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Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

Oh yeah… It’s Friday already

It's not like there is any real significance to weekends when you're at home 24/7. I still honour our cultural traditions and not get high till Friday. But I got high not remembering it was Friday. This week went by fast for me because I have important work, and I've blocked it mentally and put it...

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It’s October now.

It’s October now.

I got distracted on my way to writing this blog because it's 10:35 on the first Saturday of October and it occurs to me that I will probably be up at least another hour and could watch Saturday night live season premiere live for the first time in 2 years at least. That's not significant to my...

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Act Two. It’s really worth finding act one.

Act Two. It’s really worth finding act one.

I grab a handful of Hershies kises from my salad bowl. I have admired that Hersheys kisses may be cute and addictive but I admire their shape because I bleieve it is engeniered to allow for a specific maximum per grab. I walk away with a serving size of chocolate. If...

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