The farm animals dressed up as each other.
Cows roast chickens
Club Frogstar, Farm Posts, Fiction | AI Generated Content, cartoon, chickens, cow, cows, fun, jokes, roast, show
The second in a series of cows roasting the chickens with bad humor
Chicken roast
Club Frogstar, Farm Posts, Fiction, Filter Fun | AI, AI Generated Content, cartoon, chickens, cows, farm life, Highlights, jokes, roast, The Rooster
An animated story that continues the age old freud between chickens and cows.
What I should do vs what I do
Chats with, Commentary & Opinion, Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | AI, AI Generated Content, chickens, conversation, cows, gpt, language life, lasers, science
A conversation as varied as they get between myself and a chat GPT conversational bot.
Meme Generation
Farm Posts, Filter Fun, General Blog Messages, Work Related Posts | AI Generated Content, chickens, cows, experimenting, meme
A few silly farm memes I was trying to get AI to help me with late one Sunday
6am Monday. Deep Dream Refectionn
Daily Drug Journal, Dream Universe | cows, deep, dream universe, meth, mood, morning routine
A first thing in the morning review of my Mo day dreams without a bunch of drugs clouding my reality.
Breakfast separation due to a fence
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | chores, cows, pride
I am out in the pasture at 530am helping a mother cow and her baby navigate the fence that separated them so she can have some milk. Loud moos resolved.
Midweek update
Daily Drug Journal | cows, daily, good day, recap
A full blog of comments opinions and a recap of my good day.
Should I call it anti-productive
Daily Drug Journal, Filter Fun | cows, farm, fun, progress, YouTUbe
I'm not sure that being productive is the same as being busy. Lately I have come in and worked constantly from the moment I finished my meal to 10:30 or later each night. Sometimes I get into the working mood around 4:00 p.m. were whenever I finish with the cows. I...
COW FACTS – Series of 3
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages, Video | cows
Three AI assisted fin info clips about cows
My new business idea. Counting Cows Comedy Tour
Farm Posts, Fiction, General Blog Messages | AI Generated Content, comedy, cows, fiction
In an imaginary universe I could make money getting individuals to help me find the 13 cows that often are difficult to locate. So I used AI to help me with my imagination.
And now, The Cows News
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | AI, AI Generated Content, cows, dreams
Five images generated by AI to use as intro cards when I eventually start making start or edn cards for YouTube like I’ve been saying I should do for weeks.
1st Morning
Drug Posts, Farm Posts | addiction, chores, cows, withdrawal
I woke up 4 minutes before the alarm was to go off and unlike every other day for the past month and a half, I stayed in bed and did not stand up and go take drugs. I said hey to my Google assistant and started the day with the lights on and the radio playing. I...
The lazy farmer
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | chores, cows, efficiency, farm, Lazy
I used the common term lazy even though I understand that I'm not really lazy. Do I though? It's clear that I expend energy trying to save energy. I put a lot of effort into not putting a lot of effort into things. I go out of my way to try and lesson number of steps...
Vegan cows
Farm Posts, Video | cows, humour
I was surprised to learn that I posted this and somebody else was shocked that I would call cows vegan. I didn’t stick around to ask why
My days
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | chores, cows, depression, feeding, naps, wednesday
I've started thinking about my day. A routine of minimal activity between naps. I wake up either slightly before 7:30am or with the alarm at 7:37am. I prefer to wake naturally if I can because I remember my dreams better when they are not interrupted but I have...
Morning chore is a chore
Farm Posts, General Blog Messages | chores, cows, feeding
The cows are cute but feeding them is still a pain. A constant chore
Life loops. Chores
Farm Posts | chores, cows, farm life, routine
I have always seen life as a series of loops. Things that happen over and over that old people see more clearly than young people. The way of the world in a constant repetition starting with day after day, week after week, year after year but also the loops of society...