Orange Shirt Blogs

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Transit Blog

The blogs in this category were all written during a commute on public transit.

Transit Blog



I'm on the second bus now. Each ride of my daily commute is about an hour and then I change from Toronto transit to Mississauga. This morning, I was out of sync. I took a bit longer walking at the transfer point and missed the first bus so I've been standing here...

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Short walks are scary

Short walks are scary

I get another chance to worry about death every day. In the moments following short walks or stair climbs. The moment when I stop to lean on something for a while and catch up breathing.It's not that I feel I will die right now, but I am aware of my unhealthy diet,...

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The internal yes/no battle

The internal yes/no battle

When I have a task to do, and I can see how many steps are ahead, I debate. I feel tired and want to quit. I don't have to quit.i really need this task, or these shopping items. Today I am out and about on my own with lots of things to buy and get done before I start...

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The train back. Hope.

The train back. Hope.

I broke a rule. I'm only a little afraid. I think I can get out of the $400 file if this go train ride happens to check tickets. On all my ridrs do far, nobody has. However I may have paid for this one twice, just to be sure. I may not have enough for the high fare...

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Midweek Monday

Midweek Monday

It's Wednesday but I'm calling it Monday because I get to go into the city and work my Monday office gig. They declared the real Monday a snow day. It wasn't a bad storm but there was enough accumulation to last a while, and the first snow is always the first for...

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Is this sick?

Is this sick?

Some days I feel like my depression medication isn't working and I'm the way I used to be. Sad. Tired. Unmotivated. Today is another one of those days. It doesn't help that it's raining and grey and cold outside. I am energized by blue sky sunny days but I won't be...

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The Grab I can’t Afford

The Grab I can’t Afford

Sometimes I amaze myself with what I'm willing to do to appease others. In this case, it's as much appeasing myself I suppose. I'm mixing up emotions in my head. This week I happened to acquire $100 in cash. This is money that rightfully should be dedicated to paying...

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February 2025
