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A bad thing for a good reason.

A bad thing for a good reason.

I'm not sorry. I do not regret today's desision... But of course, I'd say that now, still under the influence of a euphoria I previous denied. I am euphoric and creative and excited. I have been writing all night. My normal behaviour was to take some MDMA and try to find somebody to help me with...

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Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Frogstar World C (The Orange Window Universe) The First Draft of tis will be amazingly different than the one I share.  I exp[ect it will be good enough to be praised.   ALL YOU NEED TO CHANGHE YOUR UNIVERSE IS ONE FAN TO SHARE IT WITH All you need is one fan to...

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Reframing Frustration.

Reframing Frustration.

One valuable lesson I learned in therapy was reframing. It's the ability to take a situation and look at it from a different perspective.  I've always been skilled at that, as my brain defaults to looking at situations from multiple angles. I just didn't have a name...

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You are not your farts

You are not your farts

As is often the case, I read something, and it inspirers a thought stream in another direction. This morning, I was linked on Facebook to the following article, in reference to a discussion they'd been having online about sharing your life experiences with depression...

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My Cult Prospect

My Cult Prospect

CULTS ARE WHAT CHURCHES CALL NEW CHURCHESIT'S PART OF THE NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNIn the old days, there was one Church, and all was good.And when I say one, I mean, only one any single person knew about.The fat started getting hit when we started to travel, and found a...

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