Orange Shirt Blogs

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Wild mornings

Wild mornings

Yesterday included some extra activities including getting four of the yearling calf daughters into a tiny trailer and a 90 minutes ride to take them to the meat processing ranch, otherwise known as the slaughterhouse. Doug will return at some point in the future with packaged beef. We assume it's...

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Change of plans? No problem

Change of plans? No problem

I've always been adaptable to a change in plans at the last minute. At least I think I have. I know I don't mind postponing or cancelling. It ends my anxiety instantly. I suppose I get upset at the big plans I was looking forward to, but I try to not let change like...

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I choose porn

I choose porn

Last night I had several ideas for good blog entries and I started off with full intention blogging right after I smoked some weed. It is the next day and clearly none of that happened. I smoked weed. In the past that has inspired me to write, but unfortunately I want...

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February 2025
