A little while ago I created it an AI chatbot that answered questions as if it was the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. Occasionally I will open it up and ask it to describe certain things and then I will ask it about those things on other planets like are there other planets with chickens or...
Quality rant / opinions on Meth’s Reputation
A good blog video that turns into a 10 minute monologue about the reputation of meth amphetamine and how propaganda shapes opinions and possibly scares away people from trying it.

The Important Friday.
It turns out we do thank God it's Friday. Old English Frīgedæg ‘day of Frigga’, named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love; translation of late Latin Veneris dies ‘day of Venus’, Frigga being equated with the...

Rapid Fire ideas
I've thought about these ideas at one time or another. Conversation starter cards to have in bars. Social Media specific to a local bar Set Me Up. A dating service 100% done by a close friend. Second Life is going to be replaced, and sex might become mainstream....

Orange Jeff Sticky
Hello. My name is Jeff. I like Orange. I'm currently quite high. I'd like to tell you my story. I am a 53 year old simgle, never married, great best friend. I am social, and confident in myself in some ways, but only newly. I know I am a great person. I've worked hard...