A rant about itself. Frustrated by the very blog I’m writing as I complain.
talking head
Club Frogstar Talking heads description
Club Frogstar, Drug Posts | club frogstar, community, drugs, Promotion, talking head
A video that poorly describes my idea for https://club.frogstar.com
Rejected YouTube page greeting video
General Blog Messages, Video | blog, talking head, YouTUbe
One day I experimented with several types of video formats for my first impression video that would appear on my YouTube home page. This was not the one.
Website Promotion Experiment
Commentary & Opinion, Video | AI, Promotion, talking head
I used to have the dedicated category set aside just for experiments on this blog. Things that I would try and see if they worked out or whether they were of value. This would have been in that category. I went to a website and I played around for a short period of...
One in 50 ideas blogged
Drug Posts, Video | AI, blog, high, monologue, stream of conciousness, talking head
I had a lot of perfect thoughts just now, and with each new realization, I felt a jolt of pleasure like a plinko game. High on edibles. 60mg I remember the rush that accompanies an active brain sparking new ideas or realizations. The joy in the moment one thought is...