There are some things in life we lie to ourselves about. The word maybe is an indicator. When most people say maybe, they already have the choice made up. Maybe is used to let somebody else down easy without committing to yes or no, but it probably means no. As a kid, eventually we learn that maybe we can go to Disneyland really means no. We lie to ourselves too, pretending there is a...
Drug Posts
These blogs contain conversations related to drugs and drug use. In many cases, the blogs were written while high on various recreational substances. I warn that not all of these entries make sense, and they have not been proof-read.
Paying attention, or trying to
blowing clouds, cult, ignorant bliss, meth, trump
Let the world burn. Society is a spectator sport and I’m changing teams. If I can’t beat them, join them. XHail Trump
Morning non-routine
ADHD, drugs Suno, habit, morning routine
I recently learned from a TikTok video that many of the things that I once considered a unique part of my personality are apparently quite common among people with ADHD or autism. One of the things that most interested me was the idea that routines were different for us then the typical human population. I never really thought about this particular aspect of my life but after hearing somebody...
Hidden sadness
A blog post while I contemplate my drug use briefly before using and forgetting.
You don’t look high.
bliss, expectations, high, meth
An opinion about people never looking the way we expect someone who is high should look. They welcome appear high.
The literal ups and downs of blogging
im back up. my blog survived.
Saturday Night Live and then some
high, how high, reflection, SNL
relection on a Saturday night from a Dunday morning perspective.
It’s Pie Time on a Wednesday morning
ADHD, all nighter, Not now, the wall of tomorrow
Posted at 3:14 am. Pie time
Exhale and Repeat
drug song, fame, meth, morning routine, music, Original Music, original song, suno, video
Another original song with lyrics and editing by me and music by I like the idea of this video and I'm sad I will probably not get any fans commenting or even seeing it. I tell myself I do it for myself and that is true. I did enjoy the creative process but I also crave praise and...
It’s crazy but…
addiction, choice, meth, party
Another late night choice. To use, or ot to use there is no question.
Friday 4am.
I still don't understand why Jetpack on the Android sucks so much. I also don't know why I keep giving it a chance instead of using the Kiwi browser on my phone and logging into the real WordPress site. I stayed up and just now, at...
Nobody sings about drugs anymore
AI Generated Content, Highlights, meth, music video, Original Music, suno
An original song by me and AI edited as a long series of mostly bad lip syncing imagery of Piper.
The Thursday Recap – I thought it was Friday.
bliss, happy, meth, positive vibes, the tools
An unusually happy life change for the usually gray depressing month of November.
How others perceive
The line that some people will never cross is different for everyone but the line that people won’t let me cross without dumping me as a friend often surprises me
The high isn’t always the reason
addiction, distraction, drugs, loop, obsession
The obsessive decision loop that happens when I have to choose between sleep or going up for another night of drug induced distraction.
November Blackout blog
all nighter, meth, Not proof read, Up all night
Up all night again not always by choice… At least at first.
Day whatever. Still clouding
quick. blog during the 5 minute rush from melting a brown spot on the side of my bong. one cloud to go.
Staying up for SNL
Pre SNL show.
The end of the Orange Month
dentures, drug stories, halloween, hospital
I hear the "Just for Laughs" character in my head saying, "It's over." For years, it played at the end of almost every Just for Laughs comedy special, and I even used the sound once or twice in my videos. It would be something Canadians probably remember, but not many outside Canada. It's interesting to think things like that will be harder for future generations. We were surprised when our...
Enjoying the sunset for a change
Post lumberjack duties
Spun Monday
life, meth, Monday, mood, Neurodivergent, neurotypical
A Monday morning refection and review. I just realized I don’t really know what status quo means
30 bars of Walmart Cvocolate
I just borrowed the car and drove into town just to spend the last of my cash on chocolate.the last two times I tried, they were out of my brand. They're on a sale price and it's almost Halloween so I didn't know if I'd get lucky or not. Starting my mornings with 100 grams of cheap Swiss milk chocolate elevates my mood more than you might expect. My ADHD doesn't enjoy the effects of coffee but...
Blogging by proxi
AI, AI Generated Content, augmentation, avatars, deepfake, fake
Two blogs in one. The video blog, followed by a commentary on the process of using Lipsync with digitally altered or created faces
Post Birthday Blues
annoying, homeless, life, stress
I'm doing ok. I finally had the nerve to ask about my drug use and the fact that everyone in the house is aware I use drugs. I'm not certain they understand it's meth but it's not vital since they seem somewhat accepting of it regardless. I'm a little concerned it may have been one straw in the acceptance of annoyances the man can handle. The married couple I live with are amazingly...
The hitchhiker’s guide: meth
hitchikers guide propaganda, meth, opinion
A little while ago I created it an AI chatbot that answered questions as if it was the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. Occasionally I will open it up and ask it to describe certain things and then I will ask it about those things on other planets like are there other planets with chickens or things like that. I kind of wanted to have it tell me what the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy says...
Friday. Birthday Eve
birthday, farm life, life, status
I've been far more conscious of how good I have it now that I am living with the security of a home and food. At the exact same time, I am continuously aware of how unfair it is to be in this position of advantage. Basically, I'm costing the couple that has given me this place to call home, a financial burden. I simultaneously love and hate that. I'm also torn between my loneliness and drug use....
Honest and open post on my drug use.
An unfinished blog about merging all my blogs into one.
I offer my service to train ai
AI doesn’t know how to snort or smoke.
Oops. Another “late” Sunday
all night, meth, obsession, si Lipsync
another sll night play atound with AI sessions
Not wasted being wasted
When I lay in bed all night awake, I consider that wasted time but when I actually do stuff all night wasted, it's productive. Although things didn't get done, I had fun and educated myself on new tools and AI image generators, video generators and more realistic lip syncing software. This week I got three of the four cheap Chinese webcams working and managed to get apps that would Lipsync my AI...
The Drug Archive
Tumblr used to be where I posted most of my drug videos. These included memes, music videos and a lot of drug use on camera. Then one day they deleted everything without warning or explanation, so I'm building up my collection here. This is currently a gigantic unsorted collection going back years. [gallery type='google' view='photos'...
A good story trumps reality
A first things when I woke up morning blog about Politics and Religion and how the best story and best storytellers often win. A story can trump reality.
Nice Dreams. What day is it?
cats, HHGTTG, interaction, memory, morning routine, My Universe, quote, rerun
A journal entry that takes a deeper meaning of life turn after I wake up and smell the clouds.
Mid week morning
bad drugs, boredom, motivation, routine, wall of tomorrow
A rather generic update on an uneventful week where I acknowledge but ignore my problems and continue existing with minimum effort.
A Monday Morning
dream universe, morning routine
A nice dream at that Vegas Hotel for an unspecified annual convention.
Choosing guilt over labour
avoidance, effort, guilt, Labour
My morning mood and cautious humour
Silence beats conflict
Admissions, decisions, depression, drugs, masking
First car ride with my sister since I found out her husband wasn’t surprised by my drug use.
Dream Reruns
chocolate, dream universe, morning routine, t shirts
A good morning with some realizations to make it a better day. Don’t talk to me before I e snorted my morning meth
The ups and downs
happiness, meth, mood, paranoia
Review of my day on meth
I can’t find my phone
b.o., Lost, meth, morning routine, recipe, stink
I lost my phone and I might blame my new meth
the two sides of my thoughts
Devil's advocate, mental debate, negatively
Describing the sadness. Thanks for mansplaining my mood
Doing the same thing over and over…because you forgot
Today was the day I noticed my position on the loop of drug use. The things I do every few weeks without realizing — until I notice it.
Shocking Awareness
anger, drug use, landlord, meth, secrets
--Original copy I learned a new piece of information yesterday that came as an absolute shock to me and I'm not quite sure how to process it. The revelation was presented to me in the middle of a sentence as if it was common knowledge and had been for a while. It was certainly not common knowledge to...
Wild mornings
friday, I'm out, meth, morning, porn
Yesterday included some extra activities including getting four of the yearling calf daughters into a tiny trailer and a 90 minutes ride to take them to the meat processing ranch, otherwise known as the slaughterhouse. Doug will return at some point in the future with packaged beef. We assume it's our own cow meat although I suppose it could be any. I used an extra days rations and really wasn't...
Waking up. Falling back. Waking up.
CES, Deadpool, dream universe, morning routine, Penn and Teller, Vegas
My multiple wake ups before feeling awake meant multiple cool dreams.
A PLUR based religion
church, community, peace, religion, violence
A spontaneous blog post that turned into a bit of a rant against our current society and how we are taught hate by the organizations that claim to be kind and forgiving.
I can’t decide: Sad or Worried
I need another one of my silly errors today. The kind that could be blamed on ADHD but that doesn't take any of the guilt away because I still did it and it still part of a routine that shouldn't happen. It's the second time it's happened that I'm aware of but the first time it's happened with consequences and I still can't comprehend how I managed to not close the upper chicken coop door and...
Monday Meth Music Movie
Another nice meth mini movie
Addiction Leverage
The idea of getting found out as a drug user living in a house owned by non-drug users is a constant fear. It's not so bad where I live now and my sister is currently aware although probably not fully aware of the amount of meth i smoke on a daily basis. I don't know how much her husband knows if he's aware of anything. I have almost no shame in the knowledge that my sister's addiction to...
I think I don’t remember
I haven't been blogging as much the past few weeks and I haven't really noticed it or thought about it much. It was my intention to keep it up and do it daily but not much is happening in my life these days. From start to finish, it's pretty much the same day repeated. Not quite light Groundhog Day, because my radio doesn't turn on and play Sonny and Cher at 7:30. I am making videos everyday...
I was on a break
My daily blogs have not been daily.
Insightful Chat I saved one day
[2020-01-31 4:38 a.m.] Brie: [2020-01-31 4:39 a.m.] Orange Jeff: thanks... although one pic? ha ha... you need a driver buddy for adventures. [2020-01-31 4:39 a.m.] Orange Jeff: and pics [2020-01-31 4:40 a.m.] Brie: I just started 🙂 [2020-01-31 4:40 a.m.] Orange Jeff: I know. I was teasing. sorry if it came across as rude. [2020-01-31 4:40 a.m.] Brie:...
As of 8am, it’s a great Monday
I slept well and woke up and refreshed chemically. Did some good web design yesterday, had some good corn to eat and I'm ready for the day. I accidentally washed all my laundry yesterday without using any soap and they appear pretty much identical to if I had. Interesting. It reminds me of when my dentist used to say didn't matter if I used toothpaste or not. The brushing was the important...
My day spent
Well it's 10:30 and I am appropriately tired. The last couple of days I haven't gotten to sleep till 1:00 a.m. but maybe that will be different tonight. It will certainly be different over the next few days since tomorrow morning I will use the last of my magical crystals. Possibly the last boofing of my bong water as well so I expect to be a little more tired than usual very soon....
Officially a grumpy old man
Breathing new life yet again
dirty pipe, last day, meth, Oil, ration
Another day, another morning hit. Like the Jewish story of making 1 days worth of oil to last 8 days. Happy Hanukkah.
The last has been postponed
addiction, chocolate, choice, morning routine
A morning blog and video about the last day and the last teeny bit left before cold turkey. Just like a high school essay, I got another extension.
Thursday. Desperate scrounging
acid, crack, daily, memories, rave
A quick morning memory trip back to my earlier days as a user
6am Monday. Deep Dream Refectionn
cows, deep, dream universe, meth, mood, morning routine
A first thing in the morning review of my Mo day dreams without a bunch of drugs clouding my reality.
A good cry for no reason
cookies, cry, meth, morning routine, sad
A generally positive blog following spontaneous sadness from the night before.
Found a day late landscape video blog
A video dialry I don’t remember anything about.
Landscape video blog not found
blog, daily, dream universe, morning
Wild dreams and sleepy mornings.
Minimal rations Thursday
I woke up a little bit more tired than usual and used the last chunk so I could find various containers to get a little bit of a morning wake up. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I checked my emails and my socials and made a few Snapchat scenes I could use for cow counting videos in the future. Had some water, took my pills, went to the bathroom. It's time to start my day and go count...
It’s about time to say it’s about time
addiction, daily, I'm out, justify, last day
A rerun of the kind of blog I post every time I’m on my last days of my drug supply.
club frogstar
Video promotion for the new community website.
The cat alarm
My morning started with purrs and pizza today. Big smiles.
Camel weather day.
A hot summer night where I distract myself away from negative thoughts by thinking about the negative thoughts of the world instead of just me.
I’m not perfect for the photoshoot
A long winded high as fuck blog post on 60mg of edibles.
The Meth World Bowl
Ideas for a meth competition. Probably in poor taste.
Old person pain
Blog about my new pain. I whine too much
I love remembering wild dreams.
Thoughts about my dream and my morning wake up. Actually thoughts about my dream that was about my morning wake up.
Midweek update
A full blog of comments opinions and a recap of my good day.