Even though this video wasn't technically written by me, I'm very proud of it because it was my idea and guidance that I co-wrote with the kickass awesome and free AI song creation too. It created the lyrics, aND i ADJUSTED THEM A COUPLE OF TIMES. iT CREATED THE MUSIC AND i MADE THE VIDEO. iT TOOK...
My Stock Reply
I should keep this stock reply on a function key. Hello new follower. I expect you’ll be wanted ti tell me the virtues of your clean strong meth. Let me explain my position on that. I live in Toronto, which is Canada. Toronto is a huge city, bigger than Chicago. Like any big city, finding drugs...

Addicted to addiction…
The worst part, about being a drug addict, is that you know you’re a drug addict. You know, all your excuses are bullshit. You know, when it’s your addiction talking, not you. You know, you’re hurting those around you. You know, you need help. You know, you’re lost....

More and more Lightbulbs
It might be worth considering buddypress isn't the best option for my future project it's certainly has a lot of stuff available but it seems to be a little incompatible with jiffy have to be fair I don't think I need giphy as much as I thought I did it since I don't...

Meth Talk – Random Ramblings
iamalientweaker: methiah: cblmn: the-gentleman-tweaker: Remember kids… Clean your pipe! It’s too easy and takes minutes, plus the shadow people hate when you do it. Easiest way to get it clean. If you just got finished smoking, get yourself… 3 paper towels Kosher salt...

Meth Music Video

Things are methed up
There was a brief time when things looked like they were going to be alright. I was on the prescribed dosage of amphetamine and Paxil and I wasn't depressed. I was confident and doing OK. Today I am not. I still have some of that newly discovered confidence, and I...

Daydreaming about a new job
If I let it, my life may once again have been saved... if I let it. In the final moments, once again the universe provides and my "cram before the exam" way of life pulls out another miracle. I stop to evaluate. I'm still in a state of denial where I believe my...

You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.
I really am too tired tonight. I shouldnt be, but the back problem retrned. I wasnt surprised, since the last time the fall season brought me the back problem, it was also ecstast based... orso was my guilt based self diagnosis. This pst week I'd been popping capsules...

So that’s what addiction is like
5:00pm the next day. FAILED Today was a confusing day. It’s Thursday, and it was to be my first day without Tina. It was, until it wasn’t. Crystal Meth is one of the drugs most people consider “one of the bad ones” The drugs even drug users tell you to say away from....