And now for some advice for those people who send messages to strangers online and just say hey or Hello. STOP IT. Don't send one word messages to strangers hoping to find a new friend or chat partner. One word Messages from strangers will always be suspect When a Stranger sends me a one word...
Whisper chat is an interesting idea that started in Canada as a cute way to have an anonymous chat with people both locally and internationally. You type a limited amount of text, similar to the way Twitter started but the software would then use your keywords and...
I have been waiting 4 to 6 weeks already for delivery of my bumper sticker and sweater pin that say; I've been scammed. It has not yet arrived,but my credit card was charged. I paid the extra to get an orange check mark next to my name on Facebook and that has not...
Disclaimer. As of November 14th when I wrote this, Vera Macdonald was alone and thriving on Facebook. The Vera I refer to in this blog is a fake Romanian Vera Macdonald, trying to get me to pay for my winnings. Conversation Information Vera Macdonald WED 4:52 AM...