt cheerful, not high... but was probably high. The setup. Second...

Done. Five strong brownie in one evening and I hardly show signs of intoxication.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life, show, signs
I am a threshold stoner. My first does sets the bar and it fades down as time passes. It doesn't go back up, nor matter how muh I try, after the first hour, drugs are immu... I seem immune to drugs taking me higher. There ae exceptions, as with the Ketamine holesI've...

My secret blog is cursed and my universe advances me to the next level.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, next, Second Life, secret, universe
I have moved to using the Jetpack web site at Wordpress.com to write, rather tah the Wordpress of my web site directly. It is a trial NOW that I try, in search on a better NOW. The answer to life, the universe and everything truly is ASACI ASTERISK. $42. Anything and...

The nose whistler whistler.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, nose, Second Life, whistler
rediet has treat me like im five, which i chuckle at and enjoy, but a treat me like im old is a slightly different humour... because were probably more self aware ifn what we lost than our baby self was self aware of how amazing it was to figure out how everything...

My Drug Dealer Might be Placebo
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, dealer, drug, general, life, messages, might, placebo, Second Life
There is a movie, Formula 44. I am about to spoil it for you, which is a shame because it's really worth watching. However, if you're an intelegent person, you probably figured it out from the title of this blog. Good for you. Sorry I spoiled it. In the movie, a new...

First Pausenblog of November.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, first, general, life, messages, november, pausenblog, Second Life
A lot has happened in my life, and I suppose I chose to return to drugs. Visually I was able to see this time, how disruptive it is to my happy sober Monday to Saturday life. I have also returned to my alternate Universe where I get to be a whole new person, and...

Rapid Fire ideas
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, fire, general, ideas, life, messages, rapid, Second Life
I've thought about these ideas at one time or another. Conversation starter cards to have in bars. Social Media specific to a local bar Sent Me Up. A dating service 100% done by a close friend. Second Life is going to be replaced, and sex might become mainstream....

Things I didn’t blog
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, didn’t, general, life, messages, Second Life, things
Every so often I hear a ping...or in this case, I heard a whistle that my body interpreted as the death beep. I hear many noises from my bed at 4am. I can mentally scan and pick some out. I remember the handsome blond Duke brother had to teach Smallvilles Clark Kent....

I foresee possible futures and the bad stories effected more than just me.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, just, life, messages, more, Second Life, stories
When I heard two voices outside my window at night, I created their story in my head, and these were scary people that tracked me down from the webcams that have my address and telephone number. I so much want to do the webcams but there are too many people who choose...

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life, Second Life
Second Life looks different when you send your drone up into the air to take really wide angle pics.

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
I’ve met some nice whores in Second life, and they trade sex for drugs. This woman was not one of them. She seemed surprised when I decided to bail. I did steal an extra cup cake before I vanished.

Punchline it forward
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, forward, general, life, messages, Second Life
The last thing I do when I've just written a post like that is click publish or update and view it. That is often the first tiume I see the post title since I wroye it. I chuckle inside at the realization that I didnt even tell the story about not talking about porn....

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
r2–d2: Treehouse Point by (Alex Levine Photography) I don’tn’t have one in real life, but my Second Life avatar does.

Last Friday Night
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, friday, general, last, life, messages, night, Second Life, Second Life
I was going to start with the connection to the title of both this post, and a Katy Perry video. I have more memory of it than any other Katy video because it was a modern retelling of the core bible story, pretty girls get to go to the ball. I don't think I started...

Alone in the pause between your words.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | alone, between, blog, general, life, messages, pause, Second Life, words
The Reaization Lightbulbs Bumper sticker therapy A new universe is created with my first fan. The moment of confirmation. In that instant, my stories are out. My negative voice has come back. I lose my place, my thought and my joy. I take a hypnosis break. In Second...

Orange Jeff’s Turn.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, jeff’s, life, messages, orange, Second Life
I don't want to be dismissed as crazy, even when I do things that might be considered crazy. I am writing a second blog, a mere 2 minutes or less after ending the previous one, but that was Jeff, and this is supposedly written by Orange Jeff. It's going to be obvious...

Topic #16.. No, 17, no.. umm
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
I made the desion to write tonight. I have been neglecting it because I had some realizations come about and I was more self concious. I am actually progressing.. or at least coming closer than I have before. I may actually move forward this year. I feel the need to...

The Monday Report
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Monday, report, Second Life
It should come as no surpri-- I stop myself, because that is starting off on the negative assumption that I would fail. I did fail, but I should not have assumed it before the fact, because that kind of thinkiing is what allows failures to seem less severe. Past...

Post Birthday Depression syndrome.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | birthday, blog, depression, general, life, messages, post, Second Life
Ding. Right out of the gate, whoosh. The Zamboni of my mind is clearing the ice. What... Ding. Surprise check and I remember, but the guilt in my mind of ... There was a lot going on in my mind, but the closer I get to a reality the the more I tried to be more...

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, OrangeJeff, Second Life, Second Life, weed
Checking out the dispensary in my Second Life neighbourhood.

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, orange, Second Life, Second Life
Testing and setting up for my Second Life video blog.

Today I am Guilligan
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life, today
That looks wrong. I always had problem with some things more than others. There were three words I could not pronounce because it took more than two tried and Ok. My level of high is Pause In the past, I have had a sudden spontaneous breakthrough and the...

Virtual World Phone Sex – Guide To The Second Life Femdom Mistresses
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Orangejeff420, phone, Second Life, virtual, world
Virtual World Phone Sex - Guide To The Second Life Femdom Mistressessensualdommebrighton: I highly recommend virtual phone sex to anyone who doesn’t get regular real-world sex… or even those who do. I love getting high as fuck and living in a fake universe.

General Blog Messages, Second Life | avatar, blog, general, life, messages, meth, Second Life, Second Life, secondlife, THC, weed
Enough sleeping in the Alternate Universe. I’m high as fuck, it’s 11pm - let’s wake up and live my Second Life… I’ve got all the fictional drugs in this universe.

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
Spent the day deleting all my old used drugs in Second Life. Accidentally deleted a few good items but that’s to be expected when you’re high.

Dear Diary
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, dear, diary, general, life, messages, Second Life
I think I'd like to read some of my early writings that are in my memory chest. I probably won't alone though. I had an offer from a young friend I abandoned because I got scared. She was homeless and really loved Ketamine. I also feared she was 18 or 19. Not the 23...

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
A little toke and coke in my alternate universe. Second Life drugs can be quite fun, and I love being the guy who has them all.

Oh shit, I totally forgot about the paranoia
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, forgot, general, life, messages, Second Life, shit
I have been denying personality change as a side effect but just now, as I was contemplating the case the police are creating around me. First I realized I was too freely talking about my use of the dark web for drugs in public. I never offered to sell or supply but I...

Is it passive or aggressive?
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
In second Life, avatars have one super power that doesn't exist in real life. The ability to allow people to see your thoughts in a unique textual way that breaks barriers. In first life I write a blog after a date that I know she reads. It's genius. Or crazy. I need...

Wow realization.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
Lightbulb moment. The closer you get to death, the more your life may present itself to you for review. Tonight, just now it occurred to me I have been writing this entire thing as a suicide note, to be continued. I am lucky, because if I ever start to consider death...

Just one line
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, just, life, messages, Second Life
I struggled. I can't trust that I'm not actually crazy now. I always suspected my mother went freely into her madness just to run away from the responsibility of his care. A spoiled humiliated frustrated proud man #prideworthy lose his place. To lose his abilities to...

No coke, Pepsi. Cheeseburger, cheeseburger
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, Coke, general, life, messages, pepsi, Second Life
It's probably not worth making a specific date as to when I did come again. I'm not sure but it might be related to the moon. I do believe I should abandon that joke. The story so far As I am known to do, when people come into my second life universe from a group I...

It’ll last all weekend
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, last, life, messages, Second Life, weekend
1030pm. Room mate probably not quite asleep and advise lay in bed, obcessing about how I screwed up and abandoned a really nice woman kind of mid date, twice in as many days. I smoked a few dabs and just as we were about to venture off on a Wednesday night adventure,...

General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
My virtual chill spot in the Second Life universe.

Typing to yourself.
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life, typing, yourself
Tonight's live transcript may go in different directions. I can't predict. I'm going to say right off that I am high on things you would not approve of. --sorry, a pause created by me realizing I'm high and sitting at my work desk, so I opened up Second Life...

General Blog Messages, Second Life, Video | blog, general, life, messages, Second Life
I took acid and I’ll be up all night trying to teach and learn in Second Life.

Imagine This
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, imagine, life, messages, Second Life, this
Imagine Sansar is - as I understad it, supposed to be better for creating stand alone experiences. Imagine in the future, Second Life exists, but we can take our avatar with us in "The Orange" and plug it into any store or business anywhere in the world....

A project. I picked one. A goal
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, general, life, messages, one., project, Second Life
I want to create a Show. It may or may not be Orange Jeff but I like we can joke about not joking about Morning OJ as a show Title. He could play The Michael Strayhan role. I think a small number of people could put it together but in the mean time, I want to go live...