As of 3:30 this morning, there is a stealth cat loose in my bedroom. It has made falling back to sleep slightly more difficult than usual. Actually, the falling asleep part isn't so hard bit waking up out of my usual sleep cycle routine is the distressing part. The cat makes a slight and time...

Weekend update attempt to
General Blog Messages | attempt, update, weekend
Point form Trying tinder again. I guess women are chooses and men click almost anyone. I really wanted to click on the super hot 25 year olds just... You know, maybe she's fir hire. People like me probably make lots of incorrect assumptions about the 10s of the World....

sorry, update. whoever survives the qyuickening starts withe the head sart th
General Blog Messages | starts, update
pi down up down. pause is a comfort. that reaization goes up before i have to decide wheher im ok with the only option for time evolves to the point where more and more people want to believe so bad that the notion that any one of your ideas might be the...

Age 52: Status Update
General Blog Messages | alone, dating, single, update, vanilla
At age 50, I ran out of places to live. All my friends and room mates had full lives and I found myself out alone for the first time in my life. I could no longer find a basement to live in, or a spare room. I was, for the first time in my life - alone. I found a one...