Yesterday included some extra activities including getting four of the yearling calf daughters into a tiny trailer and a 90 minutes ride to take them to the meat processing ranch, otherwise known as the slaughterhouse. Doug will return at some point in the future with packaged beef. We assume it's...
I've always been adaptable to a change in plans at the last minute. At least I think I have. I know I don't mind postponing or cancelling. It ends my anxiety instantly. I suppose I get upset at the big plans I was looking forward to, but I try to not let change like...
Last night I had several ideas for good blog entries and I started off with full intention blogging right after I smoked some weed. It is the next day and clearly none of that happened. I smoked weed. In the past that has inspired me to write, but unfortunately I want...
So far, he has not replied to my reply: I found your email this morning quite funny since I actually run a webcam 24/7 in my bedroom and anyone can watch me walk around nude, or masturbate. If you send a video to my contacts, you would be doing me a favour. Free...
Another loop before bed. I can quit any time. I promise. I seem to check that back pages site a lot for faces. For escorts that look like they'd speak English and party a bit. I don't call.. but I look 5 times a day when I'm high. It's the Orange Jeff...
If you're a woman, you deal with perverted men as a part of life, and men may never quite understand. If you're a man, you deal with fake chat requests from women almost always somewhere in Africa pretending to be American and seeking a loving husband. This one was...
I'm not really a sexual person, and I'm a little upset about that. It hasn't been that bad really. I only really started thinking about it since I started doing more drugs, and hanging out in Second Life. Pre 50 Jeff was still struggling with the negative voice within...