
Could a blog be a show?

Could a blog be a show?

Hello, I'm Orange jeff A Conceptual writer one Trick Pony I don't write for anyone but myself really. No, that's not true. I wrote for myself for decades and it's unsatisfying to never know if I'm a genius, or a fool. You have to share to know. You need a fan. A few...

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Could a blog be a show?

Could a blog be a show?

Hello, I'm Orange jeff A Conceptual writer one Trick Pony I don't write for anyone but myself really. No, that's not true. I wrote for myself for decades and it's unsatisfying to never know if I'm a genius, or a fool. You have to share to know. You need a fan. A few...

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What I wish I could say in my ad

The Little Engine that Could

As with almost all my writings, I type at the speed of thought, and do minimal editing. This is a first draft, written as I thought. Every so often, I set aside time just to think.  Soetimes i8t is planed time, and sometimes it is just the blank between distractions...

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