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I think this is hilarious but

I think this is hilarious but

Im alway a little gun shy to over enjoy things that people around me don't. I am finding what is happening on this soinning earth fascinating. I most enjoy being a spectator of it all, and do that thing i do that those who interact with yiu have to choose. Is jeff too...

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You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.

You don’t stop the mountain climber on the way up.

I really am too tired tonight. I shouldnt be, but the back problem retrned. I wasnt surprised, since the last time the fall season brought me the back problem, it was also ecstast based... orso was my guilt based self diagnosis. This pst week I'd been popping capsules...

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Faking Sleep

Faking Sleep

There is a moment, when you've been laying in bed for a while, resting in the exact same position you do to fall asleep every other night, but on party days, fake sleep is all you're going to get. I can lay there for 5 more hours and fake sleep, occasionally getting...

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