Orange Shirt Blogs
The start bark.
It’s 6:08am and I made a very quiet snap as I closed my bedside wYet bottle after my morning pill. Coincidence or not, it triggered the chain reaction that would begin the morning routine. A light rustling of the metal

The start bark.

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It’s 6:08am and I made a very quiet snap as I closed my bedside wYet bottle after my morning pill. Coincidence or not, it triggered the chain reaction that would begin the morning routine. A light rustling of the metal cage one floor directly above my head.

There was no stopping it now. The first bark. Then a second. In the distance, the chain of events jumped to include the first bark from the garage. Within a minute, most dogs had joined in alerting the house morning had commenced.

The domestic canine roster equivalent had awoken the home. Happy Thursday. Now wake up and bring us our breakfast.

I sit up in bed, reach for my bedside box of girl guide cookies, grab 3 and begin this blog. my morning routine is flexible. I change it up nearly every day, but it is always, without change, triggered by the first click, or snap or sneeze. The dogs rule the early morning.

I am up. Bring on the day.