An original song by me and AI edited as a long series of mostly bad lip syncing imagery of Piper.
music video
Weekend music video
Drug Posts | meth, music video, original content, suno
A meth music mini movie set to original song and lyrics by me and Suno AI.
My first official music release
General Blog Messages, Orange Jeff Show | AI Generated Content, Lazy, music, music video, original content, Original Music, suno
My latest music video and first music public release into the mainstream market.
Totally confused
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | daily, music video, original content, Original Music, suno
A suno music video created today while I was mixing up Wednesday and Thursday as I often do these days.
Lost in time
Farm Posts, Orange Jeff Show, Video | AI Generated Content, farm life, music video, sunday, suno, time
A base music song created because I thought it was Monday… or is it? I honestly don’t know right now.
Sunday Meth Mashup Premier
Club Frogstar, Daily Drug Journal, Video | meth, Monday, music video, suno, Up all night
Monday premier of my newest music video with a song I’ve already used once, but I like it.
My Mini Meth Music Movie Matinee
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | meth talk, music video, sunday
Another Sunday matinee mini meth movie musical with the help of AI
One hit repeated
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, filters, music video
This music video edited from clips of mine over the past month (March/April 2024) and set to an original tune music, vocals and lyrics by AI with my guidance.
It’s Friday – I was surprised
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, General Blog Messages, Video | compilation, daily, friday, meth music video, music video, pizza
Friday daily obligation journal plus a musical compilation video of clips from Friday morning.
lost in the Haze
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | AI, blowing clouds, filters, meth, music video
Saturday edition of Music video Lost in the Haze about my sadness that Meth music videos are not a mainstream topic I can openly share. written by AI to my specifications. I...
Saturday Mini Meth Music Masterpiece on 4/20
Drug Posts, Video | crackhead, filters, meth, music video
Another music video edited by me from todays meth hits.
New Original Music Video
Daily Drug Journal, Drug Posts, Video | #prideworthy, AI, meth music video, music video, original content, shame
A new original music video edited by me with old clips and original music and lyrics assisted by AI. I’m quite proud of how it turned out ironically it’s about not being able to be proud about these kinds of videos because of their content. It’s very personal to me.
Bad Hair Day
Drug Posts, Video | meth, music video, orange
Two videos created today. Neither is especially good but I do try to create videos with some variety so I can’t expect everyone to be a winner.
Don’t Call me a Crackhead (Original Music Video)
Drug Posts, Video | AI, crack, crackhead, music video, original content, tina
Even though this video wasn't technically written by me, I'm very proud of it because it was my idea and guidance that I co-wrote with the kickass awesome and free AI song creation too. It created the lyrics, aND i ADJUSTED THEM A COUPLE OF TIMES. iT CREATED THE MUSIC...
My Thursday Overnight Project
Drug Posts, Video | #prideworthy, meth, music video
The newest music video taking elements from Snapchat, CapCut, Light cut and Filmora. Almost four hours of work, which seems like way too much work but when you...
The TV screen video
Drug Posts, Video | meth, music video, TV
My latest video which is dominantly showcasing the ancient technology of the 1900s. A pile of old perhaps discarded TVs.
Sometimes I’m proud
Drug Posts, Video | meth, music video
Every now and then I create one I actually feel proud about. Not proud enough to share in public loc, but still…
Dance to the beat
Drug Posts, Video | meth, music video
Mini Meth music movie
Thursday Binge
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, music video
Two meth movie memes I made this weeek.
Thursday 5pm Meth Mashup
Drug Posts, Video | meth, music video
Not every day, but most days. Meth, music, mashup
Saturday’s Effort
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, meth, music video
I really liked this mini meth music masterpiece. A short and sweet summary of the day
Mini Movie Madness
Drug Posts, Video | meme, meth, movie, music video
On Christmas day, I did the same basic things I do on a normal day. I get high and make videos,
Quickie Prefab Video
Drug Posts, Video | meme, meth, music video, splash
I had a little bit too much fun yesterday making lots of videos. in this case, I didn’t do much except press her preset button and add the media. Technology is advancing so fast
Drug Splash Video
Drug Posts, Video | meth, meth meme, music video
I'm not sure why that this video is editable in any way or if it was just an automatic template that I gave eight photos to and it created that. It's...
One Minute Meth Medley Music Meme
Drug Posts, Video | meth, music video, video
Meth Music Minute
Drug Posts, Video | meth, music video, video
Beats and Blowing
Drug Posts, Video | blowing clouds, fun, meth, music video
This was one of the first music videos I made. As the software got better, so did I.
Inhale again
Meth Music Video
Drug Posts | meth, music video, rave, tina
My Music Video
Drug Posts | meth, music video
This was my first attempt.