There is a weird thing that goes on inside my brain when someone close to me does their own tech support instead of asking for my help. Generally speaking it's a disaster if I hear about it. People do their own tech support all the time and I don't hear about it but when I do it means that...
I can't seem to find a perfect on screen keyboard for my phone. Many come close, but they still irritate me at times. I used to use SwiftKey, which was a paid app. This past year I've been using Gboard which is Google's own keyboard app. I occasionally get mad at its...
I've been doing much thinking trying to decide the best format for my blog which includes video segments and type of segments. Today's experiment is actually the Google Voice keyboard. This entire blog with the exception of some minor Corrections was entered was...
I think I hear the sounds of radio talk at my window, which means there is probably an ambulance in my driveway for the second time in as many d... No. I hate the phrase. Let me look. Ding keyboard irritation notice. Paragraph cursers are invisible below the...
First,the conspiracy theory I had. Google doesnt always get my spelling but sometimes I retype 10 times and I think,usually I would click the voice button and say it. Hmmm. I guess Google needs that word in my voice for the digital me. I still have many thoughts and I...